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The Prince of Wales and the Hastings Life-Boat

WHEN the Prince of Wales visited Hastings on 6th April to open the White Rock Pavilion and the new Promenade, he went aboard the Life-boat which was drawn up outside the Life-boat House. Beside the House the fishermen had built a remarkable arch of boats, barrels and fishing-nets OH a base of blocks of ice into which fish were frozen.

The Prince was first made a member of the Winkle Club, being presented with a gold winkle by the oldest working fisherman. He was then presented with a replica in silver and the museum at Hastings, which was carried by the Water Bailiff in the early eighteenth century, as his badge of authority, when he boarded vessels suspected of carrying contraband.

After these presentations the Prince went aboard the Life-boat, being received by the Honorary Secretary, Mr. H. Samson, and the District Organizing Secretary. He talked to j the Coxswain, S. W. Plummer, and noticing a medal which the Bowman was wearing, called him aft and shook hands with him. The Crew then crowded round him crying, " Give us a shake, ivory of the ancient oar mace, now in sir," and he shook hands with them all..