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The Schoolboys' Own Exhibition

THE Institution took a small stall at the Schoolboys' Own Exhibition which was held during the first week of January. On the opening day it also had the use of a stall called King Arthur's Table, which was given, without charge, to a different charity for each day of the Exhibition. Here ex-Coxswain Swan, of Lowestoft, Gold Medallist of the Institution, spent the day signing picture-postcards for eager boys who, in return, very willingly put their pennies in the Life-boat Collecting Boxes.

The Institution's own stall, decorated with the House Flag of the Institution and Lifebelts, showed a model of aMotor Life-boat, and a demonstration model of a Self-Righting Boat in a tank. This model proved a great attraction. Small boys spent a long time in vain efforts to sink it, or prevent it from self-righting when capsized, and many who failed fetched their fathers in the hope (which was not realised) that they would be more successful.

Picture-postcards of Life-boats, which Admiral Lord Jellicoe and Captain Gordon Campbell, R.N., V.C., D.S.O., •who commanded " Q " Boats in the War, had very kindly signed for the Institution, were sold, and about 2,000 Life-boat booklets. Over £30 was collected..