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Miss M. E. Taylor, of Clapham

By the death of Miss M. E. Taylor, of Clapham; on 17th May last, at the age of ninety-five, the Institution lost a friend who, in spite of her great age and the loss of her sight fifty years ago, found means to help it until her death.

All her life she had taken an active part in charitable work, and she received a number of presentations from societies in gratitude for her help. Among her many activities, she started a mother's meeting in South Lambeth sixty years ago, and conducted a night school and men's and women's slate clubs, was a district visitor for churches in Clapham and South Lambeth, and was superintendent of a Sunday school. She was also a subscriber to sixty different societies.

Miss Taylor became a subscriber to the Institution in 1885, and continued her subscription every year until 1919. Her hobby was dressing dolls, and, in spite of her blindness, she turned this hobby also to charitable service. She raised by it considerable sums during the War, and in 1921, in place of her subscription, she sent the Institution two dolls, one dressed as a girl and one as a sailor boy.

In recognition of this she was made an original member of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild which was founded that year.

Since then, regularly each year, two dolls have been received from her and have been sold on behalf of the Institution.

This year, shortly after her death, the last of her sailor dolls was brought to the Institution..