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News from the Branches

Annual Meetings: Financial Branches and Guilds.

CHELTENHAM.—On 18th July, Mrs.

Richard Davies, Chairman, presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £59 had been collected as compared with £270 in the previous year, the previous year's sum including the results of two Lifeboat Days, since that held in 1925 was on 30th September, the last day of the financial year. Miss Wanklyn, the Honorary Secretary, spoke of the efforts which had been made to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild in Cheltenham, and invited ladies to serve on its Committee.

The meeting was followed by a concert.

DRIFFIELD (Yorkshire).—The annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 8th July, Mrs. E. Clements, President, in the chair. The report on the year's work showed that £27 had been collected. Mrs". Blakeston, the Honorary Secretary, pointed out that the year began with a membership of 18, and this had now been increased to 60. After the meeting the President entertained the members of the Guild to tea, whist, and tennis.

DUNDEE.—The annual meeting of the Guild was held on 9th October, Mrs.

William Longair, President, in the Chair, supported by ex-Lord Provost Longair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1927, showed that £88 had been collected as compared with £290 in the previous year, this decline being due to the fact that the bulk of the collections for 1927 were made after the end of financial year.

Mr. B. L. Nairn, Vice-President of the Dundee Branch, thanked the Guild on behalf of the Institution, for their generous and sustained help.

GATESHEAD.—On 16th September, Colonel A. Henderson presiding in the absence of the Mayor. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1927, showed that £48 had been collected as compared with £141 in the previous year. The Chairman said that those who lived on the Tyneside should do all they could for the Life-boat Service, both because they were dependent on shipping and because it was at Tynemouth that the first Life-boat Station had been established.


•—The annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 4th July, Mrs. B. Leach presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £440 had been collected as compared with £303 in 1925.

Mrs. Leach, the retiring Chairman, was thanked for her services, and Lady Vincent was elected Chairman for the ensuing year. It was pointed out that both the Reserve Boathouse at Yarmouth and the Service Boathouse at Gorleston were open to the public, in charge of Guild members, for the purpose of selling Life-boat souvenirs.

LARGS (Ayrshire).-—On 4th August, the Reverend Robert Oswald, B.D., Chairman, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £130 had been collected as compared with £127 in the previous year. The Chairman referred to the great loss to the Branch in the death of Mr. Robert Wood, who had from the beginning been its Honorary Secretary.

Mr. Robert Pettigrew was elected to succeed him. It was stated that the Life-boat Day, as usual, would, be held on the day of the local Regatta, and that it would be followed by a Fancy Dress Parade the day after, again organized by the Tennis Club, to whose services to the Branch the Chairman paid tribute. An address was given by the District Organizing Secretary.

LEEDS.—On 26th September, the Lord Mayor (Alderman Hugh Lupton) presiding, supported by Sir Charles Wilson, M.P., Chairman of the Branch, aad Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1927, showed that £1,105 had been collected as compared with £599 in the previous year. In presenting the report Sir Charles Wilson said that the result of Life-boat Day—£410—was very satisfactory in view of the always limited number of workers. If more workers could be got, he was convinced that it would be quite easy to raise at least £1,000 a year by the Life-boat Day. He also pointed out that a little time ago a promise of £1,000 had been received, provided ten other donors of the same amount could be found. He hoped that they would come forward so that Leeds, like Bradford and other cities, might have a Life-boat bearing her name. Mr.

George F. Shee gave an address on the work of the Institution. Mr. J. H.

Henderson was elected Honorary Secretary in place of Mr. E. Warwick Broadbent, who was warmly thanked for his services.

NEWCASTLE - ON - TYKE.—On 26th July, the Lord Mayor (Councillor A. W.

Lambert) in the Chair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £144 had been collected as compared with £362 in the previous year, the decline being due to the fact that no Life-boat Day was held in 1926. On the motion of the Lord Mayor, it was resolved that those present should be constituted a Blanch Committee, and an Executive Committee was also elected. The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland were re-elected Patrons of the Branch. Mr. F. J. Crawley, the Chief Constable, was re-elected Honoraiy Secretary, and Captain H. J. Armstrong, F.C.A., was elected Honorary Treasurer.

PERTH AND DISTRICT.—On 5th September, the Reverend P. R. Landreth, Chairman, presiding, supported among others by Mr. A. N. Skelton, M.P. for Perth. The report for the year ending 30th September showed that £408 had been collected as compared with £382 in the previous year, and in spite of industrial distress the Branch had still further extended its operations, holding Life-boat Days in 39 districts in the county. These days had raised £325.

In moving the adoption of the report, Mr. Skelton congratulated the Branch on the fact that although Perth was as far inland as any part of Scotland could be, it was sixth in the list of Scottish Branches. The Office-bearers were re-elected, PRESTON.—On 23rd September, Mr.

W. A. Margerison, Chairman of the Branch, presiding in the absence of tie Mayor, supported by Mr. S. White head, the Honorary Secretary, Mr. J. G-.

Bradshaw, Honorary Treasurer, Miss I. E. Cross, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1927, showed that £421 had been collected as compared with £486 in the previous year. Mr. Shee gave an address on the work of the Institution, and Miss Cross presented the certificate won by a Preston boy in the Life-boat Essay Competition.

YORK.—On 6th September, the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. Oscar Rowntree) presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1927, showed that £56 had been collected as compared with £59 in the previous year. It was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and the ladies present received certificates and badges of membership and Prince of Wales' collecting cards.

An address was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and it was stated that a determined effort was to be made to increase the Branch's contribution.

New Branches and Guilds.

ASHTON-UNDER-LYME (Lancashire).— The Mayor (Alderman J. W. Underwood) presided at a meeting which was held on 6th July for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. An address on the work of the Institution was given and the following officers were elected: President, the Mayoress ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Broadbent and Mrs. Wild; Honorary Treasurer, Mrs.

Postle; Honorary Secretary, Mrs. H.


BEEDBURY (Cheshire).—At a meeting held on 5th July, at which about fifty ladies were present, it was unanimously decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Mrs. Morley was elected President, Mrs. Beesley Vice-President, Mrs.

S. A. Driver Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. W. A. C. Mountain Honorary Secretary.

CLITHEROE (Lancashire).—At a meeting on 4th August it was decided to re-organize the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Mrs. Hartley Baldwin was appointed President; Mrs. Arthur Burton, Mrs. Whipp and Mrs. King Wilkinson, Vice- Presidents ; Miss Taylor, Honorary Treasurer; Mrs. Puckle, Honorary Secretary. It was decided to organize Dances during the winter, and to hold a Flag Day in the early spring with the object of raising the £100 which it was hoped that Clitiheroe would be able to contribute each year.

HARTLEPOOL.—On the 12th April the Mayoress of Hartlepool (Mrs. H. W.

Bell) convened a Ladies' Meeting, which was very representative and well attended, those present subsequently enjoying her hospitality. The Mayor and Recorder (Mr. H. W. Bell, J.P.) presided, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Members of the Hartlepool Life-boat Crew were present, looking very picturesque in their red caps, blue jerseys, and white neckchiefs. Sir Godfrey Baring spoke of the splendid services of the Hartlepool Station, and warmly congratulated the Branch on the continued and whole-hearted work of Mr. Belk, who for forty-six years had been its Honorary Secretary. It was unanimously decided to form a Life-boat Guild, the Mayoress being elected President, Miss Foxton and Mrs. Moore Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Bowes Hon.

Treasurer, and Mrs. Edgeller Hon.

Secretary. The Guild has since done good work, having already raised over £45 by a Life-boat Day, and £17 by Collecting Cards, while many other cards have still to be returned and several social functions are to be arranged.

SCARBOROUGH.—At a meeting on 9th August, summoned by Councillor Mrs.

Whitfield, an address was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and Mrs.

Whitfield made an appeal to those present to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. It was unanimously decided to do this, and those present received membership badges and certificates, and Prince of Wales' collecting cards.

An Executive Committee was set up, Mrs. Whitfield being appointed President; Mrs. Geoffrey Unwin and Mrs.

Walter Jackson, Vice-Presidents ; Mrs.

Francis Whittaker, Honorary Treasurer; Miss Jessie Turnbull, Honorary Secretary.

THIRSK (Yorkshire).—A meeting was held on 27th September, on the invitation of Mrs. Bell, at which it was unanimously resolved to form a Guild, and the following officers were elected : Mrs. Bell, President; Mrs. H. Arkle, Honorary Treasurer; and Mrs. L.

Frank, Honorary Secretary. Various methods of appeal were discussed, and it was decided that the best would be a Life-boat Day.

WATH-UPON-DEARNE (Yorkshire).— On the invitation of the Chairman of the Urban District Council, Mr. J. A.

Braithwaite, a meeting was held at the Town Hall on 29th July at which, an address was given on the work of the Institution. It was then unanimously resolved to form a local Branch, and the following Officers were elected: the Chairman of the U.D.C., President; Councillor R. T. Carr and Councillor H. Cutts, Vice-Presidents; the Rev.

F, B. Gunnery, M.A., Honorary Treasurer; the Rev. R. Miller, Honorary Secretary; and Mrs. 0. G. Thomas and Mrs. Prendergast, Assistant Honorary Secretaries.

Special Meetings.

BATTERSEA.—A special meeting was held on 1st October at the Town Hall, at which the Mayoress presented to Christopher Street, of the Battersea Central School for Boys, the Challenge Shield, Book, and Certificate which, he had won for the best essay in the London District in the Life-boat Essay Competition in 1927. The Mayor (Councillor W. Humphreys) presided, supported by Captain the Viscount Curzon, C.B.E., V.D., A.D.C., R.N.V.R., M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, Mr. Saklatvala, M.P., and Commander Marsden, prospective Conservative candidate .for North Battersea.

Certificates were also presented which had been -won by another boy of the same school and two girls of the Ethelburga Street School. Lord Curzon gave an address on the work of the Service, pointing out, in reply to a suggestion from the Mayor, that it should be nationalized, that in Life-boat work the voluntary method had been proved both, more effective and far less expensive.

Mr. Saklatvala spoke of the advance of the British nation across the seas of the world as a marvel, and almost a miracle; and said that in every part of the country one would find boys and girls full of the national sea spirit. The Mayor spoke of Battersea's pride in the successes won by her boys and girls, and of the great educative value of such competitions.

BLACKPOOL.—A special meeting was held on 23rd September, at which the Mayor presided, and an. address was given by Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of tie Institution. In the course of his address Mr. Shee said that the Blackpool Branch had a band of devoted workers, especially -women, who year by year raised large sums for the Life-boat Service. It was work which demanded personal service, and that service was being most generously given by the workers of Blackpool.

Other speakers also paid tributes to the Branch's workers, and Mr. H. A.

Deakin, Assistant Secretary of the Branch, announced that Life-boat Day had raised £321.

BLAKENEY (Norfolk),—On 11th August the first Life-boat Day was held at this Station, and in connexion with it a number of speeches were delivered from the Life-boat in the street. Among those who spoke were the Earl of Leicester, Bishop O'Rorke, the Reverend Lee-Elliott, Chairman of the Local Committee, Mr. S. E. Baker, Honorary Secretary of the Branch, and the District Organizing Secretary for Greater London. The Earl of Leicester recalled the capsizing of the Wells Life-boat in 1880, when 11 men out of the crew of 13 were drowned, of which he had been an eye-witness; and Mr. Baker described the last service of the Blakeney Life-boat, when she went out in a N.W. gale in blackest darkness and searched the sea for five hours for a wreck, only finding it at last when she heard a voice calling out of the darkness.

This lead her to the wreck, and two men were saved only just in time. Both he and Mr. Lee-Elliott hoped that now that the Life-boat Day had been started at Blakeney the Branch would greatly increase its contribution to the Institution.

BRADFORD.—Sir William Priestley, Chairman of the Branch, presided at a special meeting held on 26th September, at which Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, gave an address on the Institution's work, dealing in particular with the great economy of a Life-boat Service maintained by voluntary means instead of by the State. Miss Nora M. Grainger, Assistant Secretary of the Branch, reported that in spite of bad trade, the Branch had raised £1.903, only £72 less than in the previous year.

On 9th October, the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress (Alderman and Mrs. Richard Johnson) gave a civic reception to a party of Bridlington Life-boatmen who were visiting the city for their annual outing. Both the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress put on Life-boat dress, and in welcoming the men the Lord Mayor spoke of Bradford's pride in the fact that in its Life-boat work it easily beat its rival Leeds. He also paid a tribute to the work of the Assistant Secretary, Miss Nora Grainger, and to the organizers of the annual Life-boat Matinee.

DUNDEE.—A special meeting of the Branch and Guild on 21st September was to have been held in the grounds of Airlie Park, the residence of Sir Charles and Lady Barrie, but owing to bad weather it took place instead at the Masonic Halls. The guests were received by ex-Lord Provost and Mrs. Longair, Mrs. Rettie, and Mr. J. M.

Hunter-Mitchell, J.P., President of the Branch, who took the chair, among those supporting him being Mr. B. L. Nairn, Vice-President, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

Mr. Mitchell explained that the object of the meeting was that the members of the Committee and the Guild might become better known to one another, have an opportunity of discussing the object for which they were all working, and meet the Secretary of the Institution. In the course of his address Mr. Shee said that among the three or four names of those who were the most self-sacrificing workers for the Life-boat Cause in the British Isles, the names of ex-Lord Provost and Mrs. Longair stood out very prominently. A very large part of the prosperity of the Branch, and the largest part of the success of the Guild, were due entirely to Mrs. Longair's deep interest and enthusiasm. Mr.

Shee then presented certificates won by two pupils of Dundee schools in the Life-boat Essay Competition.

DUMEEKMLINE (Fifeshire).—A special meeting was held on 19th September, Bailie Wright, Chairman of the Branch, presiding, at which an address was given by Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. In the course of it he pointed out that the present contribution of Scotland to the Service fell far short of the cost of maintaining the Life-boats on the Scottish coast, and said that he was sure this fact had only to be brought home to the people of Scotland for an increased response to be made to the Institution's appeals.

Following Mr. Shee's address the formation of a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was discussed.

FLEETWOOD (Lancashire).—A special meeting of the Branch Committee and Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 24th September, the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. R. Fogg, presiding, at which an address was given by Mr.

George P. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. Mr. Shee also presented to Mr. H. G. V. Walsh the picture of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress, awarded to him in 1926 on his retirement from the Honorary Secretaryship, and congratulated him upon having established a Ladies' Life-boat Guild which had done excellent service.

Mr. Fogg pointed out that in the twenty-four years since he became Honorary Treasurer the annual contributions of the Branch had risen from £43 to £314.

INVERNESS.—A special meeting was held in the Town Hall on 16th September for the purpose of inaugurating a Ladies' Life-boat Guild and the presentation of the Challenge Shield for Scotland won in the Life-boat Essay Competition by Miss Edith M. Munro, of Foyers Public School, for the best essay sent in by a Scottish school.

Provost MacEwen presided, supported by Lady Findlay, Honorary Secretary of the Scottish Life-boat Council, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary. Provost MacEwen said that the Institution needed no words of his to recommend it, and that, many as were the calls made on the public's generosity, the Lifeboat Service was one of those national appeals which had a very high claim on their support. Mr. Duncan Mackintosh, the Honorary Secretary of the Branch, spoke of the heavy task before the Institution itself and the Scottish Council, in raising the necessary funds, and said that they were confident that the public would never fail in its support. Lady Findlay spoke of the steps which were being taken to increase Scotland's support of the Institution. She did not say that less interest had been taken in its work in Scotland for, since 1914, contributions had been increased by 75 per cent., but when it was realized that in some parts of England there had been an increase of as much as 280 per cent, it would be seen that Scotland's position was not what it should be. Scotland now had 43 Life-boats, of which 12 are Motor Life-boats, and soon would have 20 Motor Life-boats, the capital outlay for which would be £150,000, while the cost of maintaining all the Scottish Lifeboats would be £18,000 a year. What she wanted to bring home to them was that at present Scotland was only contributing £11,000 a year. That was not enough. A Scottish Council had been set up to deal with the question, and she was quite certain that it would not be for want of enthusiasm if very shortly Scotland was not covered with Branches, including even the most inland districts. One of the means for increasing Scotland's contribution, on which the Council chiefly depended, was the formation of Ladies' Life-boat Guilds, and she was delighted to know that one had now been formed at Inverness. Lady Findlay then presented the Guild Badges to the Honourable Mrs. Smyth, President of the Guild, Mrs. E. C. Jack, Vice-President, and Mrs. Layton, Honorary Secretary.

Mr. Shee gave an account of the Lifeboat Essay Competition, and pointed out that in Scotland, out of 36 education authorities, only 4 had refused permission for the Competition to be held in their schools—those of Glasgow, Aberdeen, Renfrewshire, and Sutherland.

Sir Godfrey Baring gave an address on the work of the Service, and presented Miss Munro with the Challenge Shield, a copy of " Britain's Life-boats," and a certificate.

LYTHAM.—A special meeting of the Branch Committee and Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held in the Boathouse oa 24th September, at which an address was given by Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, in the course of which he said that he hoped when the new Lytham St. Annes Motor Life-boat arrived even greater efforts than" in the past would be made on behalf of the Service with which both Lytham and St. Annes had been so honourably associated for generations.

ROTHERHAM.—A special meeting was held on 27th September in the Town Hall, at which Mr. J. Dickinson, J.P., Chairman of the Branch, presided, supported by the Mayor and Mayoress (Councillor W. and Miss M. M. Brooke), Mrs. K. W. Fieldsen, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

Mr. Shee gave an address on the work of the Institution.

SHEFFIELD.—A special meeting was held on 27th September, the Mistress Cutler (Mrs. D. Flather) presiding. The Honorary Secretary, Mr. J. Henderson, said that about £560 had been sent to the Institution from Sheffield for 1926.

He pointed out that the new regulations regarding collectors on flag days reduced the number of helpers on Life-boat Day, but he looked forward to great things being done when the Ladies' Life-boat Guild got thoroughly to work. The energies of the Mistress Cutler had already had a considerable effect in increasing interest in the Branch's work, Mrs. Flather said that she looked forward to seeing Sheffield send £1,000 to the Institution each year. Mr. Shee paid a tribute to the work of Mrs. Flather, Mr. Henderson, and the members of the Guild, and suggested that Sheffield should follow the example of other great cities, and raise a fund to provide a Motor Life-boat to bear the city's name. Mr. Cole, the Chairman of the Branch, replied that such an idea had already been considered by their Committee, and he hoped that it would again come up in the near future, when industrial conditions were more favourable to such an appeal being made.

SOUTHPORT.—A special meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 20th July to receive the Balance Sheet of the Life-boat Day. This showed that £472 had been raised as compared with £498 in the previous year, the collection in the streets bringing in £288, and the Mayoress's appeal £177. The Mayoress (Mrs. G. H. Hibbott), who presided, thanked the workers, and pointed out that although there was no longer need for a Life-boat at Southport, owing to the provision of Motor Life-boats at neighbouring ports, the town was just as dependent as before on the mariners of the country, and therefore the Life-boat Service should have the same claims on their support.

SOUTH WOLD (SUFFOLK).—At a meeting in the Market Place, on 28th April, Mr. Harry Smith, who is a member of the Kessingland Life-boat Crew, and whose father was at one time Second Coxswain, was presented by the Mayor with the Gold Medal of the Royal Humane Society, which was awarded to him for the bravest deed of the year, when, in a heavy sea, he dived from a trawler to rescue another member of the crew who had fallen overboard. A full account of this fine service appeared in the February issue of The Lifeboat.

Mr. Smith also received the Freedom of the Borough of Southwold. After the ceremony the church bells were rung. The Institution was represented by the District Inspector of Life-boats, and Mr. Ernest Woolfield, the Honorary Secretary of the Kessingland Branch, and both the Southwold and Kessingland Life-boat Crews were present. Before the ceremony, Mr.

Smith, with his father and mother, were entertained to lunch by the Mayor and Corporation.

Whist Drives, Concerts, Dances, Garden Parties, and Sales of Work.

ASHTON (Lancashire).—An American Tea was held in the Mayor's Parlour on 20th July, at which the Mayoress [Mrs. E. S. Oldham) presided. Over 100 ladies attended, and the amount raised totalled over £20.

HORNSEA (YORKSHIRE). — On 4th August a " Lavender Fair" was held in the grounds of " Fairbank" and " Westgate House," lent by Mrs. J. R.

Hedley (President of the Hornsea Branch) and Messrs. P. Davies and Wharton. The Fair was opened by Mrs. Adrian Bethell. Altogether nearly £80 was raised by it.

Garden Parties have been organized, in aid of the Institution, by the following Branches and Guilds: Driffield (Yorkshire), St. Albans (Hertfordshire), and Standish (Lancashire).

CLACTON-ON-SEA.—The annual concert in aid of the funds of the Life-boat was held in the Pier Theatre on 5th September. A collection was taken by the Crew.

As a result of a concert held at Bowness (Westmorland) the sum of £212 has been handed to the Westmorland Motor Life-boat Fund.

Sales of work were organized in aid of the Institution by the following Branches and Guilds : Blyth (Northumberland), CuIIompton (Devonshire), Halifax (Yorkshire), and Lymm (Cheshire).

Whist Drives were held at Market Weighton (Yorkshire) and South Benfleet (Essex).

A Dance in aid of the Institution was held at Beaumaris (Anglesey).

Visits to Life-boat Stations.

HUMBER.—On 7th September a party of forty workers from Bradford visited the Life-boat Station on the Humber to see a launch of the City of Bradford Motor Life-boat, a number of them taking part in the launch. This was followed by a life-saving display, and a brief account of the work of the Station was given by the District Organizing Secretary.

TEESMOUTH.—On 18th August a party of fifty members of the Redeai Ladies' Life-boat Guild visited this Station as the guests of Mr. IMskney, one of the Honorary Secretaries, and Mrs. Todd, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Religious Service*.

FLAMBOROUGH.—On 31st July an open-air Thanksgiving Service for the Life-boats was held, in which ministers of three denominations took part.

ILFRACOMBE.—An open-air Service conducted from the Life-boat by the Rev. I. Siviter, Vicar of SS. Philip and James' Church, was held on 21st August, in aid of the Institution and the local Seamen's Bethel. Over 3,000 people were present, and the collection amounted to over £25.

PORT ERIN.—The annual Life-boat Service was held on 31st July, the preacher being Archdeacon Kewley, supported by ministers of the Wesleyan and the Primitive Methodist Churches.

The collection amounted to nearly £18.

A Life-boat Week at Berwick-on-Tweed.

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.-—A Life-boat Week was held by this Branch, which included a Life-Saving Display and Life-boat Launch on Saturday, 30th July ; a Children's Pageant on Tuesday, 2nd August; a Fancy Dress and Tableau Procession on the afternoon of Thursday, 4th August; and a Fancy Dress Ball on the night of 4th August.

Addresses to Rotary Clubs.

Life-boat addresses have been given to the following Rotary Clubs: Barnstaple, by Captain Basil Hall, E.N., in July; Lewes, by Rear-Admiral T. P. H.

Beamish, C.B., on 1st September; West Bromwich, by Captain Basil Hall, R.N., on 6th September; Taunton, by Captain Basil Hall, R.N., on 9th September ; and Newcastle-on-Tyne, by Mr.

Edgar H. Johnson, F.C.I.S. (District Organizing Secretary for the North of England), on 16th September.