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Practice Launches

AT the Conference of Life-boat Workers held at Bristol on June 18th, of which a report appears on page 485, one of the speakers pointed out how much it would interest the workers of inland Branches to see Life-boats afloat, and he asked if it -would not be possible for such Branches to be notified when the nearest Station was holding a practice launch. The simplest way of doing this would be by getting the date published in advance in the Press, and we hope that Honorary Secretaries of Stations will arrange for such announcements to appear, as long as possible before the date, not only in their local papers but in the principal paper in the county so that as many ae possible of the workers of neighbouring inland Branch es may see it. It is not suggested that the date should be advertised, for this expense would not be justified, but we feel sure that the Press will always be ready to publish the dates of launches—a number of papers in fact already do so—as items of news..