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Contributions from Shipping on the Tyne. The Value of the Personal Appeal

As showing what can be done by systematic and personal appeals on behalf of the Life-boat Service to the captains and crews of ships, we should like to call attention to the most successful work at Tynemouth of Mr.

Godfrey W. Dodds, who is a partner in the firm of Messrs. Wait and Dodds, steamship owners of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and a member of the Tynemouth Branch Committee.

Mr. Dodds for some years past has made a practice of watching the arrival of all vessels in the Tyne, and then sending a personal letter to the captains.

With this letter has been enclosed some of the Institution's literature and a Collecting Sheet, and the letter has asked the captain to bring the work of the Life-boat service before his crew on the outward journey, to make a collection, and to send the proceeds of the collection to him at the first port of call. This has been a personal appeal for voluntary contributions, and has nothing whatever to do with the dues charged on shipping entering the Tyne, these dues being raised entirely on behalf of the Tyne Life-boat Society for the maintenance of its boats.

Mr. Dodds' last appeal has realized in less than six months nearly £200.

Unfortunately, owing to pressure of other work, Mr. Dodds has now been compelled to give up these appeals, and we are referring to his work here, not only in gratitude for the large sum which it has brought to the Life-boat cause, but in the hope that others connected with shipping may be prepared to help the Institution in the same personal way..