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The Life-Boat Service and the Fishing Fleets

The Prince of Wales's Tribute and Appeal.

WHEN the Prince of Wales visited Grimsby on 19th July for the purpose of visiting the decks and opening a new bridge he made a reference to the close connexion between the Life-boat Service and the fishing industry, which was both a tribute to the fishermen who form the majority of our crews, and an appeal to the owners of the fishing fleets to recognize the value to them of an efficient Life-boat Service. Speaking as President of the Institution and as Master of the Fishing Fleet, the Prince of Wales said : "It is your fisherfolk who have given to Great Britain the crews* of our Life-boats, and have thus formed the great service which has been provided and organized by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for over a century. I am President of the Institution, and very proud to fill the office, and I mention it here, because it seems to me to form another link between myself and Grimsby, whose people know better, perhaps, than the people of any other town in England the incalculable value, in time of need, of an efficient Life-boat Service. It is a Service which is indissolubly bound up with the fishing trade, and I know that the two will always continue to support and to rely each on the other.".