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A Life-Boat Film In Australia

IN the Yarmouth Mercury on 5th March last, under the heading " Yarmouth and Gorleston Motor Life-boat's Fame in Australia," a letter was published "which had been received by a Gorleston man from his son in Australia. He was in a cinema when a picture of " the latest Life-boat in England " was announced. He wondered if by any chance it might be Gorleston, and " sure enough it was the new Motor Life-boat, Meiklam I think they call it. I could see plainly Coxswain Fleming and other members of the crew, whose faces were very familiar to me but whose names just now I forget. Just imagine me seeing dear old Gorleston and the Lifeboat crew 11,000 miles away from home." Probably it was a film of the Naming Ceremony last August.

This is not the first time such a thing has happened.

The late Honorary Secretary of the Cresswell Branch, Mr. H. S. Hunter, who resigned the Honorary Secretaryship at the end of 1921, wrote from Rangoon, on 22nd February, 1922 : " It may interest you to know that the ' Royal' Cinema, Rangoon, has this week a big placard put up in front of the theatre having the inscription, ' A Second Grace Darling of seventy-four Launches Life-boat.' I went to the show last night, and I must confess it made a lump come into my throat to see the Cresswell Life-boat Martha launched (on the screen) by all my dear old friends the crew and helpers.

Several of my Chinese and Burman friends who were with me were delighted with it when I explained the idea of a Life-boat to them." The " Second Grace Darling of seventy-four" was Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, of Cresswell, an account of whose work for the Life-boat Service, written by Mr. Hunter, appeared in The Lifeboat for February 1922..