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The Women of Newbiggin

Award of the Thanks of the institution Inscribed on Vellum.

ON the morning of January 26th, the whole of the Newbiggin fishing fleet had gone out in fine weather, but while they were at sea a sudden gale sprang up. By eleven o'clock the wind was blowing with great force, a very heavy sea was breaking on the shore, and the Coxswain decided to launch the Life- boat in order to stand by the boats, which, as they returned, would be in great danger rounding Newbiggin Point.

The weather was very cold, and it was raining heavily.

Nearly all the regular members of the Life-boat's Crew were out with.the fishing-boats, but the Coxswain got together a scratch crew, consisting chiefly of miners who had just come ofi their shift in the mine, and with the help of twenty-five fisher-women, wives and daughters of the men who were at sea, the Life-boat was, with great diffi- culty, launched. But for the help of the women it would have been impossible to get her afloat through the heavy surf.

As it was, she was thrown back on the beach, and to straighten her up many of the women waded out waist-deep.

The Life-boat remained at sea off the point for three hours, until all the fishing boats were safely in. During the whole of that time many of the women waited, although they were wet through, and then helped to rehouse the Life-boat.

In recognition of their gallantry the Committee of Management has awarded the women of Newbiggin the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

This is the third occasion, in recent years, on which fisher-women on the Northumbrian coast have been specially thanked. In 1922 a special letter of thanks was sent to the women of Holy Island, and in 1925 the women of Boulmer were awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, in each case for their gallantry in helping to launch Life-boats in circumstances of great difficulty,* An account of this fine service, and of other services which took place on the same day, was broadcast on January 29th from the Manchester Station of the British Broadcasting Corporation to all stations, by the District Organising Secretary for the North of England.

We have heard from various parts of the country, not only in England but Wales and Ireland, of the pleasure with which this account was received.

* See The. Lifeboat for February and May, 1922, and March and September, 1926..