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Lifeboat Wireless Programme

MK. EDGAR H. JOHNSON, the District Organizing Secretary for the North of England, arranged a special programme for the British Broadcaatmg Corporation, called " My Life-boat Programme," which, on. 4th May, was broadcast from the Manchester Wireless Station to Liverpool, Leeds and Hull. The Blackpool Life-boat Band, conducted by Mr.

James Brier, played a, immber of selections, including March R.N.L.I., composed by the conductor; Mr. C.

Lee, a member of the band, played a trombone solo, Braham's " Death- of Nelsoa" •, Miss Clara Pan, niece of the Blackpool Coxswain, sang several seasongs, and Mr. Johnson gave an address on " Some epic rescues from the sea," and recited Clement Scott's verses " The Warriors of the Sea," which describe the wreck off the Lancashire coast in 1886 of the German barque Mexico, when the shipwrecked crew were rescued by the Lytham Life-boat, but the St. Annes and Southport Lifeboats were capsized and wrecked with the loss of the whole of the St. Annes Crew and all but two of the Southport Crew..