A Magnificent Service on the East Coast
As the Journal goes to press the reports have been received of a magnificent service on the East Coast on 21st and 22nd November, in which the Motor Life-boats at Cromer, Gorleston, and Southwold all took part. The Dutch oil-tanker Georgia had broken in half on the Hasborough Sands, one half going ashore near Cromer after the men on board had been rescued by another steamer, while the other half remained on the Sands with fifteen men on board.
The Gorlestou Life-boat was launched to their help at 8.30 on the evening of the 21st, but it was not until 20 hours later that the Cromer Life-boat succeeded in rescuing them. A full account of this splendid service will appear in the next number.
The next number of THE LIFEBOAT witt be published in February, 1928.
When you have read this number will you kindly pass it on to a friend, unless you are keeping a complete set of the Journal ?.