News from the Branches
Since the War only three issues of THE LIFEBOAT have been published annually. Owing to the great increase in the amount of matter for publication, particularly in reports of the work of Branches, the Committee have dec ded to revert to the practice of four issues in the year, dated February, May, August, and November. This is the third number published this year and it will therefore be followed by another number in November.
Annual Meetings : Station Branches.
BLACKPOOL (LANCASHIRE). •— On 22nd March, Mr. C. H. Turver, Chairman, presiding in the absence of the Mayor. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service once and that £501 had been collected as compared with £371 in the previous year. In presenting the report, Mr.
L. H. Franceys, the Honorary Treasurer, said that the subscriptions amounted only to £34, and though this was an increase of £12 they were altogether inadequate for a town of the size of Blackpool.
CLACTON-ON-SEA (Esssx).—On 21st April, Dr. J. Coxhead Cook, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service once, and that £259 had been collected as compared with £291 in the previous year. Of this sum nearly £69 was raised by annual subscriptions, £41 by Life-boat Sunday, over £96 by Life-boat Day, and nearly £22 by a Concert, while the crew had collected over £10. The Officers were re-elected.
DUBLIN (Co. DUBLIN).—On 7thMarch, Senator Andrew Jameson, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending SCth September, 1926, showed that the Kingstown Life-boat had been out on service on two occasions, and that £926 has been collected as compared with £938 in the previous year. It was also pointed out that while the maintenance of the Irish Life-boat Stations had cost £8,150 during the year, the amount collected in Ireland amounted to only £4,450. In moving the adoption of the report, Senator Jameson said that they would like in Ireland to raise enough to pay for the upkeep of the Life-boats on their own coasts. He also appealed to the Civil Service in the Free State to follow the example of the Civil Service in Great Britain which in the past sixty years had raised over £70,000 for the Lifeboat Service, and start a similar fund.
He felt sure that such a fund would have its support. The Meeting thanked the Officers and Committee of the Branch, and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
DUNDEE (FORFARSHIRE) .—On 22nd April, Mr. J. M. Hunter Mitchell, J.P., President, in the chair, supported by Lord Provost High. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £384 had been collected as compared with £381 in the previous year. Of this sum over £283 had been contributed by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Lord Provost High and other speakers expressed the feeling that Dundee was not giving the Life-boat Service the support which it had a right to expect.
DUBLIN).—On 4th May, Mr. H. R.
Tweedy, Chairman of the Branch, presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on two occasions, and that £179 had been collected as compared with £200 in the previous year. In moving the adoption of the report, the Chairman said that the maintenance of the Station had cost a good deal more than the money collected, and that the deficit had been made up from headquarters. He hoped, however, that the local income would steadily increase until the Branch became self-supporting. He paid a tribute to the work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guilds, which had raised £83 out of the total income.
EXMOUTH AND BUDLEIGH SALTEETON (DEVONSHIRE).—On 19th March, Captain A. B. Grenfell, K.K, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £202 had been collected as compared with £116 in the previous year.
HASTINGS (SUSSEX).—On 6th May, the Mayor (Councillor T. S. Dymond) presiding, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £85 had been collected as compared with £83 in the previous year. The report also pointed out that the money raised was not sufficient to maintain the Station, and that one would expect that a town which prided itself on being the first of the Cinque Ports would be able not only to maintain its own Life-boat, but, in addition, to make a substantial contribution to the funds of the Institution. Sir Godfrey Baring appealed in particular for an increase in the number of annual subscriptions, which in the previous year contributed only £35. Both he and the Mayor referred to the fact that the Board of Trade had established a Look-out on the Fire Hills, which the Corporation had just acquired as an open space, and from which a wonderful view could be obtained of the Channel.
They felt that this would be of great _ help to the Hastings Life-boat, for the Service was largely dependent for its opportunities to save life on information I received from the Coastguard.
HOWTH (Co. DUBLIN).—On 4th April, Commander J. C. Gaisford St. Lawrence, Chairman of the Branch, presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £107 had been collected as compared with £109 in the previous year, and of this sum £82 was raised by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
LYTHAM (LANCASHIRE).—On 29th April, Mr. E. Mellor, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £167 had been collected as compared with. £355 in the previous year.
NEW BRIGHTON (LIVERPOOL).—On 7th April. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boats had been out on service on four occasions, and that £23 had been collected as compared with £53 in the previous year. Following the meeting, the Committee of the Branch entertained the Crew to their annual " Hot Pot " Supper, Mr. Jerrett, Chairman of the Committee, presiding.
Captain F. W. Mace, O.B.E., R.N.E., Marine Surveyor of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, in proposing the toast of " The New Brighton Coxswain and Crew," said that one of the greatest problems which the Life-boat Service had to face was the decline each year in the number of fishermen, the men from whom the Life-boat Crews were drawn. He was very glad to see so ( many young men present, and he hoped that they would carry on the great traditions of the Mersey Life-boat Service.
—The Eev. Otway Woodward, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Lifeboat had been out on service on one occasion, and that £94 had been collected as compared with £71 in the previous year. Of this sum £35 was annual subscriptions.
POOLB, BOURNEMOUTH, WIMBORHE AND CHRISTCHURCH (DORSETSHIRE).— On 29th April, the Mayor (Alderman H. J. Thwaites) presiding, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, presented by the Honorary Secretary of the Bournemouth section of the Branch, Mr. Stacey Hall, showed that the Poole Life-boat had been out on service once, and that £785 had been collected as compared with £715 in the previous year. Mr. Hall concluded the report by saying that he could not present his 33rd and last Annual Report without expressing his appreciation of the uniform kindness which had been extended to him by all the Institution's officials in London. The report of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild showed that the Guild had collected £635 as compared with. £617 in the previous year. Sir Godfrey Baring thanked the Branch for the generous support which it gave the Institution, and at the same time pointed out that the combined population of the districts in the Branch area came to nearly 150,000 people, so that the actual collection amounted to Id. per head of the population. He appealed particularly to the Ladies' Life-boat Guild to extend their work, saying how extraordinarily successful the Guild tad been in all parts of the country. Mr. Shee also spoke on the work of the Institution.
Sir Godfrey Bating then presented the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum to Mr. Stacey Hall on his retirement after 33 years' service for the Branch, and to Mi. Henry Burden, after 22 years' service as Honorary Secretary, and 12 years as Chairman of the Branch. Mr. Hemy Burden, in returning thanks, said that since the first Life-boat was stationed at Poole in 1865 not a single life had been lost from shipwreck in Bournemouth Bay and 172 had been saved. If they capitalized that according to an able seaman's value it would amount to a sum equal to half the rateable value of Bournemouth. He recalled that when in 1898 three vessels were in danger in the Bay, the Coxswain of the Life-boat, Mr. John Hughes, although over 70 years of age, remained in charge of the Life-boat for 48 hours, almost without a break. Sir Godfrey Baring also proposed a very hearty yote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. G. Me William, which was carried with acclamation. On page 49? will be. found the record of the awards which the Institution has just made to Mr. and Mrs. Me William in recognition of their long and valued services.
The Mayor was elected President of the Branch, and the Mayoress President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Mr. K. H. Mooring Aldridge and Mr. William Fox were elected Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, respectively.
A fortnight later a meeting of the Committee and friends was held, the chair being taken by Alderman Mate, the Deputy-Mayor, supported by the Mayor and Mayoress. Mr. William Fox, the new Honorary Secretary, appealed for more organizers for the House-to-House Collection, there being vacancies in a number of districts. He also pointed out that the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild had a membership of 120, and he hoped that this would be increased.
Mr. Henry Burden said that if every family in Bournemouth were to subscribe only 2s. 6d. a year between £3,000 and £4,000 would be raised.
—On 28th March, the Mayor, Mr. G.
W. Hope, President of the Branch, in the Chair, supported by the Lady Mayoress, and the Hon. George Colville, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £4,724 had been raised, as compared with £5,324 in the previous year. This sum included the annual contribution of £1,000 from the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, and £1,611 collected by the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild, which was specially congratulated by the Mayor on its splendid work. An address was given by Mr.
Colville, in the course of which he suggested that Liverpool should have a Life-boat Day. The Lord Mayor replied that at one time Liverpool had had a Day, and he hoped that it would be revived.
EAMSEY (!SLB or MAN).—On 3rd May. The Chairman's seat was left unoccupied. The Honorary Secretary, Mr. A. H. Teare, first paid a tribute to the -work of the late Chairman, Mi. T.
H. Midwood, J.P., and the Rev. M. W.
Harrison, M.A., was then elected Chairman.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service once, and that £129 had been collected as compared with £125 in the previous year. This included £34 which was collected at the Life-boat House, a record sum. The Honorary Secretary thought that, with a little more energy, it would be possible to increase the annual subscriptions, which amounted to under £19.
—On llth April, the Mayor (Aldetmau D, Cairns), who was accompanied by the Mayoress, presiding, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management.
The report for the year ending £Gth September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on two occasions, and that £516 had been collected as compared with £549 in the previous year. Sir Godfrey Baring, in moving the adoption q| the report, warmly congratulated the Branch on its work, and said that the Institution was very anxious to see the number of annual subscribers increased.
Annual Meetings : Financial Branches and Guilds.
AIAOA (CLACKMANNANSHIBE). — OH 3rd June, Ex-Provost Duncanson presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £205 had been collected as compared with £238 in the previous year. The District Organizing Secretary pointed out that in spite of the excellent work being done by such Branches as Alloa it had been a reproach to Scotland for some time that she was not contributing her share to the cost of the Life-boat Service. The annual maintenance of the Life-boats on the Scottish coasts, apart from the cost of providing them, would shortly amount to something like £18,000 a year, and towards this the Scottish Branches were contributing only £11,CCO.
BARNSLEY (YORKS).—The Annual Meeting of the Guild was held on SGth March, at the house of the Mayoress (Mrs. Foulstone), President of the Guild. The report for the year ending SOth September last showed that £131 had been collected, as compared with £75 in the previous year. About 40 members of the Guild were present.
BELFAST LOUGH (Co. ANTRIM).—On 25th April, the Lord Mayor, Sir William Turner, accompanied by the Lady Mayoress, presiding. The report for the year ending SGth September, 1926, showed that £671 had been collected as compared with £962 in the previous year. In moving the adoption of the report, the Lord Mayor said that during the year separate Branches had been formed at Bangor and Larne, which had previously formed part of the Belfast Lough Branch. The amount of £671 raised in this reduced area could not compare very favourably with the City of Dublin's collection of £926. On the other hand, it was gratifying to see the increase iii the collections made in offices, works and factories, and he cordially congratulated the contributors 1 o this collection on the splendid support which they were giving to the Service.
The Lord Mayor pointed out that Ireland raised little more than half the sum required to maintain the Life-boats on the Irish coasts, leaving out of account the large capital expenditure on the provision of Motor Life-boats.
This meant that the subscribers to the Institution in England, Scotland and Wales were contributing many thousands of pounds a year to enable the Service on the Irish coasts to be carried on. He was sure it was not too much to ask the Irish people to raise annually the £8,CCO required to maintain the Irish Life-boats, and at the same time to contribute towards the capital expenditure. In seconding the adoption of the report, Mr. John Devlin, M.P., said that at such a meeting there could be no religious, political or racial distinctions, and that in a sea-girt country like Ireland the claims of such a Service as the Life-boats must be obvious to all Christian citizens. He did not think it was to the national credit that Ireland should have to look to other countries to help to provide the money needed for the Irish Lifeboats.
The Lord Mayor was re-elected President, and the other Officers were also re-elected. A Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed with the Marchioness of Londonderry as President and an influential Committee.
BRWLIKGTON (YORKSHIRE). — The Annual Meeting of the Guild was held in the Town Hall on 7th March, the Mayor, supported by the Mayoress, presiding. The meeting was so well attended that every seat in the large Committee room was occupied. Mrs.
Gray, the Honorary Secretary of the Guild, gave an account of its activities since last November, which had included a Whist Drive and a Sunday Concert, while twenty-four members of the Guild, at the invitation of the Mayor, had walked in the procession on Fishermen's Sunday. Mrs. Gray also reported to the Guild on the visit which she and Miss Walker had made to London to attend the first meeting of the General Council. Miss Walker presented the report for the previous year, the details of which were given in The Lifeboat for last February in the report of the Annual Meeting • of the Branch. The Mayor congratulated the Guild on its untiring efforts, and said that he wished he had such a Committee in connexion with the Town Council.
BURY (LANCASHIRE).—On 31st March, the Mayor (Councillor J. Hill) presiding, supported by the Mayoress, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £182 had been collected, as compared with £95 in the previous year. Of this sum over £50 consisted of subscriptions, while over £110 had been collected on Life-boat Day.
CHESTER (CHESHIRE).'—On 9th April, the acting Mayoress (Mrs. C. C. Taylor) presiding, in the absence of the Mayor.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £255 had been collected as compared with £318 in the previous year. Of this sum nearly £9 had been obtained by the collecting box which, with the permission of the Dean, had been placed in the Sailors' Chapel of the Cathedral.
Miss Hewitt, the Honorary Secretary, welcomed the Countess of Stamford, who had accepted the Presidency of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild for the county of Cheshire.
CITY os LONDON BRANCH.—On llth March, Mr. Sheriff Percy Shepherd presiding, in the absence of the Lord Mayor, supported by the Hon. George Colville, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management, Admiral T. P.
H. Beamish, M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, and Mr.
George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £8,972 had been collected, as compared with £9,729 in the previous year. Aldetman J. G. Howell, Chairman of the Branch, in moving the adoption of the report, said that he would like to see the subscriptions of the City considerably increased. He appealed in particular to the textile trade to respond. Captain F. B". D. Acland seconded the motion, and Mr. Percy G. Mackinnon, Chairman, of Lloyd's, the Hon. George ColviUe, Admiral Beamish, and Mr. Shee also spoke, DARLINGTON (DURHAM).—On 18th March, the Mayor, Councillor J. G.
Snaith, accompanied by the Mayoress, presiding. The report for the year ending the 30th September, 1926, showed that £131 had been collected as compared with £175 in the previous year.
It was announced that the Marchioness of Londonderry had accepted the office of President of the Guild for the county of Durham, and hoped to hold a conference of Ladies' Life-boat Guilds in the autumn.
DURHAM (DURHAM).—On 18th March, the Mayor presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £84 had been collected.
In the previous year no work had been, done by the Branch. It was disappointing that the sum raised was so small, but this was partly due to the fact that Life-boat Day had had to be abandoned owing to the coal stoppage.
EXETEB (DEVONSHIRE).—At a meeting held on 9th March, over which the Mayor (Dr. Ransom Pickard) presided, supported by the Mayoress, the Sheriff and Mrs. Micaelmore, it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, The Mayoress consented to be the first Patron, Mrs. A. S. Reed was elected President, and Mrs. P. Frost, Honorary Secretary. Within two months of this meeting the Guild had raised nearly £400.
GLASGOW (RENFREWSHIRE).—On 9th June, Mr. Fred Bedford presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £2,391 had been collected as compared with £2,660 in the previous year. In presenting the report, Mr. Leonard Gow, the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, pointed out that the deficit was almost entirely due to the coal stoppage. The appeal to Captains and Crews of Clydeowned vessels was meeting with increased success, and £375 had been received as compared with £328 in the previous year. Mr. Gow also pointed out that with the greatly increased cost of the Service, due to the provision of Motor Life-boats, Scotland was contributing much less than the cost of the Life-boat Stations round her coasts.
Instead of the £11,000 a year which was actually subscribed she should raise £30,000 a year if she was to pay for the provision and maintenance of her own Life-boats. He hoped that when these facts were realized there would be an increased response by the people of Scotland's great sea-port.
Mi. Leonard Gow was elected Chairman, Mr. Fred Bedford, Honorary Secretary, and Mr. William Henderson, Honorary Treasurer.
ILFORD (ESSEX).—On 4th March, Councillor J. H. Shjpman, Yice-Chairman, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, the first year's work of the Branch, showed that nearly £14 had been collected. It was announced that the Mayor, had promised his support, and he was elected President, Sir Frederick Wise, M.P., being elected a Patron, and Councillor J. H. Shipman, Chairman.
It was hoped greatly to increase the Branch's contribution.
KEIGHLEY (YORKSHIRE).—On 27th May, Mrs. Percy dough, Vice-President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild,, presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £356 had been collected as compared with £393 in the previous year. Reference was made to the very fine work done by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
KENDAL (WESTMORLAND).—The Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 18th April, Mrs.
C. H. Whitaker, President, in the chair.
The report for the first year of the Guild's work showed that £96 had been raised, of which sum over £51 came from Life-boat Day, nearly £20 from collecting cards, and £22 from subscriptions and donations. In moving the adoption of the report the District Organizing Secretary pointed out that this sum had actually been raised within four months and congratulated the Guild on the excellent start which it had made.
LABNE (Co. ANTRIM). — On 28th April, Mr. Samuel Magill, Chairman of the Urban District Council and President of the Branch, in the chair. The report for the first year of the Branch's work showed that £63 had been contributed, an increase on what Larne raised in previous years when part of the Belfast Lough Branch. Special reference was made to the work which Miss Morrow had done as Honorary Secretary. Mi. Magill was re-elected President, Miss Morrow, Honorary Secretary, and Mr. J. L. Joyce, Honorary Treasurer.
MACCLESFIELD (CHESHIRE).—On 18th March, Mr. Robert Brown, J.P., presiding in the absence of the Mayor.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £120 had been collected as compared with £180 in the previous year.
MANCHESTER, SALFORD AND DISTRICT (LANCASHIRE).—On 28th March, Sir William Milligan, J.P., Chairman of the Branch, and a Vice-President of the Institution, in. the chair, supported by the Hon. George Colville, Deputy- Chairman of the Committee of Management.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £4,132 had been collected, as compared with £4,234 in the previous year. An address was given by Mr. Colville, who congratulated Manchester on the success both of its Life-boat Day and its total contribution to the Institution, and referred to the legacy of £20,000 recently received from the late Mrs. Ann Eussell, of Cheetham, near Manchester, which would provide two Motor Life-boats.
Such legacies were the return which, the Institution received for its work and expenditure on propaganda and advertising, MIDDLESBROUGH (YORKSHIRE).—On 12th April, the Mayor (Councillor A.
Weathered) presiding, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and Sir Christopher Furniss.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £211 had been collected as compared with £380 in the previous year. The report referred to the splendid work being done by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, which, since its formation in 1920, had raised over £1,OCO. Sir Godfrey Baring said that the Institution was deeply grateful for the work which was being done at Middlesbrough, and he thought that the Branch should be warmly congratulated on having raised so much at a time of such industrial depression.
Sir Christopher Furniss said that he took a great interest in the Service not only as a shipowner but as a yachtsman.
NEWPORT (MONMOUTHSHIRE).—The Mayor (Councillor A. T. W. James), supported by the Mayoress and members of the Branch, presided at a meeting on 22nd March, at which it was decided to form a Guild. The Mayor referred to the work which had already been, done for the Institution by the Jadies in Newport, and congratulated them on having Mrs. Claude Martyn as their President and Mrs. Rees as Chairman and Honorary Organizer. Mrs. Rees thanked the Mayoress for becoming a Patroness of the Guild.
—On 6th April, Lady Winfrey, President of the Branch, in the chair.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £170 had been collected as compared with £95 in the previous year, £66 resulting from a House-to-House Collection, £63 from Life-boat Day, and £26 from a Whist Drive. Lady Winfrey appealed for more collectors, and a tribute was paid to the work of Mrs. Dickenson, who, after thirty years, had been compelled to give up the work. Lady Winfrey also spoke of the enthusiasm for the Service which was shown in Peterborough, which she thought was very fine for an inland town. An address OB the work of the Institution was given by Major Shipley Ellis.
Davies, J.P., presided at the Annual Meeting of the Guild on 14th March.
Notwithstanding the coal stoppage and bad trade in 1926, the Guild had increased its contributions from £85 to £103. An address was given on the work of the Institution by the District Organizing Secretary.
ROTHERHAM (YORKSHIRE).—On 13th May, Councillor J. Dickson, J.P., Chairman of the Branch, presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £174 had been collected as compared with £212 in the previous year. It was decided to ask the Mayor and Mayoress to become Patrons of the Branch.
SALISBURY (WILTSHIRE).—On 30th March, the Mayor (Mr. J. C. Hudson), Chairman of the Committee, presiding, supported by the Mayor of Wilton, and Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £826 had been raised as compared with £334 in the previous year. Of this sum £19 was from annual subscriptions, £263 from donations and collections, £425 from the Fete held in the grounds of the Bishop of Salisbury's Palace, £105 from. Life-boat Day, and £11 from Dances. In presenting the report, Major Rawlence, D.S.O., one of the joint Honorary Secretaries, paid a tribute to the energy of 108 collectors who worked for the Branch. Sir Maurice Cameron cordially thanked the Branch in the name of the Institution.
SALTBURN (YORKSHIRE).—On 14th March, with Mrs. Marshall, J.P., Yice- President of the Branch in the Chair, the first Annual Meeting was held. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £69 iad been collected.
SEAHAM (DURHAM).—On 13th April, the Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild was held. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £22 had been collected as compared with £24 in the previous year.
The Marchioness of Londonderry was elected President, Mrs. T. Turner, Vice- President, and Mrs. John Adaznson, Honorary Secretary.
SHEFFIELD (YORKSHIRE).—On 17th June, the Lord Mayor (Alderman J. G.
Graves) presiding, supported by the Lady Mayoress, and the Master and Mistress Cutler (Mr. and Mrs. David Flather). The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £554 had been collected as compared with £614 in the previous year.
The Lord Mayor said that the time had now arrived when they should cease thinking so much of bad trade and difficult industrial conditions as reasons for keeping in the background their duty towards such organizations as the Life-boat Service. It was time now to consider the Service's claims and to work harder for it and increase its subscription list. Mr. J. W. IlifE said that while Sheffield raised a fair sum by street collections, its subscription list was not as high as it should be, and the Master Cutler pointed out that while Sheffield was the fifth city in the Kingdom in population it was only nineteenth * in the Institution's list of Branches. Although it was an inJand town it had wide association with the sea, and its place in the Life-boat lists should be much higher.
SHREWSBURY (SHROPSHIRE). — On 15th March, the Viscountess Sandon, President, in the chair. The" report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £176 had been collected as compared with £175 in the previous year. Of this sum £28 was in the form of annual subscriptions and £121 was raised by the House-to-House Collection. Lady Sandon said that they had all heard with great regret of * This uras Sheffield's position in 1924-1825.
Unfortunately in 1925-1926 it just failed to be among the first twenty Branches.
the illness of Miss Moser, who, for so many years, had been Honorary Secretary of the Branch, and had given the Life-boat Cause not only great personal service, but very generous financial support. They must do all in their power to carry on the good work which she had done. A resolution was passed expressing the gratitude of the Branch to Miss Moser for her inspiring efforts during 30 years. In moving this resolution, Lieut.-Colonel Donaldson said that he was sure that among the ladies who helped Miss Moser one would be found who would take charge of the House-to-House Collection, and he suggested that they should aim at getting an annual sum equivalent to 2d. a head of the population of the county.
Admiral Sir Cecil Thursby, at one time Admiral Commanding the Coastguard and Reserves, also paid a tribute to Miss Moser: and Mr. P. B. Moser said that the best thanks which they could give his sister would be to carry on the work.
SOUTHPORT (LANCASHIRE).—On 24th March, the Mayor (Councillor Hibbott) presiding, supported by the Mayoress.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £581 had been collected, as compared with £540 in the previous year. Of this sum £215 was the result of the Mayoress's Appeal, and £273 of Lifeboat Day. A meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held the same afternoon, at which the Mayoress, as President, promised again to issue an appeal.
SWANSEA (GLAMORGANSHIRE) . — On 10th May, the Mayor (Councillor D. J.
Bassett) presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £222 had been collected as compared with £225 in the previous year. In moving the adoption of the report, the Mayor said that it was a great reproach to Glamorganshire that it had only raised £8,000 out of the £20,000 which it had been intended to collect in order to pay for the Motor Life-boats stationed by the Institution at Barry Dock and The Mumbles, as a gift to the Prince of Wales. He hoped that the fund would soon be completed.
THAME (OXFORD SHIREJ.—On 21st March, Captain W. Biuce, C.B.E., R.D., R.N., presiding, supported by Mrs.
R. O. Lee, President, and the Viscountess Bertie of Thame, Chairman of the Central London Committee of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £90 had been collected.
An address was given by Captain Basil Hall, E.N., late District Inspector of Life-boats, and a number of Life-boat films were shown, after which there was a concert. Lady Bertie proposed, and Admiral Sir Nelson Ommaney, O.B.E., C.B., seconded, a vote of thanks to Captain Hall.
WAEBINBTON (LANCASHIRE). — On 31st March, the Mayor (Alderman Arthur Bennett) presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £160 had been collected as compared with 1137 in the previous year. In moving the adoption of the report, the Mayor said that the work of the Life-boats deserved all the support which they could give it, and Mr. F. A. Frost, in seconding, said that he would like to see a Warrington Motor Life-boat on the coast. He looked forward to the time when they could raise the money needed to provide it.
New Branches and Guilds.
ARBROATH (FORFARSHIRE).—At a meeting convened by Provost and Mrs.
Robertson on 21st April it was unanimously decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Lindsay Carnegie being elected Honorary President, Mrs. A. Maclaren Robertson, President, and Mrs. J. D. Gilruth, Honorary ' Secretary.
HALIFAX (YORKSHIRE).—The Mayor (Councillor A. H. Gledhill), accompanied by the Mayoress, presided at a meeting on 1st April, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. The Mayor pointed out that before the war there had been a Branch of the Institution at Halifax, but that this had been allowed to lapse and that only £34 9s.
had been collected for the Institution during the past year, whereas Bradford subscribed over £2,000 annually. He proposed, and it was unanimously decided, to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Mayor being elected President, Mrs, Hume, Vice-President, Mr.
E. S. LatcLmore, Treasurer, and Mis.
H. Ollerensbaw and Mrs. G. Gledhffi, Honorary Secretaries.
HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM).—The Mayor (Alderman A. Hyde), accompanied by the Mayoress, presided at a meeting on 13th April for the purpose of forming a Ladies1 Life-boat Guild, among those present being Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, a number of former Mayoresses and a number of Life-boatmen. After Sir Godfrey had given an address on the work of the Institution, the Mayoress proposed the formation of a Guild, and this was seconded by Mr. Alfred Belk, Honorary Secretary of the Branch, who said that the Institution had spent on the Hartlepool Station, established in 1875, over £30,CCO. The resolution was unanimously adopted, the Mayoress being elected President, Mrs. 3. W. Wilson, Vice-President, Mrs. B. R. Kendal, Honorary Treasurer, and Miss A. D.
Hyde, Honorary Secretary.
HINDLEY (LANCASHIRE).—At a meeting held on 29th April it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. W. Taylor being elected President, Miss Helen Southworth, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. J. W. Hurst, Honorary Secretary. Guild Badges, Certificates of Membership and collecting cards were distributed, and it was decided to adopt the following methods of raising funds : Life-boat Day, American Teas, Whist Drives and Dances, and Collections in Churches and places of amusement.
HOHKEY (YORKSHIRE).—A meeting was held on 22nd June at which it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mis. B,. Rippon being elected President, Mrs. T. G. Oldham and Mrs.
C. B. Thornton, Vice-Presidents, Mis.
Martin, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs.
J. S. Garside, Honorary Secretary.
Three weeks later a House-to-House Collectiott was held which raised over £20.
KlRKHEATON (YORKSHIRE).-—At a meeting held on 28th June it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. E. M. Johnson being elected President, Mrs. Taylor, Vice-President, Mrs. Broughton, Honorary Secretary, and Mrs. Whittell, Honorary Treasurer.
It was decided to organize a House-to- House Collection, and also later on to hold a social event of some kind.
—Mrs. Gilbert Magee, ex-Mayoress, presided at a meeting on 13th June at which it was decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Magee being elected President, and Mts. Dunn, Honorary Secretary. It was decided to hold a Life-boat Day on the day of the Regatta.
•—At a meeting held on 16th June, it was decided to form a BTaneb. and Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Councillor A.
Rolling being elected President, Mr.
G. H. Watiuns, "Vice-President, Mi.
John Taylor, Honorary Secretary, and Mr. Eonald Green, Honorary Treasurer.
WORSTHORSE (LANCASHIRE) . — A meeting was held on 8th March at which the Vicar, the Reverend H.
Stones, M.A., presided, and an address was given by the District Organizing Secretary. It was decided to foim a Branch of the Institution, the Rev.
H. Stones being elected President, Mr.
J. C. Holgate, Vice-President, and Mia.
J. G. Holgate, Honorary Secretary. A strong Committee was also elected.
Special Meetings.
Lillingston presided at a special meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 23rd May in the unavoidable absence of the President, Lady Frances Osborne, who was prevented by bereavement from being present. Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, gave an address on the work of the Service.
He described the Motor Life-boat which is to be built for Berwick out of the Westmorland Motor Life-boat Fund, and referred to the splendid work being done by the Ladies' Life-boat Guilds.
Commander E. D. Drury, O.B.E., B.C., R.N.R., District Inspector of Life-boats, spoke about the work on the coast.
CALNE (WILTSHIRE). — A special meeting was held at the Palace Theatre, lent by Mr. Albany Ward, on 14th March, at which Colonel Earl presided in the absence of the Mayot (Councillor J. ¥.
Bodinna), President of the Branch.
The meeting was organized by the Ladies' Committee in order to bring the newly-formed Branch to the notice of the public. Captain Basil Hall, R .N., late Inspector of Life-boats, gave an address, Life-boat films were shown, and a collection was made to be given to Mr. Albany Ward's fund for the Weymouth Life-boat House.
ISLINGTON (LONDON). — A special meeting was held on 28th April, the Mayoress, Mrs. Harrold, who is Chairman of the Branch, presiding, to hear an address by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution. The Mayoress was supported by the Dowager Lady Raglan and a number of Councillors.
• After, Sir Godfrey's address an appeal was made for workers to help on Life-boat Day.
PRESTON (LANCASHIRE).—The annual House-to-House and Street Collections were held on 18th June, and during the day, at the suggestion of the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Miss Cross, the Mayor and Mayoress, accompanied by members of the Branch Committee and Guild, with the St.
Vincent's Boys' Band, and a detachment of Sea Cadets forming a Guard of Honour, walked in procession from the Town Hall to the War Memorial, v?h*re the Mayor laid a wreath in the shape of an anchor. The wreath bore the inscription, " To the men ot the Royal National Life-boat Service and men of the British Navy who gave their lives in service to King and Country, 1914- 1918. From the Preston Ladies' Lifeboat Guild." Whist Drives, Concerts, Dances, Garden Parties and Sales.
BEXLEY HEATH (KENT).—On 18th April an exhibition game of Push Ball was played in aid of this Branch on the ground of the Bexley Heath Town Football Club. The game was started by the Countess of Limerick, attended by Mr. F. 3. L. Fish, President of the Branch.
EDINBURGH. — A Grand Carnival Benefit Night was held on 28th April realizing £28, and this was followed later by two very successful Whist Drives realizing £23. Over 200 people were present at these two Drives, and an address on Life-boat work was given and Life-boat literature distributed at each of them.
HUDDEESFIEID (YoKKSHIBE).—An American Tea and Sale was held in the Mayor's Reception Room on 26th March, the chair being taken by the Mayor (Mr. Rowland Mitchell). There was a musical programme, and the sale realized £25.
The following Branches and Ladies' Life-boat Guilds have held dances and whist drives, or dances, in aid of the Institution: Alnwiek (Northumberland) ; Carmarthen (Carmarthenshire); Eastbourne (Sussex), the second Ball this year; Bdgware (Middlesex); Goole (Yorkshire); Holy Island (Northumberland) ; Ledbury (Herefordshire) ; Palmers Green (London); Ringwood (Hampshire); Teddington (Surrey); Wakefield (Yorkshire), and Wigan (Lancashire).
The following Branches and Guilds have held concerts in aid of Branch Funds: Leeds (Yorkshire) ; Ilkeston (Derbyshire), and Bowness (Westmorland).
Garden Parties were organized, in aid of the Institution, by the following Branches and Guilds : Barrow (Lancashire) ; Epping (Essex) ; Gourock (Renfrewshire); Macclesfield and Holmes Chapel, Ck ostrey and Chelford (Cheshire) ; Maryport (Cumberland) : Newport (Monmouthshire), and Redcar (Yorkshire).
A very successful Jumble Sale was held by the Exeter Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 27th April.
Entertainment of Crews.
WALTON-ON-NAZE (ESSEX). — The Annual Dinner given to the Crew by the Life-boat Committee took place on 1st April, Mr. R. H. Palmer, O.B.E., presiding, supported by members of the Committee, and by the Chairmen of the Walton and Clacton Urban District Councils.
Religious Services.
HASTINGS (KENT).—The annual ceremony of Blessing the Sea on Rogation Sunday was held on the shore on 25th. May before a congregation of over 1,000 people. The service was conducted from the Life-boat by the laypreacher of the Fishermen's Church of St. Nicholas, Mr. J. W. E. Chubb, and an address was given by the Rev.
W. Charles Bown, of St. Andrew's Waterside Mission. A collection in aid of the Life-boat Service realized the record sum of nearly £18.
HAYLING ISLAND (HAMPSHIRE).— Life-boat Sunday was celebrated by the North Hayling Brotherhood on 27th March. Mr. Henry West, J.P., Honorary Secretary of the Hayling Island Bianch, presided and conducted the service.
Addresses to Rotary Clubs.
Life-boat addresses have been given to the following Rotary Clubs : Braintree (Essex) by Captain Basil Hall, R.N., on 13th April; Brentford and Chiswick (Middlesex) by the District Organizing Secretary for Greater London on 19th April; Hastings (Sussex) by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, on 6th May; Great Yarmouth (Norfolk) by Captain Basil HalJ, R.N., on 10th May ; andKnchley (Middlesex) by the District Organizing Secretary for Greater London on 29th June.
The next number of THE LIFEBOAT mil be publisJied in November. 1927..