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House-To-House Collections

THE value of the house-to-house collection is well known to experienced Life-boat workers, as one of the simplest, most economical, and most effective methods of appeal. It is used with particular success in the North of England. When the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was founded in 1921, an article on this method of collecting was published in The Lifeboat for the information of Guild members. It was written by one of our oldest workers, who said that there was " no surer means of reaching the generosity of the public, and that experience has shown that few householders fail to avail themselves of this opportunity to show their practical sympathy with the Lifeboats, and very often the multiplicity of coins in the envelope shows that all the members of the family have contributed individually." The value of the house-to-house collection as a form of appeal in the winter, when a Life-boat Day has been held in the summer, or as the best alternative to a Life-boat Day if, for any reason, a Day cannot be held, has been brought to the notice of all the Branches. ! One of our Organizing Secretaries has just had an interesting letter from a Life-boat worker in his district confirming this. It had been found impossible to carry out the usual Life-boat Day, and he wrote :— " I think that, instead of a flag-day, a house-to-house collection would be more satisfactory, if you could get the right people to divide the city into districts and call on the various business-houses and private individuals. My wife found when running a flag-day elsewhere recently, that by calling on local people she in every case got a sympathetic response and they contributed according to their means, while the same people, if accosted in the street, would probably give a few pence only.".