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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 28th April, 1927.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the death of the Lord Brownlow, and also of Mr. Henry E. Fargus, Members of the Committee of Management.

Decided to close the Grimsby Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ a. d.

J, J. CKOSFIEID, Esq. (donation, interest to cover annual subscription) 200 - - Miss PANTiiro (additional donation) 50 - - LEO. M. TOBHT, Esq. (additional donation) 30 - - ALAN C. HABBJS, Esq. (additional donation) 25 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £22,594 3s. lid. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Lifeboats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £130 13*. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Beaumaris (Motor). Motor ketch Tryfan, of Liverpool.

Landed 3.

Dungeness No. 1 . S.S. Fvlmar, of Liverpool. Rendered assistance.

Holy Island No. 1 . Motor yawls Vic- (Motor) tory, Isabella, Breadwinner, and Provider, of Holy- Island, and Edith Cavell, of Seahouses.

Stood by fishing boats.

North Sunderland . Eleven fishing cobles of North S u n d e r ! and.

Stood by fishing cobles.

Scarborough . . Coble Reliance 11., (Motor) of Scarborough.

Escorted coble into harbour.


Seaham (Motor) Swanage.

Whitby (Motor) , Yarmouth, I. of W.

(Motor) Yarmouth, I. of W.

(Motor) Lives Vessel. rescued.

A motor boat and two small boats. Saved three boats and . 1 French ketch Sellock.

Stood by vessel.

Fishing cobles Jo/m Bay, Unity, and Mary, of Whitby.

Stood by cobles.

S.S. Yapalaga, of Philadelphia.

Landed an injured man.

Schooner Annamarie, of Hamburg.

Rendered assistance.

The Angle Life-boat saved the tug Wrestler, of Glasgow.

Also voted £218 5s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Angle, Caister, Caister No. 2, Berwick-on-Tweed, Brightstone, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Holyhead, Looe, New Brighton, Penlee (Motor), Ramsgate, Walmer, Wells and Whitby.

Granted £68 15*. to persons for injury in the Life-boat service at Blackpool, Blakeney, Cardigan, Lyme Regis, Moelfre, Ramsey, Scarborough, and Walton-on-the-Naze.

Granted a special pension to THOMAS G. Hi5 ARD, Coxswain at Wai mer, who was partially disabled by breaking his thigh when transferring the Life-boat from Kingsdown on the 8th January, 1927.

Voted a grant of £5 to JOHN MACKENZIE, who after serving as Bowman and Second Coxswain of the Machrihanish Life-boat for several years resigned in order to emigrate.

Voted £4 to the Coxswain of the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, Motor Life-boat and three other men for rescuing a woman and two men who were thrown into the water when their boat— the dinghy of the yacht Z/urKe—was capsized off Yarmouth, on the night of I7th April.

Their cries were heard, and the four men put off at once in a boat and found them clinging to the overturned dinghy. A strong flood tide was running -with, a moderate •westerly wind and had it not been for the promptness of the resellers they would, in all probability, have been drowned. A reward was also given to the four men by the three rescued persons.

Voted £3 to EOBEBT TAIT, Skipper, and £2 each to the other three men of the fishing boat Margery, who by their promptitude and seamanship rescued one of the crew of the motor yawl Lertvick, which was swamped when crossing the bar at Berwick-on-Tweed, on the 24th March. The other three members of the Lerwick's crew were drowned, one of them being Robert Burgon, ex-Coxswain of the Berwick-on-Tweed Life-boat and holder of the Institution's Silver Medal. The accident happened as the boats were returning from fishing, and the Margery, which was safely over the bar, immediately put about.

Careful search was made, but only one survivor could be found. The salvors incurred a certain amount of risk, and it was only the handling of the boat by Robert Tait which prevented it being swamped like the Lenvick.

Voted £6 to four men for rescuing the four men of a salmon yawl who were washed out of her by heavy seas when fishing off Youghal, on the 17th March, in a strong S.E. gale.

Fortunately they were able to cling to their boat until the salvors, who were also out fishing, were able to reach them. With some risk and difficulty the rescuers were able to get the four men into their boat, and also salved the disabled yawl.

Decided that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Captain JOHN CSAGIE, of the S.S. Orcadia, and voted £2 to the Boatswain and £1 10*. to four other members of the crew, for rescuing the three men of the ketch Royal Exchange, of Wick, which was wrecked on the Holm of Spurness on the 15th November. The ketch, which was on passage from Wick to Caithness, lost her staysail during a strong squall from the N.W. and became unmanageable. Both anchors were dropped, but the cables parted, and the crew launched their small boat and succeeded in reaching some rocks. They were out of range of the life-saving apparatus, and the Orcadia went to their help and after two attempts her ship's boat was successful in rescuing the three men.

Thursday, 26th May, 1927.

The Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE in the Chair.

Reported the death of His GRACE THE DUKE OF LEEDS, a Vice-President of the Institution.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions : — £ *. d.

Messrs. SASDOH & Co., Ltd. (donation) ........ 52 10 - Anonymous (additional donation) 50 - - " A. W." (donation) . ... 30 - - "A. W." (subscription) . . . 5 - - PEBCY E. ttrasi, Esq., per Philip G. Peabody, Esq ..... 26 5 - Mrs. P. E. HURST, per Philip G.

Peabody, Esq ...... 26 5 - Miss LUCIA PEABOBY, per Philip G. Peabody, Esq ..... 26 5 - Miss LOTJISA Ssow, per Philip G.

Peabody, Esq ...... 26 5 - The Hon. and Rev. EDWARD V. R.

POWYS (additional donation) . 26 5 - The late Miss AKEJLA HTOJT (donation) ........ 25 - - — To be thanked.

£18,695 17s. 2 f. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Lifeboats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £36 Is. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives IJie-boat. Vessel. rescued.

The Haraber . Steam trawler Rigo- (Mototj letto, of Grimsby.

Stood by vessel.

Kilmore . . Steam drifter Clnny, of Milford Haven.

Stood by vessel and rescued . . . . 8 Porthdinllaen . A small boat. Stood (Motor) by boat.

The Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the motor launch Vanitie, of Wivenhoe, and the Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor) Life-boat salved the Army Pontoon A. lit.

Also voted £63 16s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on. vessels in distress:-—Caister, Fraserburgh (Motor), Margate No. 2 (Motor), Poolbeg, Skegness, and Sunderiand (Motor).

Granted £53 18s. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Cresswell, Lyme Regis, Walmer, and Winterton.

Voted a further sum of £100 for the benefit of the men of the Ramsgate Life-boat, who took part in the rescue oi the Indian Okie/ in 1881, and authorized an increase in the allowances being made to them.

Granted an additional reward to the crew of the Skegness Life-boat for an arduous service launch on the 14th May.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to Capt. W. J. OLIVEK, M.C., Honorary Secretary at Sumderland, who went out in the Life-boat on service on the 7th May.

Voted a framed Record of Thanks, and a framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a. vessel in distress bearing a suitable inscription, to the 1st Port of Dublin Sea Scouts for rescuing three men at Ringsend, on the 21st May. Waile out for rowing practice in a choppy sea with a strong N.W. breeze, a racing gig, with a crew of five, j capsized when turning near the Block Light- ) house. Seeing the accident from their Headquarters, the Scoutmaster and four Scouts immediately manned the nearest boat and went to the rescue. Four men were picked up, but the other man could not be found. One of the men picked up was unconscious and unfortunately could not be revived, although every effort was made. No great risk was incurred by the rescuers, but their promptness and skill were the means of saving the lives of the three men.

Voted £3 to two men for rescuing the two occupants of the sailing coble Jean and Alice, of Whitby, on the 5th May. Also granted 2s. 6d. for petrol used. While hauling crab pots the coble was struck by a heavy squall and dismasted and drifted towards the roots near Saltwick Bay. The motor coble Gratitude, saw the signal for help, took the coble in ton and brought her safely to land.

Thursday, 23rd June, 1927.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the death of Engineer Rear- Admiral CHARLES RUDD, a Member of the Committee of Management.

Appointed Miss ALICE MARSHALL, retiring Honorary Secretary of the Oxford Branch, a Vice-President of the Institution.

Appointed Major R. J. P. WYATT, M.C., Organizing Secretary for the South Eastern District, vice Major A. G. WADE, M.C., retired.

Paid £17,930 3*. 8d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Lifeboats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £75 10s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :—• Lives Life-'boat. Vessel, rescued.

Aldeburgh No. 1. Ketch Cf. L. Munro, of Yarmouth. Stood Toy vessel.

Kingstown . . Small yacht Gem, of (Motor) Dublin. Stood by yacht.

Whitby No. 2 . Fishing coble Mary Elisabeth, of Whitby.

Stood by coble.

Also voted £210 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Blackrock, Burnham, Caister, Exmouth, Fraserburgh (Motor), Holyhead No. 1 (Steam), Johnshaven, Margate No. 1, Newbiggin, Palling No. 1, Ply- Month (Motor), Porthdinllaen (Motor), Rhoscolyn, Teesmouth (Motor), and Torbay (Motor).

The Redcar Life-boat launched to the S.S. Holywell, oi Sunderland.

Voted a compassionate grant of -£5 to F. W. PABKY, ex-Bowman of the Llandudno Life-boat, who is now unable to work owing to illness due to some extent to his Life-boat service.

Granted an additional reward to the crew of the Burnham Life-boat in recognition of an arduous service launch on the night of the 5th June. Also directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to Mr. DOWLAS RIDD, who rendered assistance on this occasion.

Addressed a Letter of Appreciation to the Porthdinllaen Life-boat Crew, and to the Honorary Secretary, Capt. OWEN EVAJJS, who accompanied them, for an arduous service launch on the 16th June.

Voted £8 to four men who rescued the only occupant of a small boat off Wicklow, on the 5th June, which had been overtaken by a squall from the N.N.W., with a rough sea, and was being rapidly carried out to sea.

The promptness with which the salvors put out in a boat to the rescue probably saved the man's life.

Voted 10s. to two men who, with the Lifeboat's Chief Motor Mechanic, put off, on the 4th June, from New Brighton, in a motor boat to the help of a small boat, the occupants of which were reported to be waving a flag to attract attention. It was found that the boat contained soldiers who were signalling to a battery ashore.

Voted 15s. to two men who, with the Life-boat's Chief Motor Mechanic, manned a motor boat and searched for a small vessel reported to be in difficulties off New Brighton, on the 16th June. No casualty could be found nor was one afterwards reported.

Directed that Letters of Appreciation be addressed to Messrs. ROBINSON, SCOTT, and GABBTJT, Coxswain, Chief Motor Mechanic, and Second Motor Mechanic, respectively, of the New Brighton Life-boat, for their prompt rescue of a man who had fallen from the landing stage, on the 11th June. The rescuers, who were returning in a dinghy from the Life-boat, were just in time to save him, as he was exhausted.

Thursday, 21st July, 1927.

Sir GODFBEY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Co-opted Sir FREDERICK T. HOPKINSON, K.B.E., a Member of the Committee of Management.

Elected Major H. E. BURTON, O.B.E., E.E., retiring Hon. Superintendent of the Tynemoutb, Motor Life-boat, an Honorary Life Governor.

Decided to close the Peterhead No. 1 Life-boat Station.

Reported the re-opening of the Rosslare Harbour Life-boat Station and the closing of the Wexford Station. Also reported the opening of the new Station at Galway Bay.

Appointed Mr. ROBERT W. ASCROFT, M.B.E., Organizing Secretary for the Midlands District, vice Captain F. T. WINTER retired.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution :— £ s. d.

White Star Steamers' Charity Account (additional donation) . 50 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £21,757 19*. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £110 18s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Life-boat.

Cullercoats Holy Island No. 1 (Motor) Margate (Motor).

New Brighton No.

2 (Birkenhead) (Motor) Ramsey .

Scarborough .

(Motor) Whitby .

(Motor) Yarmouth I. of W. (Motor) Lives Vessel. rescued.

S.S. Homewood, of Middlesbrough.

Stood by vessel.

Motor yawl Sarah Brigham, of Holy Island. Saved vessel and rescued 3 Yacht Smew, of Woodbridge. Saved yacht and rescued 1 The Formby Lightvessel.

Stood by vessel.

Steam trawler Cevic, of Fleetwood . . 6 Motor coble Morning Star, of Scarborough.

Rendered assistance.

Motor 'fishing coble Francis, of Whitby.

Escorted coble into harbour.

Ketch Nelly, of Portsmouth.

Landed 1.

The Cromer (Motor) Life-boat saved the steam trawler Anson, of Grimsby, and rescued her crew of nine ; and the Rosslare Harbour (Motor) Life-boat saved the lugger Mona, of Wexford, and rescued her four hands.

Also voted £196 2s. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Brighstone Grange, Brighton, Caister No. 2, Dunbar, Eastbourne, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Hoylake, New Brighton, Palling No 2, Porthdinllaen (Motor), Portrush (Motor), Rhoscolyn, Seaham (Motor), Selsey and Bognor (Motor), Whitby, Wells, and Wicklow (Motor).

Voted a special gratuity of £20 to WILLIAM WALSH, in recognition of his services in the Wexford Life-boat, on his retirement after many years as a member of the crew.

Voted a special grant of £2 to ELLIS DOYLE, of Penmon, in recognition of his services as Signalman and Night Watchman.

Granted an additional reward to the Crew of the Margate (Motor) Life-boat for an arduous service on the 26th June, when the yacht Smew was saved and her only occupant rescued.

Granted additional rewards to the Crew and helpers of the Ramsey Life-boat for an arduous service on the 26th June, when six men were rescued from the steam trawler Cevic, of Fleetwood.

Voted £2 to four men for rescuing the four occupants of a small pleasure boat which was in danger of being carried out to sea at Blackrock,' on the 19th June. Also granted 5s. to the owner of the boat used by the rescuers.

Voted £1 to four men for putting out in a motor boat to the rescue of a bather at Blackpool, on the 1st July. Also granted 2s. 6d. for fuel consumed. The bather was being carried out to sea by the ebbing tide and an offshore breeze, and the prompt action of the rescuers undoubtedly saved his life.

Voted £2 to two men for rescuing the crew, five in number, of the schooner Western Lass, of Plymouth, on the 13th July. During a very thick fog the vessel had struck the Brissons Bock, near Cape Cornwall, and foundered. Her crew took to the ship's boat in an endeavour to reach land. They were sighted by the two men, who were going out fishing, and who picked them up and landed them at Sennen. No risk was incurred by the salvors, but their knowledge of the coast probably saved the lives of the five men, who had intended to land at a, spot where their boat could not have lived.

Voted £2 to four-men for landing six soldiers who had got into difficulties while bathing from an open boat near Tenby, on the 9th July. Also granted 7s. Gd. for petrol used.

Voted £7 10s. to ten men who put out from Newcastle, Co. Down, on the 25th June, to help the occupant of a small boat which was in distress. A boat from H.M.S. Hood, which was lying in the bay, rescued the man just before the motor boat reached him. Owing to the wind and sea the motor boat had a rough journey back and did not arrive until midnight, "frith her crew suffering from cold and exposure, having been out since about 8 p.m.

Voted £6 17.9. 6d. to the Coxswain of the Blakeney Life-boat and ten other men for putting off, in a motor boat, to the help of two motor boats which had run ashore at Blakeney Point, on the 26th June. Also granted £1 to the owner of the motor boat used.

As the Blakeney Life-boat was under overhaul, the boat went out in response to a signal hoisted by the bird-watcher at the Point.

Just before she reached the position the signal was hauled down as the occupants of the boats had landed safely..