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Miss Letitia French, Honorary Secretary of the Palling Station

BY the death of Miss Letitia French, of Palling, Suffolk, on 6th April, the Institution has lost a most valued helper and one who had the distinction of having been, for a number of years, the only woman Honorary Secretary of a Station. Miss French succeeded her father on his death in 1904 at the age of eighty, but for some time before, during his illness which had put an end to all his activities, she had been Honorary Secretary in fact though not in name.

The Institution has maintained a Station at Palling since 1852, and placed a second Life-boat there in 1870. Miss French's father was Honorary Secretary for 38 years, and Miss French herself for 24 years, so that between them they were in charge of the Station for 62 out of the 76 years of its existence. During the 24 years of Miss French's Honorary Secretaryship the Life-boats were launched on service 174 times and rescued 210 lives. Miss French was presented, in 1915, with an inscribed Barometer, recording her services and the Institution's gratitude, and previous to that she had been given special permission to wear the Gold Medallion, the equivalent of the present Gold Pendant, which, shortly before his death, had been presented to her father in recognition of his long and distinguished services..