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Bronze Medal for a Shore-Boat Service

THE Bronze Medal has been awarded to Thomas Boyle, of Seafield, Quilty, Co.

Clare, and its Thanks inscribed on Vellum to two other men for their gallantry in rescuing three men who had lost their boat and were marooned on Mutton Island, about a mile from the main land.

The three men went out on the evening of 8th February in a small canoe to collect seaweed on the island. All the food which they had with them was one loaf of bread, as they intended to return the following morning, but a gale sprang up with a very high sea, and it was impossible for them to cross to the mainland. They were without food or fire, and their only shelter was an old ruin. When they had been there two days the gale increased and their canoe was washed away and finally driven ashore at Seafield, a complete wreck.

The following morning Thomas Boyle and the other two men set out to their rescue in a canvas canoe. The gale was still blowing ; the seas were running very high ; and the three rescuers were in great danger of losing their own lives.

They reached the island, and getting under its lee, succeeded in taking off the three men who had then been without food for fifty hours. When they reached the main land again, the canoe was thrown up on the rocks, and badly damaged, but the six men got ashore..