Income and Expenditure for 1926
A PULL statement of accounts is published each year by the Institution and is printed in its Annual Report. In spite of the fact that this has always been done for a century past, two criticisms of the Institution are made periodically. The first is that it publishes no statement of income and expenditure! The second is that the greater part of its income is swallowed up in administration.' (The administrative expenses last year were, in fact, under 4f per cent.) In order to enable the Institution's workers to deal at once with these criticisms, and to give wider publicity to its accounts (although they are sent to the Press throughout G-reat Britain and Ireland) the Committee of Management propose for the future to publish the statement of income and expenditure in The Lifeboat as well as in the Annual Report. It will appear each year in the May number, in which the report of the Annual Meeting also appears, and it will be found in this number on p. 470..