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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 19th January, 1928.

SIR GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., for attending a Gala Performance of the Film " The Black Journey," given at the Plaza Theatre on the 16th January. 1928, for the benefit of the Institution through the generosity of M. Andre Citroen and the Management of the Plaza.

Also passed a Vote of Thanks to M. Citroen and resolved that he be made an Honorary Life Governor of the Institution.

Decided to re-open a Life-boat Station at Staithes (Yorkshire), and to close the Johnshaven (Kincardineshire) Station.

Reported the re-opening of the Easington (Yorkshire) Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— S. s. d.

Mr. Philip G. Peabody (additional donation) . . . . 147 10 0 Miss E. Wagner (Special Gift to produce an Annual Subscription) 102 0 0 Cunard S.S. Co.— Subscription . . . . 100 0 0 Additional donation . . 100 0 0 White Star Steamers' Charity Account (additional donation) . 50 0 0 Anonymous (additional donation) 50 0 0 £ s. d.

Mr. Alfred Barrett, J.P. do. do. 26 5 0 Mr. Julius Dennis (donation) . 26 5 0 Mrs. Denise Baudry Dennis do. 26 5 0 Mrs. C. A. Allen (additional donation) 25 0 0 Mr. W. S. Bradstreet do. do . 25 0 0 Mr. H. W. Kolle (donation) . 25 0 0 Miss Ella Mocatta do. . 25 0 0 " A Derbeian " (additional donation) 20 0 0 Sir George Clerk (new subscription) 20 0 0 Mr. R. Toller (for a Line-throwing Gun) 15 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £14,827 Is 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £592 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Life-boat.

Appledore (Motor) Arbroath Clacton-on-Sea (Motor) Vessel. Lives Rescued.

S.S. Jolly Bruce, of London.

Rendered assistance.

The fishing fleet of Arbroath.

Stood by fleet.

S.S. Fernwood, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Filey . . Six fishing cobles of Filey. Stood by cobles.

Filey . . Motor fishing cobles of Filey. Stood by cobles.

Filey . . Motor fishing boat .Fife's Own, of Scarborough.

Stood by boat.

Fishguard . Schooner Kate, of Bar- (Motor) row. Landed 3.

Flamborough . Three fishing cobles, of No. 1 Flamborough. Stood by cobles.

Great Yarmouth Barge Sussex Belle, of and Gorleston London. Stood by (Motor) vessel.

Great Yarmouth S.S. Oscar, of Helsingand Gorleston borg . . . 1 9 l~ ' r tr r- (IflOTjOr Great Yarmouth S.S. Dinorwic, of Carand Gorleston narvon. Rendered (Motor) assistance.

Holy Island . Motor yawl Rejoice, of No. 1 (Motor) Spittal. Saved yawl and rescued . . 3 The Lizard . Ketch Lady Daphne, of (Motor) . Rochester . . 2 Lowestoft . Sailing smack Wide (Motor) Awake, of Lowestoft.

Stood by vessel.

Lowestoft . Fishing smack Golinda, (Motor) of Lowestoft . . 4 Montrose No. 1 The fishing fleet of Mont- (Motor) rose. Stood by fleet.

Newbiggin . Eleven fishing cobles, of Newbiggin. Stood by cobles.

Porthdinllaen . S.S. Moyle, of London.

(Motor) Stood by vessel.

Ramsgate . Steam drifter Para- (Motor) mount, of Ramsgate . 5 Rosslare Har- Ketch Mizpah, of Cowes.

bour (Motor) Landed 3.

Rosslare Har- S.S. Lady Gertrude Coch- »-. bour (Motor) rant, of Glasgow.

Landed a sick man.

Runswick . S.S. Pyrope, of Glasgow 9 St. Mary's, . S.S. Gougou, of Vannes . 7 Scilly (Motor) Scarborough . Fishing coble Guide Me.

(Motor) of Whitby. Stood by coble.

Skateraw . Motor fishing boat Wayside Flower, of Eyemouth.

Rendered assistance.

Whitby (Motor) Twelve fishing boats, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Whitby (Motor) Fishing boats Remembrance, Irene, and Faith, of Whitby.

Escorted boats into harbour.

Yarmouth, Isle Steam Packet Boat of Wight Prince of Wales, of (Motor) Southampton. Stood by vessel.

The Hauxley Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Hesperides, of Liverpool ; and the St.

Mary's, Scilly (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the ketch Lady Daphne, of Rochester.

Also voted £670 5s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress : — Angle, Anstruther, Bembridge (Motor), Berwick-on-Tweed, Boulmer, Cadgwith, Caister, ClacU n-on-Sea (Motor), Cloughey, Clogher Head, Courtmacsherry, Cromer No. 1 (Motor), Cresswell, Dingle, Donaghadee (Motor), Dunbar, Falmouth, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Holyhead No. 1 (Steam), Hoylake, The Humber (Motor), The Lizard (Motor), Lowestoft (Motor), Margate (Motor), Moelfre, The Mumbles (Motor), Newbiggin, North Sunderland, Ramsgate (Motor), Rye Harbour, Southend-on-Sea, Teesmouth (Motor), Torbay (Motor), Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor), Wells, and Whitby.

Granted £53 8*. to persons for injury in the Life-boat Service at Broughty Ferry, Buckhaven, Cardigan, Kessingland, Moelfre, Tenby, Walmer, and Whitby.

Voted a, compassionate grant of £5 to WM. H. Sharp, Bowman of the Ramsey Lifeboat, who, after 40 years' connexion with the Life-boat, resigned following a serious opera-tion.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to WM. MILGATE, Bowman of the Rye Harbour Lifeboat, who retired on account of old age after 50 years' service in the Life-boat Crew.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to Captain H. SMITH, the Harbour Master at Great Yarmouth, for his valuable co-operation on the occasion of a launch of the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Motor Life-boat on the 29th December, and granted additional rewards to the men who manned the Life-boat.

Voted monetary awards to Coxswain W. G. FLEMING and Motor Mechanic B. 3. DARBY, in recognition of their very plucky conduct in going out on service in the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Motor Life-boat four times on the 21st December, although injured on the first service.

Granted an additional monetary reward to the crew of the Cromer Motor Life-boat for a very arduous service launch on the 26th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Lizard Motor Life-boat Crew and that they be granted additional rewards in recognition of a difficult service on the 26th December, when two men were rescued from the ketch Lady Daphne.

Granted & special monetary award to the permanent Crew of the Humber Motor Lifeboat for an arduous service launch on the 29th December.

Granted additional rewards to the Crews of the Margate and Ramsgate Motor Life- boats for arduous service launches on the 26th and 27th December, respectively.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to the Master of the Leith Pilot Boat No. 1 for towing the Anstruther Life-boat, and that the Life-boat Crew be granted additional rewards for an arduous service on the 26th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to JOHN ROSE, Bowman of the Lowestoft Motor Life-boat, who got up from a sick bed to take his place in the Life-boat for service on the 15th January.

Reported that a Letter had been received from the Board of Trade conveying the thanks of the owners of the s.s. Isabo, of Lussinpiccolo, to the inhabitants of the Scilly Isles for saving the survivors of the crew of this vessel on October 27th and 28th, 1927, and rendering them every assistance. (A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for November.) Decided that a Letter of Thanks, accompanied by the sum of £3 be sent to each of five men for their good services in rescuing three of the crew of five of the fishing boat Daydawn, of St.- Ives, which was wrecked on the 28th November, 1927. At about 7 P.M. the crew of the Daydawn were hauling in their nets near the Godrevy Lighthouse. The tide was stronger than they had anticipated, the sea was rough with a breeze from the south, and a heavy sea swept the boat on to the rocks near the Lighthouse. She foundered almost at once, leaving the men struggling in the water. In response to their cries for help the crew of the motor fishing boat Godrevy cut their nets and hastened to the rescue. At some risk, owing to the rocks, they succeeded in picking up three men, but unfortunately, the other two were drowned. The rescuers lost the nets which they had cut adrift, but these have been replaced by the generosity of the St. Ives Branch of the British Legion.

Voted £12 to six men for rescuing the two occupants of a small motor boat which was in distress off Inishtrahull Lighthouse, near Malin Head, on the 18th December, 1927. The boat was proceeding from Fahan to Moville when her petrol ran out at about 8 P.M.

With a moderate E. gale and a strong tide running in the same direction she was in danger of driving ashore. With paraffin and some of the boat's fittings a flare was lighted, which was seen from Ballygorman. The six men put out, and by the time they reached the motor boat she was perilously near to the rocks. The two men on board her were taken off and the boat itself was salved the next day.

The rescue was not without danger owing to the darkness and the rocks.

Voted £4 to two members of the crew of the motor fishing boat Twilight, of Eyemouth, who swam ashore for help, when the vessel stranded at Chathill, near Boulmer in a dense fog on the 1st September, 1927. As a result of their action the help of Boulmer boats was obtained, and by means of a kedge anchor the Twilight was refloated.

Voted £9 to six men for putting out from Bridlington in the motor fishing boat Clara and rescuing the eight occupants of the motor boat Ross Castle— a converted Life-boat—on the 1st January, 1928. Also granted 4s. for petrol and oil consumed. The Clara was returning from the fishing grounds when a flare was seen, and on entering the harbour she learned that a motor boat with a fishing party on board had broken down and was anchored in a dangerous position near the pier. LittJe risk was incurred, but the prompt action of the six men enabled them to reach the boat just as her cable parted and to bring her and her occupants into safety.

Voted £4 10s. to three men for saving the motor coble Boy's Pride, of Seahouses, and rescuing her crew of three on the 6th January, 1928. The coble's engine failed while she was making for harbour in a whole gale from the north with a heavy sea, but the three rescuers, who were in another coble, took her in tow and brought her into safety. It was a meritorious service in the weather conditions preva Voted £1 2s. 6d. to three men for putting off from Selsey in a boat and rescuing a boy on the 4th June, 1927. The boy was alone in a small boat and became sick and frightened when the boat drifted away from the shore.

Thursday, 16th February, 1928.

Sot GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the death of Mr. H. F. LANCASHIRE, who had been a member of the Committee of Management since 1918.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution :— Miss M. Matthews-Hughes (for a compass) £15 To be thanked.

Paid £18,485 10s. 3d. for sundry charges ia connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses, and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £400 Os. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :—• Life-boat.

Angle .

Boulmer .

Bridlington Holyhead No. 1 (Steam) Johnshaven Margate (Motor) Lives Vessel. Rescued.

Fishing smack Arrowrale, of Milford . . 4 Motor fishing coble Isaac Edward, of Boulmer.

Stood by coble.

Fishing coble, of Bridlington.

Stood by coble.

Schooner Agnes Glover, of Castletown. . . 4 A motor fishing boat, of Montrose. Stood by boat.

Barge Link Light, of London. Lauded 3.


Maryport .

Montrose No. 1 (Motor) The Mumbles .

(Motor) North Deal .

Palling No. 1 .

Palling No. 2 .

Torbay . .

(Motor) Weymouth (Motor) Whitby . .

(Motor) Whitehills .

Wicklow .

(Motor) Lives Vessel. Rescue!.

S.S. Achille, of Belfast.

Stood by vessel, rendered assistance, and landed 3.

The fishing fleet of Montrose. Stood by fleet.

Motor launch Bessie, of Swansea. Saved launch and rescued . 2 S.S. Ferento, of Genoa.

Stood by vessel.

S.S. Cewea, of Hamburg.

Stood by vessel.

Fishing boat Boy Bob, of Yarmouth . . . 1 Fishing boat Our Willie, of Brixham. Saved boat and rescued . . 2 Barge Emma, of Portland.

Stood by vessel.

Motor fishing boats Irene, Faith, Diligence, Remembrance, Lady Kitchener, and Pilot Me, of Whitby.

Escorted boats into harbour.

Motor fishing boat Dewdrop, of Whitehills.

Stood by boat.

Motor fishing boat of Wicklow. Stood by boat.

The Cromer No. 1 (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Harold, of London, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of three; the Dungeness No. 2 Life-boat saved the barge Lily, of Whitstable, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of three; and the Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the steam trawler Cyclone, of Boulogne, and rescued her crew, sixteen in number.

Also voted £426 Os. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress.—Boulmer, Brighton and Hove, Caister, Olovelly, Holyhead, Holy Island No. 1 (Motor), Howth, Longhope (Motor), Lowestoft (Motor), The Mumbles (Motor), New Brighton, Palling No. 2, Piel (Barrow) (Motor), Poole and Bournemouth, Port St. Mary, Scarborough (Motor), Stromness (Motor), and Whitby (Motor).

Granted £36 12s. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blyth, Cromer, Lowestoft, and Winterton.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. W. T. MOORE, Honorary Secretary at Maryport, for his valuable assistance on 2nd February, when the Life-boat was out on service in bad weather, and granted an additional reward to some members of the Life-boat Crew for their arduous services.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. C. H. GRAY, Mayor of Bridlington and Honorary Secretary of the Life.-boat, for his active participation in the launch of the Life-boat for service on 10th February ; also granted additional rewards to the Crew and Helpers in view of the arduous nature of the service.

Granted an additional reward to the Crew of the Longhope Life-boat for an arduous service launch on 19th January.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. I. MOAR for his services in organizing a land search party and taking charge on 21st-22nd January, when the Stromness and Longhope Motor Life-boats were also out searching for the crew of a trawler reported to be wrecked. The search was made as the result of a message, found in a bottle which was picked up, to the effect that a trawler had been wrecked. The message proved to be a hoax.

Reported that a letter had been received from the Carnegie Hero Fund Trustees stating that the name of the late William Roberts, of Moelfre, Anglesey, would be inscribed on their Roll of Heroes and a Memorial Certificate awarded to his widow. Roberts died while on service in the Moelfre Life-boat on 28th-29th October.

Voted £3 to the crews of the motor fishing boats Douglas and Reliance for rescuing the three occupants of the motor fishing boat Boy Willie, of Craster, whose engines had failed, on 24th January. Also granted 2s, to each of the owners of the two rescuing boats for petrol consumed.

Voted £4 to four men for rescuing the crew, four in number, of the motor fishing coble Sock of Ages, of Sea Houses, on 24th January.

The coble was returning from the fishing grounds in a strong S.W. gale with a heavy cross sea when she was struck by several seas and damaged. Her crew were in considerable danger and only managed to keep afloat by constant baling. Their difficulties were seen by the four rescuers, who put out at once to their help, and succeeded in bringing them and their boat into harbour.

Voted £1 10*. to three men for putting out from Craster in the motor coble Our Girls to search for the motor fishing coble Provider, of Craster, which was missing on 10th February.

Also granted 2s. 6d. to the owner of the boat for petrol consumed. A moderate S. gale was blowing with a rough sea. The Life-boats from Boulmer and Holy Island also launched.

Wreckage of the missing boat was picked up, but, unfortunately, no trace of her three occupants could be found.

Voted £1 17s. 6d. to five men for putting off from Newbiggin in a motor coble on 6th January to the help of the motor coble Elizabeth Scott, which had been overtaken by a sudden heavy northerly gale while fishing off Cresswell. Also granted 2s. Qd. to the owner of the coble for petrol consumed. The Elizabeth Scott was met and accompanied into safety by the other boat. Mr. JOHN GRANT, owner of the coble which put out, returned the monetary award granted to him and the allowance for petrol. His son, who was one of those who went with him, also returned his award.

Voted £2 os. to three men for saving the fishing yawl Oratavia and rescuing her crew of two, off Dunbar, on 27th January. Also granted 2s. to the owner of the rescuing boat for petrol used. While the fishing fleet were at sea a strong S.E. wind sprang up suddenly.

Most of the boats ran for shelter, but the Oratavia shipped a lot of water and her crew, both of whom were old men, were in danger.

The rescuers, who were fishing some distance off, went to their help, and finding them exhausted from baling, took the boat in tow and brought her safely into harbour.

Voted £2 5s. to three men for rescuing three young men, at Dunbar, on 1st February.

Also granted 2s. to the owner of the boat for petrol used. The young men had put to sea in a small rowing boat to fish, but a strong S. breeze sprang up, their boat became unmanageable, and they were being carried out to sea. Signals for help were made and the three rescuers put out from the harbour in the motor fishing boat Brothers, overtook the boat and towed her safely back to the harbour.

Voted £2 5s. to the owners of three Whit by fishing boats to cover the cost of petrol and oil consumed by them in helping in the search for the coble Francis, which was missing on 31st January. No service was rendered by the boats as the Francis, whose engine had failed, made Staithes under sail.