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Income and Expenditure for 1926 (1)


LIFE-BOATS :—• New Life-boats for the following stations :—On account— Aberdeen, Eastbourne, Longhope, Montrose, New Brighton, Pie! (Barrow), Plymouth, Porthdinllaen, Ramsgate, Southwold, Stromness, Wexfacd, etc. . . . . .

Alterations and Repairs of other Life-boats, etc.

Payments on Maintenance of Steam Life-boat and Tug Consulting Naval Architect . . . . . .

Salaries and allowances oi Inspectors and Surveyors of Machinery, Surveyors of Life-boats, Assistant Surveyors, Draughtsmen, and Cleris (29 persons) . . .

Travelling Expenses . . . . . . .

Pensions a n d gratuity . . . . . . .

LIFE-BOAT CABBIAGES AND TBACTOBS, viz.:—• N e w Carriages . . . . . . . .

N e w Tractors, etc. . . . . . . .

Repairs t o Tractors . . . . . . .

Alterations and Repairs of Life-boat Carriages Salary and allowances of Assistant Surveyor of Life-boat Carriages . . . . . . . . .

Travelling Expenses . . . . . . .

LIFE-BOAT HOUSES AND SLIPWAYS, including Engineers' charges .

LIRE-BO A T STORES . . . . . . . .

LIFE-BO AT STOKEYAB.D A.T POPLAK, including Taxes, Insurance a n d Repairs . . . . . . . .

Salaries and allowances of Deputy Chief Inspector for Stores, Storekeeper and Clerks (15 persons), and Wages of Manual Workers (47 persons) . . . . . . .

Pensions a n d gratuity . . . . . . .

Storeyard Extension Works . . . . . .

PAYMENTS IN COJWEXCOK WITH LIFE-BOAT STATIONS, such as Repainting and other Small Repairs to Life-boats, Lifeboat Carriages, and Life-boat Houses, done locally, Conveyance of Boats, Carriages, Stores, Postages, etc.

Salaries of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Stations (19 persons) LIFE-BOAT INSPECTOKS, COXSWAINS, MOTOK MECHANICS, BOWMEN, SIGNALMEN" AND CREWS, ETC., VIZ. :—• Cost of Wreck Services, including Rewards to Life-boat Crews and others, Special Rewards and Recognitions, Medals and Vellums . . . . . . . . .

Grants to men injured in tine Life-boat service .

Pees of Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, Wages of Motor Mechanics, etc. . . . . . .

Payments to Life-boat Crews and Launchers "for exercises, etc.

Payments to permanent Crews of Steam Life-boat and Tug .

Pensions and Retiring Allowances to Coxswains, Bowmen a n d Signahnen . . . . . . . .

Pensions and Grants to Relatives of deceased Life-boat men a n d others . . . . . . . .

Pensions to permanent Crews of Steam Life-boats Salaries and allowances of Inspectors of Life-boats, and Clerks ( 1 5 persons) . . . . . . . .

Travelling Expenses o f Inspectors . . . . .

Pensions . . . . . . . . .

Carried iorward s. d. £ «, d.

45,477 4 1 5,855 10 4 1,365 6 1 250 16 1 9,469 2 1 2,068 10 11 469 19 3 133 12 0 640 17 9 157 14 1 158 5 9 305 0 0 105 1 0 2,550 11 6 11,527 9 8 269 0 0 3,368 12 10 9,321 17 3 267 5 0 6,321 18 7 284 11 6 19,960 8 0 6,840 » 7 2,061 3 2 3,239 8 11 564 19 3 448 12 0 6,579 2 3 1,958 15 3 744 0 0 64,956 8 10 1,500 10 7 33,772 8 H 15,528 11 9 17,715 14 0 9,589 2 3 39,721 10 0 9,281 17 6 £192,066 3 10 INCOME.


General Subscriptions to Headquarters . . . . 5,370 13 4 „ „ through Station Branches . . 5,931 11 10 „ „ through Knancial Branches . . 15,782 14 8 „ Donations to Headquarters . . . . 11,142 9 10 „ „ through Station Branches . . . 17,871 18 6 „ „ through Financial Branches. . . 41,259 14 8 Contributions from Harbour Authorities towards upkeep of Life-boat Stations 1,737 18 4 Contribution Boxes (Headquarters) 409 13 7 „ (Station Branches) . . . . 2,765 17 11 „ (Siiwuicial Branches) . . . . 772 8 4 103,045 1 0 LIKE-BOAT FUNDS :— Civil Service Liie-boat Fund, per W. Fortescne Barratt, Esq., in respect of tie following life-boat Establishments— Kingstown, Margate No. 2, Maryport, North Deal and Montrose No. 1 (additional) 1,568 10 7 North Deal—Bevan Reward Fund (per the Charity Commissioners) . . . . . . . . 208 5 0 Covent Garden Life-boat Fund, per Bert J. Monro, Esq.

(additional) 138 1 9 STorthrepps Mariners' Fund, for Norfolk Life-boat Stations . 12 10 0 1,927 7 4 INCOME FBOM INVESTMENTS :— Dividends and Interest on Investments . . . . 44,690 18 10 Less Income T ax deducted . . . . . 4,481 11 5 40,209 7 5 Special Purposes Trust Fund Income Account 1,630 9 0 Less Transfer to Special Purposes Trust Fund 447 6 1 1,183 2 11 Less Transfers to Station Branch Contributions, and Financial Branch Contributions 17 12 10 1,165 10 1 Income Tax recovered . . . . . . . 3,992 13 3 45,367 10 9 STODBY RECEIPTS :— SaJe of old Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, Life-boat Houses, Condemned Stores, etc 2,111 11 10 Sale of The Lifeboat Journal, Advertisements, etc. . . 110 19 8 Sale of Britain's Life-boats . . . . . . 7139 2,230 5 3 INCOME LEGACIES FOR GENERAL PURPOSES 152,570 4 4 49,847 14 8 Carried forward 202,417 19 0 EXPENDITURE.

Brought forward . . . . . .

ADMINISTKATION :— One half of Salaries and allowances of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary (General), and Clerical Staff ( 2 6 persons) . . . . . . . .

Rent, Bates, Taxes, Lighting, Seating, Insurance, etc. . . . . .

Insurance under Workmen's Compensation, National Insurance and Unemployment Insurance Acts . . . . .

Commissionaires and Messenger (3 persons) Telephone, Postages and Parcels £ A. d.

1,370 13 10 S57 12 6 538 16 8 688 3 11 3,155 Less estimated amount chargeable to Publicity 1,500 6 11 0 0 £ a d.

4,283 12 2 £ «. A 192,066 3 10 1,655 6 11 49 13 0 Pension . . . . . . . . .

Stationery, Office Expenses, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, etc, 1,552 4 10 Auditors' Pee 236 5 0 Law Expenses 326 0 2 Repairs and improvements to the House of the Institution . 373 0 9 8,476 2 10 PUBLICITY AT HEADQUARTERS AND 922 BRANCHES : — One half of Salaries and allowances of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary (General) and Clerical Staff (as above), and Salaries and allowances of Assistant Secretary (Publicity) and Typist ...... 5,160 2 5 Salaries and allowances of District Organizing Secretaries, Clerks, etc. (26 persons) ...... 6,180 17 Travelling allowances of District Organizing Secretaries .

Annual General Meeting . . . . . , Advertising a n d Appeals . . . . . .

Stationery, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, Badges, Collecting Boxes, Postages, etc. . . . . .

Printing and Binding the Annual Report and The Lifeboat Journal .........

Payments in connexion with purchase and distribution of Britain's jM/e-&oats .......

Salaries and Commissions of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Branches (102 persons) ......

Estimated proportion of Administration Expenses as above .

2,053 44 6,789 9 11 5 9 7,571 16 10 2,061 5 11 2 15 0 3,061 1,500 - 34,425 0 3 £234,967 6 11 INCOME.

£ e. d. £ s. d.

Brought f o r w a r d . . . . 202,417 1 9 0 GIFTS AUD LEGACIES FOK SPECIAL FDBPOSES :— Legacies:—• £ s. d.

Income only available . . . . . . 589 10 6 Special Gifts :— Capital available 9,621 14 10 legacies:— Capita! available 39,136 19 11 49,348 5 3 Less:— Transferred to Permanent Endowment Trust Fund . 589 10 6 Do. Special Purposes Trust Fund 48,758 14 9 49,348 5 3 TEANSFEBKED TKOM SSECI AL PURPOSES TBXJST Frai for Life-boats, etc., included in Expenditure defrayed during the year by Special.Legacies and Donations 9,546 0 9 £211,963 19 9 DEFICIT CHABGED TO GESEKAL POTPOSES Fran 23,003 7 2' £234,967 6 11 NOTE.—This account comprises the receipts and disbursements of the Headquarters of the Institution for the year to 31st December, 1926, and of the Branches for the year to 30th September, 1926. .


The next number of THE LIFEBOAT will be published in September, 1927.

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