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Forthcoming Articles

OWING to the heavy demand on the space in this number made by the report of the Annual Meeting, the Essay Competition, and News from the Branches, it has been necessary to hold over several articles, which will appear in the next number. These will include : '' The French Lifeboat Society, a historical survey," by Mr.

George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution ; " The New Stromness Motor Life-boat" (with illustrations), by Captain Howard F. J.

Rowley, R.N., Chief Inspector of Lifeboats ; " Some Unpublished Letters of Sir William Hillary, Founder of the Institution," by Major Evan W. H.

Fyers, a member of the Council of the Society for Nautical Research; "A Life-boat Service in Iceland," and " The Value of a Life," this last being an article based on independent calculations made by one of the leading insurance companies, in which the value of the lives rescued from shipwreck is contrasted with the cost to the Institution of rescuing them.

For the same reason it has been necessary to hold over the account of the reopening of the Staithes Station, the Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management, the Awards made to Coxswains, Life-boatmen and Honorary Workers, and the report of the Conference of Workers in the South Eastern District, which was held in London on Maich 1st. These also will appear in the next number..