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German Gratitude for a Life-Boat Rescue. Award of Iron Plaque to the Crew at Thurso, Caithness-Shire

THE German Government has awarded to the Crew of the Life-boat at Thurso, Caithness-shire, " an Iron Plaque for rescue from distress at sea," diplomas to the Coxswain, Second Coxswain and Bowman, and certificates to the members of the Crew, in gratitude for their services to the German steamer Aase, of Hamburg, which went ashore and was completely wrecked near Thurso, on the 16th March last. A strong southerly gale was blowing, with heavy rain, and the weather was bitterly cold, when the Life-boat was lauched at ten at night.

The Captain of the Aase was loth to abandon his vessel, and the Life-boat stood by her all that night and all the following day. When the second night came the Captain decided to leave the steamer, and he and his crew of fourteen men were taken on board the Life-boat and brought ashore. The Life-boat reached her Station again just twentytwo hours after she was launched..