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Two Brave Boys. Award of Vellums at Worthing

THE Institution's Thanks inscribed on Vellum have been presented to two boys of Worthing, Eric Mundell and Stanley A. Darkin, both aged fifteen, for rescuing two lives from shipwreck at great risk to themselves. On the morning of 2nd June last a man and his nine-year-old son were out sailing. A moderate breeze was blowing and the sea was rough. When 500 yards away from the East Pier the boat got into difficulties, lost her rudder and capsized.

Father and son were thrown into the water. Mundell and Darkin at once launched their 10-foot dinghy and went to the rescue. They reached the spot with difficulty, and succeeded in getting the man and the little boy, who were completely exhausted, safely on board their dinghy, an operation which would certainly have capsized the dinghy if they had not handled her very skilfully.

The presentation of the two Vellums was publicly made on 21st July, the day on which Life-boat Day was held, by the Mayor of Worthing (Alderman W. T. Frost, J.P.). Among those present were the Mayoress, the Deputy Mayor, Lieut.-Col. A. F. Randolph, C.M.G., D.S.O., Chairman of the Branch, Mr. J. R. Aldridge, the Honorary Secretary, and the District Organising Secretary..