The Scottish Life-Boat Council
THE Scottish Council held the first of its meetings for 1928 on 26th March, in Glasgow. The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chairman of the Council, presided, and there were representatives present from Glasgow, Buckie, Perth, Greenock, Edinburgh, Campbeltown, Dunbar, Ayr and Paisley.
The Chairman welcomed four Branches —Inverness, Buckie, Greenock and North Berwick—which had not before been represented on the Council.
The Chairman expressed his regret that out of 105 Branches, only 38 had replied to a letter asking if they would issue an appeal for annual subscribers.
Of these, 25 had agreed to issue the appeal.
The District Organising Secretary reported that, since the last meeting of the Council, Ladies' Life-boat Guilds had been formed at Glasgow and Falkirk.
A letter had been sent to Branches asking for their help in issuing a general works appeal. Only 39 Branches had replied, 21 sending the necessary information, and the remainder replying that this source of revenue was already being or would be tapped locally.
The help of Honorary Secretaries had also been invited in an appeal to Scottish Golf Clubs to collect and give to the Institution discarded golf balls.
This appeal wyas being well supported.
The total sum contributed in Scotland for 1926-27 showed an increase of £1,378 on the previous year.
Reports from Branches were then submitted, and it was decided to invite the Officers of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild of Glasgow and those of Edinburgh, when it was formed, to attend the meetings of the Council as visitors when the meetings were held in their respective cities.
The second half-yearly meeting was held in Edinburgh on 19th October, the Duke of Montrose in the chair.
Representatives were present from Aberdeen, Glasgow, Perth, Alloa, Dunbar, Campbeltown, Greenock, Paisley, Dundee and Edinburgh. Lieut.-Colonel C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., the Deputy- Secretary of the Institution, was also present.
The District Organising Secretary reported that new Branches had been formed at Dunoon, Rothesay and Newton Stewart, and a Ladies' Lifeboat Guild at Greenock, while a number of existing Branches had been reorganised.
The Works Appeal had been issued in the spring, appeals being sent to 2,430 firms, but the result was only £42. The appeal for discarded golf balls had already realised over £22. Over forty lantern lectures had been arranged for the winter. A discussion took place on the report, and it was felt that the Works Appeal would be more successful if Honorary Secretaries would undertake it, and carry it out by personal calls on the firms.
Satisfactory reports were received from the delegates present of the work of their Branches, each report showing an increase on the previous year in the amount raised.
The Deputy-Secretary of the Institution gave an address on the work of the Institution during the year, the developments in the design of Motor Life-boats and the International Life-boat Conference held in Paris in June..