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Awards to Honorary Workers

M. ANDRE CITROEN has been appointed an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution in recognition of his valuable services in showing on behalf of the Institution films of the two African expeditions which have been carried out by the Citroen cars.

Mrs. A. E. BEAMISH, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Coventry, has been appointed an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution in recognition of her distinguished services for a period of twentyeight years.

To Alderman A. H. DRINKWATER, J.P., Chairman of the Coventry Branch, in recognition of his twenty-five years' distinguished service, a Silver Inkstand.

To Mr. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, upon his retirement after 22 years as Honorary Secretary of the Stonehaveu Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To Mrs. E. S. RAYMOND, in recognition of her valuable services over a period of 34 years at Llandudno, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, in recognition of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Eastbourne Branch, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. HILL, in recognition of her assistance at Knowle for a period of 25 years, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Coxswain T. PENGILLY, in recognition of his help in raising funds at Clovelly, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mrs. LOCKING and to Mrs. A. SMITH, Chairman and Honorary Secretary respectively of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Cleethorpes, the Record of Thanks.

To Miss Cox, in recognition of her help in connection with the Oxford Branch, the Record of Thanks..