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Summary of Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, ZOth January, 1927.

Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Co-opted Commodore Sir Bertram f. Hayes, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N.R. (retd.) as a Member of the Committee of Management.

Approved the formation of a Scottish Council to promote and further the Life-boat Cause in Scotland.

Decided to close the Yealm River Life-boat Station, Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. d.

King George's Fund for Sailors (additional donation) . . . 1000 - - Mrs. C. A. ALLEN (additional donation) 100 - - Mr. A. W. YOUNG (additional donation) 50 - - White Star Steamers' Charity Account (additional donation) 50 - - Mr. ALFRED BAEBETT, J.P.

(additional donation) . . . 26 5 - Mrs. Dyson (donation) . . . 21 - - Mr. HERBEBT E. COBBETT (adcfitional donation) . . . . 21 - " A Derbeian" (additional donation) 20 - - Mr. A. KINGFISHER (donation) . 20 - - —To lie thanked.

Paid £15,094 15s. Kid. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £176 10s, to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services :— Life-boat.

Filey . . .

Flam borough No. 1 Holy Island .

No. 1 (Motor) Newbiggin Runs wick Scarborough , (Motor) Southwold (Motor) Whitby .

(Motor) Whitby No.

Vessel. Lives Rescued.

Eight fishing cobles of Filey. Stood by cobles.

The fishing fleet of Flamborough.

Stood bv fleet.

Motor yawl Provider, of Holy Island. Escorted boat into harbour.

Fishing coble Lily Brown, of Cresswell. Saved coble and rescued .

Five fishing cobles of Runswiek. Stood by cobles.

Fishing coble Donald, of Scarborough Fishing boats of Searborough and Filey.

Stood by boats.

Ketch 0. L. Munro, of Yarmouth. Stood by vessel and rendered assistance.

Fishing coble Francis, of Whitby. Escorted coble into harbour.

Fishing boat Pilot Me, of Whitby. Stood by boat.

Nine motor fishing boats of Whitby. Stood by boats.

The Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Ooldoni, of Fiume; and the Walton-on-the-JVaze (Motor) Life-boat saved the fishing smack Charlotte Ellen, oi Colchester, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of four.

Also voted £378 4s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Blyth (Motor), Caister, Caister No. 2, Eastbourne (Motor), Holyhead No. 1 (Steam), Newhaven (Motor), New Quay (Card.), North Deal, Palling No. I, Palling No. 2, Plymouth (Motor), Scarborough, Selsey and Bognor (Motor), Whitby, and Yarmouth, Isle of Wight (Motor).

Granted £54 11s. to persons for injury in the Life-boat Service at Cardigan, Fiiey, Margate, Montrose, New Quay (Card.), Port Logan, and Ramsgate.

Granted a small compassionate allowance to the widow of Thomas Kew, of Wells, who is now old and in very poor circumstances.

Kew distinguished himself on the occasion of the Wells Life-boat Disaster in 1880.

Voted a compassionate grant of £10 to Andrew Young, Second Coxswain of the Cloughey Life-boat, who is in very poor circumstances.

Awarded the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, together with the sum of £5, to Joseph Curtis, of Polperro, Cornwall, for his gal/antry in rescuing a shipwrecked man by climbing down the cliffs to him. The rescue took place on the night of the 12th November, when the Danish schooner /. M. Nielsen, of Svendborg, ran on the rocks under the cliffs and went to pieces in a few minutes. (An account oi this service appeared in The Lifeboat for February, 1927.) Voted £2 14a. to eight men, three of whom rescued the only occupant of a small boat at Llandudno on the 13th November, during a S.W. gale, while the others also put out to the rescue.

Voted £3 to six men for standing by the fishing coble The Brethren when entering the harbour at Staithes, on the 14th December, in a whole N.E. gale.

Voted £1 14s. to six men for putting off in two motor cobles from Newbiggin and rescuing the three occupants of the motor coble Princess Mary, on the I6th December, in a westerly gale. Also granted 4*. for petrol consumed.

Granted £7 for division amongst twentythree men who, on the night of the 25th October, took part in the work of fanding the crew, thirteen in number, of the Liverpool Hopper No. 18, which stranded, at Llanddulas, when caught in a squall during a N.W. gale while loading at a landing-stage.

Thursday, 17th February, 1927- Sir GODFREY BASING, St., in the Chair.

Decided that, in accordance with the wish of the London Women's Committee, the designation of the Committee be amended to The Centra] London Women's Committee of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Decided to close the Cambois Life-boat Station.

Paid £13,043 17*. 2d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Lifeboats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £223 18s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :—• Vessel. Lives Rescued, Boat of S.S. Bilton, of Middlesbrough. . . 3 Ketch Crystal, of Milford Haven. Landed 1.

The fishing fleet of Arbroath.

Stood by fleet.

Four motor fishing boata of Bridlington. Stood by boats.

S.S. Braywood, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Aldeburgh No. 2 Angle .

Arbroath .

Bridlington Great Yar- .

mouth and Gorleston (Motor) Gourdon . The fishing fleet of Gourdon. Stood by fleet.

Helvick Head Motor schooner Elizabeth Ellen Fisher, of Dublin. Landed 5.

Montrose . . Four fishing boats of No. 1 Montrose. Stood by (Motor) boats.

Newbiggin- . The fishing fleet of Newby- the-Sea biggin. Stood by fleet.

Port Erin . Fishing boat Cissie, of (Motor) Port Erin. Saved boat and rescued . . . 2 Torbay . . French trawler Btoile.

(Motor) Stood by vessel.

The Wexford (Motor) Life-boat saved the yacht Nereda, of Wexford, Also voted £445 2s. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Arbroath, Barry Dock (Motor), Broughty Ferry (Motor), Caister, Douglas (Motor), Dunbar, Holyhead, Moelfre, Montrose No. 1 (Motor), The Mumbles (Motor), New Brighton, Newhaven (Motor), North Deal, Peel, Port Logan, Portrush (Motor), Ramsey, Scarborough (Motor), Troon, Westonsuper- Mare, and Wexford (Motor).

Granted £12 Is. to persons for injury in the Life-boat service at Runswick, and Walmer.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to John Coull, Bowman, at Montrose, who resigned on account of ill-health, stated to have been contracted in the Life-boat on service, and who was in poor circumstances with a family to support.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to Wm. Salmon, who was at one time Coxswain of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat and is now very old and in poor circumstances.

Granted the sum of £2 towards a fund raised at Gorleston to defray the funeral expenses of J. Giles, a Life-boatman, Granted the sum of £10 towards the funeral expenses of the late Coxswain at Youghal, M. Hannagan, who died in poor circumstances after a long illness.

Awarded the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to the women oi Hewbiggin-by-the-Sea, in recognition of their courage, tenacity and devotion when, on the 26th January, in the face of a whole S.E. gale, they helped to launch the Life-boat in order that she might stand by the local fishing fleet which had been overtaken by the storm and was making for harbour. Also directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Life-boat crew and the men helpers for their services on this occasion. (An account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for February, 1927.) Voted £9 to nine men who rescued four men, at Dundalfc on the afternoon of the 28th January. Also granted £4 for the use of the boat by which the rescue was effected. While engaged in their duty of lighting the lamps on the harbour beacons the men were overtaken by a sudden storm. Their boat was swamped and they were compelled to cling to a beacon for three hours before, by waving some of their clothing, they attracted the attention of the Station Master. Michael Gray, a pilot, together with eight other men, then manned a motor-boat, and after a hard battle against a strong flood tide and head wind rescued the marooned men.

Voted £1 10s. to the Coxswain and four other Life-boatmen who went to the help of the S.S. Kdbrix, which stranded close to the Life-boat Station at Brougbty Ferry on the 26th January.

Voted £4 10s. to three men who saved the motor fishing coble Laura, of Whitby, when she broke down in a strong 8.W. breeze, and rescued her crew of three on the 30th January.

Also granted 5s. for petrol used.

Addressed a letter, to the Imperial Merchant Service Guild expressing appreciation of the services rendered by Captain G. Johnstons and Mr. A. E. N. Williams on the 9th October, when the S.S. Jura stranded at Murkle Bay, Caithness-shire, in bad weather, and the crew got ashore by an improvised breeches buoy.

Granted £2 5s. to the crew of a motor boat, at Iliracombe, for going to the help of the ketch Olive Branch, which was in distress in a strong E. wind on the 5th December, 1925.

Thursday, 17th March, 1927.

Sir GODFREY BAMKG, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the resignation of Mr. J. J.

Crosfield from the Committee of Management.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution:— £ s. d.

H.M.S. HOOD (collection) . . 39 2 11 —To be thanked.

Paid £14,986 14s. 2d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £170 11s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— life-boat. Vessel. Lives Rescued.

Buckie . . Steam trawler Mtrleton, (Motor) of Granton. Rendered assistance.

Dungeness . S.S. Fran-mas, of Chris- No. 1 tinehamn, and S.S.

Bryntawe, of Swansea.

Stood by vessels.

Dungeness . Barge Cambria, of No. 2 London . . . . 3 The Humber Steam trawler Pomona, (Motor) of Hull. Stood by vessel.

Sheringham . S.S. Helmsman, of Newcastle.

Stood by vessel.

The Fraserburgh (Motor) Life-boat saved the trawler Ben Varan, of Aberdeen, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of ten.

Also voted £420 18*. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Donaghadee (Motor), Dungeness No. 1, Easington, Eastbourne (Motor), Plamborough No. 1, Fraserburgh (Motor), Hope Cove, Hythe, Johnshaven, Lowestoft (Motor), Montrose No. 1 (Motor), Palling No. 1, Penlee (Motor), Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Portrush, Pwllheli, Ramsgate (Motor), Rhoscolyn, St. Mary's (Motor), W»lton-on-the-Naze (Motor), Wells, and Wexford (Motor).

Granted £59 3s. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Fleetwood, Scarborough, and Walmer.

Granted £5 towards the funeral expenses of James Mitchell, ex-Life-boatman at Fraserburgh, who died in poor circumstances.

Decided that a weekly allowance, plus the rent of her cottage, which had previously been paid by the local Disaster Fund, now exhausted, be" continued to Mrs. Munt, widow of the Coxswain of the Brightstone Grange Life-boat. Coxswain Munt was drowned while out on service with the LiSeboat in 1888.

Reported the receipt of a letter from the Italian Ambassador conveying the thanks of the Italian Ministry of Communications to the Torbay and Hope Cove Life-boat crews for services rendered to the S.S. Liberia, of Genoa, which stranded at Bolt Head, on the 15th February, 1926.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. J. WAI/LACE TASKAS, Honorary Secretary at Fraserburgh, who •went out in the life-boat on service on the 16th February.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to tie Dr/NQENESs STATION and that the Crew and helpers of the No. 2 Life-boat, among whom were a number of -women, be granted an additional monetary reward for an arduous service launch on the 24th February.

Granted additional rewards to the crews of the St. Mary's and Portrush Life-boats in recognition of arduous service launches on the 5th and 12th March respectively.

Voted £23 2s. 6d, to eleven Life-boatmen of Sennen Cove who manned a boat and rescued the crew, sixteen in number, of the S.S.

BeecMree, of London, which had stranded near Lands End, on the 2nd March, and to ten others who helped to launch the boat.

Voted £16 10s. to eleven Life-boatmen at Cromarty who landed a man from and rendered help to the steam trawler Merleton, of Granton, which had gone ashore oif Findhorn Bar, on the 27th-28th February. Also granted 10s.

for petrol used.

Directed that Letters of Thanks be sent to Mr. A. S. GIBVAN and to another man, also voted £1 to a mechanic, all of whom put ofi in a motor-boat from Girvan, on the 4th.

February and rescued the three occupants of the motor fishing boat Clarinda, which had broken down. Also granted £1 for oil consumed..