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News from the Branches

list of New Branches.

The following new Branches have been formed since the list published in Life Lifeboat, for March 1926.


Branch. Honorary Secretary.

Adlington ....... Miss STSOTTD.

Beverley ....... Miss TUCKER, Westfield, Beverley.

Miss Ei,DON, Krdene, Queen's Gate, Beverley.

Brierfield ....... H. THOMPSON, Esq.

Carnforth ....... Mrs. STEPHENS.

Congleton ....... Mrs. DAVTES.

Driffield . . . . . . . Mrs. CLEMENTS, and Mrs. W. H. BLAKESTON.

Karby ........ Mrs. CTJNLIFI'E.

Grange-over-Sands ..... Bev. G. VICKERS GASKELL, F.R.A.S.

Haydock and Ashton-in-Makerfield . . Mrs. FAWCETT.

Heckmondwike ...... Mrs." PARK.

Hepworth and Scholes ..... Mrs. AKMTTAGE.

Holmfirtb. ...... Mrs. S. BOYD, and Mrs. E. SMITH.

Horwich ....... Mrs. BROWEIX.

Little Hulton ...... Mrs. AUSTIN KAVANAGH.

Lymm ....... Miss B. BBADBURN.

Marsden . . . . . . . J. E. SVKES, Esq.

Market Weighton ...... Mrs. ROBERTSON.

Mossley ....... Mrs. L. RAWSON.

Padiham ....... Mrs. WHITHAM.

Patrington ....... Mrs. MARTYN-ROBERTS.

Poeklington . . . . . . . Mrs. W. BARLOW.

Tintwistle ....... Miss WADSWOBTH.

UpholJand ....... Mrs. F. DENNING.

Wigan Mrs. W. H. TYMM.



Denbigh ....... W. LEWIS, Esq.

Llanwrtyd Wells ...... Miss PKNBY LLOYD.

Ledbnry ....... Miss G. A. BROOKS.


Borris ....... Miss A. MURPHY.

Kilkenny ....... JOHN D. FITZGERAI.I), Esq.

Lisbum ....... Mrs. P. Ro BENSON.


Bridge of Allan ...... KOBEET FLOCKHAET, Esq.

Hawiek . . . . . . . J. W. GTJTHWB, Esq.

Lamington ...... JAMES PATERSON, Esq.

Maybole ....... CHARLES SMITH, Esq.

Nevonilns . . . . . . B. M. PATEESOH, Esq., M.A.


Eccleshall Dr. G. N. MAKTIN.

Rugeley . . . . . . . B. H. BKAMWEIX, Esq.


Calne ....... Mrs. CHASMS 0. GOUOH.

Shepton Mallet ...... Miss FUDGE.

Skerbome ....... Mrs. A. E. CARTER.


Bexfey. ....... Mrs. POTJLTEE.

Cheshunt and Waltham Cross . . . Mrs. HEDGES.

Enfield . . . . . . . Miss PORTER.

Ilford . . . , . . . . C. J. A. BOOKMAN, Esq.

Islington ....... Councillor Mrs. PAUNELL.

Plumstead ....... Mrs, ROUST.

Sunbury ....... Mrs. COCKE.

Central Wandsworth ..... Mrs. COOPER.

Wealdstone ...... Mrs. RAINBOW.

Annual Meetings : Station Branches.

ABERDEEN ( ABEKDEENSHIRE) . — On 22nd November, Lord Provost Lewis in the Chair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, snowed that the No. 1 Life-boat had been out on service on one occasion, and that £536 had been collected as compared with £602 in the previous year. Of this sum the Ladies' Life-boat Guild had raised £270. The report thanked Mr.

George Alexander, the Honorary Secre- tary, and Mrs. D. M. Kilgour, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild, for their untiring work.

The Chairman in moving the adoption of the report, said that with the coming of the new Life-boat the Station at Aberdeen reached the high-water mark of efficiency, but that that efficiency could only be maintained by the generosity of the people of Aberdeen and district. He hoped that it would be realised that the yearly upkeep of the Boat would be £1,000, and that it was upon the increasing number of contributors, rather than upon the size of the individual contributions, that the success of the Station and the whole Life-boat Service depended. Com- mander Edward D. Drury, O.B.E., E.D., R.N.R., District Inspector of Life-boats, gave an account of the journey of the Aberdeen Boat from Cowes. He said that she was the thirteenth Boat which he had taken to her Station, and this was the worst journey he had ever had.

APPLEDORE (DEVONSHIRE).—On ioth November, the Reverend J. B. White, President of the Branch, in the Chair.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £314 had been collected as compared with £388 in the previous year. The report also pointed out that the Station had not only been self-supporting but had been able to contribute to the general funds of the Institution, and expressed the thanks of the Committee to the Ladies' Life-boat Guild for their services.

The Honorary Secretary, Mr. H, C.

Whitehead, pointed out that the Branch had the largest subscription list in the county. The Officers and Committee were re-elected.

BERWICK-ON-TWEED (NORTHUMBER- LAND),—On 13th December, the Sheriff, Lt.-Colonel W. B. Mackay, in the Chair.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life- boat had been out on three occasions, and that £71 had been collected as compared with £69 in the previous year. Of this sum £25 was raised by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. In pre- senting the report the Honorary Secre- tary, Captain Gibsone, D.S.O., referred to the great loss which the Station had sustained by the death of the late Honorary Secretary, Dr. C. L. Fraser, one of the oldest and most valued of the Institution's Station Honorary Secretaries. He also referred to the steps which had been taken by the Committee to increase the number of annual subscribers which, for a popu- lation of over 14,000 people, they felt was not as large as it should be.

An address was given by the District Organising Secretary, who said that the appeal made in Westmoreland for a Boat to bear the County's name had already received a generous response, and that the Motor Life-boat to be built out of this fund would be stationed at Berwick.

BRIDLINGTON (YORKSHIRE).—On 17th November, the Mayor presiding. The report for the year ending 30th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on one occasion, and that £267 had been collected as compared with £302 in the previous year. The report of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild was also submitted by the Honorary Secretary, which showed that £143 had been raised by the help of Concerts (£32) : Organ Day (£30); Bridge and Whist Drives (£24); Col- lecting Boxes (£37); Jumble Sales, etc.

(£20). (It should be explained that the " Organ Day " consisted of a num- ber of collectors going round with a barrel organ which was played by the Honorary Secretary of the Guild, Mrs.

Albert Gray. A photograph of the organ at work, with all its collectors, appeared in the last issue of The Life- boat.) Both the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Looker, in submitting the Financial Statement, and the Mayor in moving the adoption of the report, spoke of the splendid work which the Guild was doing.

BRIXHAM (TORBAY BRANCH), DEVON- SHIRE.—On 12th October, Mr. Harold Clayton, Chairman of the Branch, pre- siding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on four occasions, and that £10 had been collected, as compared with £103 in the previous year, the Lifeboat Day not being held until October. A special Vote of Thanks was passed to Com- mander Royle, of the Coast Gmard, for his promptness in getting through calls for the services of the Life-boat at all hours of the day and night.

DUBLIN (Co. DUBLIN).—On 27th September, Major Whewell, Chairman of the Special Effort Committee, pre- siding in the unavoidable absence of the Branch Chairman, Senator Jameson.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £925 had been collected, as compared with £938 in the previous year. Of this sum, Life-boat Day, which was held on two days in June, raised £207.

A further sum of £201 was the result of an appeal by letter to professional and business men, factories and works, and a House to House Collection, carried out by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, yielded over £84. All the Special Efforts com- bined raised over £518, and out of the total collected by the Branch the Com- mittee were able to pay all the expenses for the maintenance of the Life-boat at Dun Laoghaire (Kingstown) and to send £800 to the general funds of the Institution. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Noel Guinness was presented with the inscribed Binocular Glass which the Institution had awarded to him in recognition of his fifteen years' service as Honorary Secretary.

DUNBAR AND SKATERAW (HADDING- TONSHIRE).—On 19th October, Dr. Dun- can Macdonaldy Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Dunbar Life-boat been out on service once, and that £224 had been collected, as compared with £243 in the previous year. Of this sum nearly £100 was contributed by Life-boat Day.

In moving the adoption of the report General Sir F. R. Wingate, Bt., K.C.B., congratulated the Branch and the Honorary Secretary on having raised over £200 in spite of the prolonged coal strike, and thanked all the workers who had taken part in Life-boat Day. At the end of the meeting General Wingate presented John Main, a member of the crew, with a Testimonial on Parchment from the Royal Humane Society, which had been awarded to him for his gallantry in rescuing a boy from drowning in the harbour. He men- tioned that Main was the fourth Life- boatman who, in the last 12 years, had received this honour, and said that the Branch was very proud of its Crew.

EASTBOURNE (Sussex).—On 15th December, Mr. Ernest Armstrong, Chair- man of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on four occasions, and that £1,022 had been collected, as compared with £1,053 in the previous year. In moving the adoption of the report Mr. Armstrong spoke of the conference of honorary workers in the South Eastern District which was held at Margate at the end of last April, where there had been a most helpful exchange of ideas. Although the Branch had not succeeded in equalling its previous year's record, when for the first time its revenue reached four figures, he thought it was to be heartily congratulated on having got within £30 of it in so difficult a year, and pointed out that this reduction was nearly balanced by a reduction .of over £21 in the expenses of the Branch.

Eastbourne not only paid the entire maintenance of the Station amounting to £354, but contributed £585 to the general funds of the Institution. It was twelfth among the whole of the cities and towns in the British Isles in its support of the Institution, and raised a larger sum than any other Life-boat Station. Mr. Armstrong paid a very warm tribute to the magnificent work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, under the Presidency of Mrs. Astley Roberts, with the able help of the Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, Mrs. H. G. Briggs. The Guild had raised a record sum by their Life-boat Day; they had increased it by the Life-boat Ball, which was now established as one of the institutions in Eastbourne, and had become one of the most interesting and enjoyable functions of the year; they had extended their Life-boat Day far into the surrounding district, and they were still looking for new worlds to conquer in the cause of the Life- boat Service. Mr. Armstrong also paid a very warm tribute to the work of Mr. Alexander Robertson, the Honorary Secretary, of whom lie said that he had never known a man who gave himself so whole-heartedly to such work, or who got so much joy oat of it.

FLEETWOOD (LANCASHIRE).—On 5th November, Mr. F. 3. Thomson, Chair- man of the Blanch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that £304 had been collected, as compared with £361 in the previous year. The Station was not only self-supporting but contributed £236 to the general funds of the Institution.

FOLKESTONE (KENT). — On 22nd November, Mr. F. Scarborough, Chair- man, of the Branch, presiding, supported by Captain G. C. Holloway, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., a member of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institution.

Mr. Scarborough spoke of the great loss which the Branch had sustained since the last Annual Meeting by the death of its Chairman, the late Mr. P. Dawson.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926 showed that the Life- boat had been out on service on four occasions, and that £239 had been collected, as compared with £249 in the previous year. The Branch was not only self-supporting but contributed £150 to the general funds of the Insti- tution. Of the sum raised, £121 had been collected by the Life-boat Day, and the report specially thanked Mrs.

Younghusband, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and her workers for this very fine result. The Chairman paid a tribute to the work of the Honorary Secretary of the Branch, Mr. Richard White, and pre- sented a certificate which had been won in the Life-boat Essay Competition by Cyril Arthur Nice of St. Mary's Higher Grade School, Folkestone.

KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE (KIRKCUD- BEIGHT and BALCARY STATIONS).—On 19th November, Sir Charles Hope-Dun- bar, Bt., President, in the Chair. The report for the year ending 30th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that the Balcary Life- boat had been out on service once, and that £84 had been collected, as compared with £59 in the previous year. By this increase of £25 the two Stations had become nearly self-supporting. The Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Mr.

Alexander Allan, pointed out that with the coming of the new Motor Life-boat which was to be built for Kirkcudbright the expenditure would be four times greater than it was at present, and if contributions were not substantially increased it would be found necessary to draw heavily on Headquarters.

LOWESTOFT (SUFFOLK). — On 22nd October, Mr. F. Spashett, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on six occasions, and that £178 had been collected, as compared with £68 in the previous year. Of this sum Life-boat Day, in spite of continuous rain during the whole day, contributed nearly £90, an increase of over £50 on the previous year.

MARGATE (KENT).—On 8th Decem- ber, the Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M. Hatfield, J.P., presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the No. 2 Life-boat had been out on service on eleven occasions, and that £828 had been collected, as compared with £486 in the previous year. The report also referred to the very successful District Con- ference which was held in Margate at the end of April last. The Branch expressed its special thanks to Mr. Gomra, who tad been the Honorary Secretary for fifteen fears ; Mrs. Gomm, who holds the Gold Brooch of the Institution for long and distinguished service, and who, by means of collecting boxes and the sale of Life-boat postcards and souvenirs at the Boathouse, had collected over £300 during the summer; to the Vicar of Margate for holding the Life-boat Service in the Parish Church on the occasion of the Conference, and to Mr. Kerbey Cleveland and Mr.

George Cleveland, who, in different ways, had contributed over £50 to the Bianch funds. In moving the adoption of the report, Colonel Skey, Chairman of the Committee, pointed out that the sum raised was a record, and that ovei £500 had been contributed to the general funds of the Institution.

MONTROSE (FORFABSHIBE).—On 2nd November, Provost W. Douglas John- ston, Chairman of the Branch, presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the No. 1 Life-boat had been out on service on two occasions, and that £525 had been collected, as compared with £68 in the previous year. This sum includes £350 subscribed in response to the Provost's personal appeal, for a special fund towards the increased cost of the Station now that it has a Motor Life-boat.

(This appeal, which was closed in February, 1927, leached a total of £546.) The Provost congratulated the Branch on the great success of the Naming Ceremony of the new Boat, which had been performed by the Duchess of York, and thanked all the members of the Committee, the Honorary Secretary, Mr. James Clark, and the many outside workers who had given their help. He also referred to the loss which the Committee had sus- tained by the death of one of its mem- bers, Mr. James Calder, who had left £100 to be invested for the use of the Branch.

NEWHAVEN (SUSSEX). — On 1st November, Major T. H. H. Carter, D.S.O., a member of the Committee, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on four occasions, and that £81 had been col- lected, as compared with £87 in the previous year. Of this sum over £49 had been contributed by the Life-boat Day, which was a record, and in addition £100 had been received by the will of the late Mrs. Harriet Newman of Liverpool, through the influence of Mr. J. A. Gray, one of the executors, who was thanked for his interest in the work of the Branch. This meeting was followed ten days later by the annual Life-boat Dinner, at which Mr. B. W. Dewdney, the Marine Superintendent, presided. Among those present were Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., Member of Parliament for Lewes, and a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, the District Inspector of Life- boats, and the District Organizing Secretary.

Admiral Beamish proposed the toast of the Newhaven Life-boat Crew, and presented to Mr. C. J. Skinner the Bronze Medal awarded to him for his gallantry in helping to rescue the two survivors of the yacht Fidelity, wrecked on 21st July near the East Pier. (A full account of this service appeared in the last issue of The Lifeboat.) He also presented the additional monetary awards to the Coxswain and Crew for their prompt and bold action on the same occasion.

PENLEE (PENZANCE, CORNWALL).— On 16th December, Mr. C. E. Morrish, a member of the Committee, in the Chair.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life- , boat had been out on service once, and that £340 (including an anonymous , donation of £100) had been collected as compared with £220 in the previous year. The Honorary Treasurer, Pay- master Commander W. Daves, R.N., pointed out that the ordinary revenue was not sufficient for the upkeep of the Branch, and hoped that the public would realize this and that many more subscribers -would be enrolled.

PLYMOUTH (DEVONSHIRE). — On 28iih October, the Mayor (Mr. R. J. Mitchell) presiding. The report for the year end- ing 30th September, 1926, showed that £331 had been collected, as compared with £440 in the previous year.

In presenting the report Admiral J.

de M. Hutchison, Chairman of the Committee, said that Plymouth now had the finest motor Life-boat afloat, and pointed out that the annual cost of maintaining it was £1,000. This sum could be raised locally if people would realize the value of small sub- scriptions. He also appealed to exe- cutors of wills to bear the Life-boats in mind. Mr. Harry Clear pointed out that the general public supported the Branch generously, but that it did not get the help which it should from the business houses in the town. Vice- Admiral Woollcombe said that the town needed waking up, and he was afraid that a big disaster was wanted to make the people realize the value of the Life-boat.

POOLE, BOURNEMOUTH, WlMBOURNE AND CHRISTCHURCH (DORSETSHIRE).— On 9th December, the Mayor, Alder- man H. S. Carter, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th Sep- tember, 1926, showed that the Life- boat had been out on service on one occasion, and that £785 had been collected, as compared with £715 in the previous year, £359 in 1924=, and £728 in 1923. The Mayor paid a tribute to the work of Mr. Henry Burden, the late Chairman of the Branch, and the regret of the meeting was expressed that his resignation had been compelled by ill- health.

PORT ERIN (!SLE OF MAN).—On 13th October, Mr. J. R. Bruce, Chair- man of the Branch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on two occasions, and that £333 had been collected, as com- pared with £219 in the previous year.

Votes of Thanks to the Officers of the Branch, and to the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, were passed.

RYE AND WlNCHELSEA (SUSSEX).— On 7th December, the Mayor (Councillor Gk Ellis, J.P.), President of the Branch, in the chair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £11 had been collected, as compared with £13 in the previous year.

SHERTNGHAM (NORFOLK) .—On 5th December, Mr. H. E. Johnson, J.P., a member of the Committee, presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life- boat had been out on service once, and that £100 had been collected, as com- pared with £89 in the previous year.

Of this total, over £84 was raised by Life-boat Day, and the Committee specially thanked Mrs. Johnson and her helpers. The usual Bowls Tournament was held and contributed nearly £7.

WEYMOUTH (DORSET). — On 9th October, Major J. H. C. Devenish, President and Chairman, presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that the Life-boat had been out on service on two occasions, and that £219 had been raised, as compared with £251 in the previous year. During Christmas week the annual collection was made in the Cinemas and Music Halls for the Albany Ward Life-boat House. It amounted to £644, bringing up the total so far collected to £2,581, and leaving £971 to complete the cost of the Boathouse.

A Vote of Thanks was passed to Mrs. M. N. Williamson, the Honorary Secre- tary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Chairman saying that the Branch did not know how it would get on without its Ladies' Guild.

Annual Meetings : Financial Branches.

BATH (SOMERSETSHIRE).—On 19th November. The Mayor (Alderman Cedric Chivers), a Vice-President of the Branch, in the chair, supported among others by the Mayoress (Madame Sarah Grand), Admiral Sir William Nicholson, K.C.B., and Brigadier-General E. H.

Molesworth, C.B., Chairman of the Branch. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £353 had been collected, as com- pared with £314 in the previous year.

In presenting the report, Mrs. Goldie, the Honorary Secretary, pointed out that the Life-boat Day had raised £108 as compared with £105 in the previous year, and that the lady collectors had done splendidly, but that treble the number were required.

Admiral Nicholson gave an address on the work of the Service, emphasizing in particular the enormous superiority of the Motor Life-boat, and appealing to Bath to double its support. His appeal was supported by the Mayor, who said that the £300 a year raised by Bath ought to be at least £500, The Mayor presented Mrs. J. Allon. Tucker, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and organizer for many years of the Life-boat Days in Bath, with the Gold Brooch awarded to her by the Institu- tion in recognition of her valuable services.

COVENTRY (WARWICKSHIRE).— On 18th September, Alderman A, H. Drink- water, Chairman of the Blanch, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £343 had been collected, as com- pared with £257 in the previous year.

Alderman Drinkwater pointed out that with the amount collected by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Coventry would have contributed nearly £400, and he felt sure that every member of the Committee was very happy that they had increased their offering to the Life- boat Service by over £100. He thanked all the lady workers who had taken part in Life-boat Day, which had raised £275, and said he was certain that only a few more workers would have consider- ably increased the sum. The thanks of the Branch were also given to the Boy Scouts, who had carried out collections in the theatres and picture palaces, to the proprietors and managers for allowing the collections and for showing Life-boat films, and to the Fire Brigade which, by collecting over £38, had beaten its last year's record.

LEITH AND GRANTON (EDINBURGHSHIRE).— On 17th Novem- ber, Lord Provost Stevenson presiding.

The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £1,615 had been collected, as compared with £1,574 in the previous year. In addition £2,897 had been received from legacies.

The Lord Provost said that every one recognized the hazardous nature of the Life-boatmen's work, and that it was essential that the Institution should be supported in every possible way. He then presented the prizes won by pupife of four schools in Edinburgh and Leith in the Life-boat Essay Competition.

Lady Findlay, in moving the adoption of the Report, pointed ont that the receipt of legacies meant also the loss of subscribers, and appealed to the Branch to do its utmost to increase the subscription list. Motor Life-boats were taking the place of the old Pulling and Sailing Life-boats, and she did not think that Scotland contributed enough to- wards the increased cost of the new boats. Their aim should be to rais» in Scotland sufficient to maintain the Life-boats on the Scottish coasts.

GATESHEAD, DURHAM.—On the 22nd September the Mayor of Gateshead, Alderman T. Peacock, presiding. The Annual Report for the year ending the 30th September, 1926, showed that £48 had been raised, as compared with £141 in the previous year. This decline was due to the fact that it was not found possible to carry out a House to House Collection, which in the previous year raised £87. The Branch received with regret the resignations of Mrs. Thubron, Honorary Secretary, and Miss Maccoy, Honorary Treasurer, and they were both cordially thanked for their valuable work. Mrs. Norman Lambert was elected Honorary Treasurer, and Miss Fenwick, Honorary Secretary. George Taylor, of Windy Nook Council School, who was fifth hi the Northern. District in the Life-boat Essay Competition, was presented by the Mayor with the Certificate awarded to him.

HENLEY (OXPOBDSHIBE).-—On 17tl December, the Mayor presiding. TL« report for the year ending 80th Septem- ber, 1926, showed that £142 had been collected, as compared with £185 in the previous year. The meeting received with regret the resignation of Admiral Sir Thomas H. M. Jerram, G.C.M.G.; K.C.B., Chairman of the Branch, and a member of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution, who had left the town. Captain Bulnois, R.N., was elected Chairman in his place. Miw St. John Scott, the Honorary Secretary, was thanked for her services.

, tie Deputy Mayor (Alderman James Hibbert) presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £25 had been collected, as compared with £89 in the previous year. The report appealed for more ladies to join the Guild and help in the work of the Branch.

SOUTH SHIELBS (DURHAM).—On 15th. November, the Mayor (Councillor J. Eanson) in the chair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £225 had been collected, as compared with £244 in the previous year. A tribute was paid by the Mayor to the Honorary Secretary, and the District Organizing Secretary referred to the work which the late Miss Gentles had done for the Branch as Assistant Secretary. The Deputy Mayor (Councillor J. R. Cur bison) said that South Shields, as a town so greatly dependent on shipping, had every season to honour the Institution, and Commander A. W. Stonehouse, a member of the Committee, paid a tribute to the Service, speaking as one who had been shipwrecked and depen- dent on the Life-boat. Only those who had been in such circumstances could realise what it meant to know that when a vessel was in difficulties there was a Life-boat Service ready to make every endeavour to save her.

STOCKPORT (CHESHIRE).—On 4th October, the Mayor (Councillor John Greenhalgh, J.P.), President of the Branch, in the chair. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £451 had been collected, as compared with £363 in the previous year. The report was presented by Mrs. R. J. Bailey, Honorary Treasurer of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, who said that the annual Life-boat Day had been postponed until the middle of Septem- ber, on account of the Coal Strike, that it was then decided, with considerable doubt, to hold it, although the strike was not yet ended, and that the result had been most gratifying. The notable feature had been the fine work done by new organizers. The Mayor thanked all the workers for their splendid efforts, which had resulted in the Branch being able to contribute, in spite of industrial difficulties, £90 more to the Institution than in the previous year.

TRURO (CORNWALL).—On 12th Decem- ber, the Mayor (Mr. W. R. T. Strat- ford) presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £59 had been collected, as compared with £49 in the previous year. The Honorary Secretary said that except for the Life-boat Days, three of which had been held during the year at St. Agnes, Perranporth and. Truro, those at Perianporth and St. Agnes being new efforts, the Branch had not been very active, and that it was proposed to try and get into touch with the many villages in the district and arrange to hold not only other Life-boats Days but Whist Drives and Dances. It was also pointed out that the great need was for more annual subscribers.

YORK. (YORKSHIRE).—On 28th September, Colonel W. A. White, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that £59 had been collected, as compared with £62 in the previous year. The Chairman said that York was not contributing enough. The Honorary Secretary, Captain Anderson, referred to the difficulty of rousing enthusiasm for the Service in an inland town, where the people did not see the result of the work which they were helping, and said that he intended to produce figures showing what was done in similar places to York.

Special Meetings.

CAMBRIDGE (CAMBRIDGESHIRE) .—A meeting of subscribers was held on 19th October, Mrs. Giles, President of the Branch, in the chair. Supporting her was Mr. J. F. Lamb, a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution. The District Organizing Secretary gave an address on the Institution's work appealing for an increase in the number of small sub- scriptions. In the course of the dis- cussion that followed it was pointed out that Oxford's contribution was twenty times larger than Cambridge's, It was decided to organize a collection, and an appeal was made for lady helpers to carry it out.

HAUXLEY (NORTHUMBERLAND).—On 27th October a special meeting was held in the Council Hall, Amble, at which Brigadier-General Widrington, a member of the Committee, presided, in the absence of Sir Leonard Milburn, Bt., Chairman of the Branch. An address was given by Major C. E.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Deputy Secre- tary of the Institution. General Wid- rington pointed out that if every Branch was doing no more than Hauxley the Institution would not be able to carry on its work. He reminded the meeting that it was not sufficient for them to maintain their own Station. They must help to contribute to the work of the Service as a whole. The Committee had come to the conclusion that a Ladies' Committee should be formed, and he appealed to ladies to give their help. Major Satterthwaite, in the course of his address, said that Hauxley had a record of which any Station might be proud. It took its place among the best of the East Coast Stations. Since it was founded in 1852 its Life-boats had rescued 246 lives. At the end of the meeting the Chairman presented the late Honorary Secretary, the Reverend T. N. Dunscombe, with a Picture of a Life-boat going out to a Wreck, which had been awarded to him by the Institution in recognition of his work during the past eleven years. Mr. Dunscombe, the Chairman pointed out, had given up the work as he had left Amble. In replying Mr. Dunscombe said that there was a time when the Hauxley Life-boat had been supported from Headquarters, but for the last three or four years it had raised every penny required for the Station, and had also been able to contribute to the Institution's general funds.

New Branches and Guilds.

BARROW (LANCASHIRE).—A meeting was held at the Town Hall on 12th October at which the Mayor, Alderman C. G. B. Ellison, J.P., presided, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild in association with the Piel (Barrow) Branch. The Mayor pointed out that although Barrow was a very important port, the support which it had been giving to the Institution was very small. Barrow collected last year under £60. That was not as it should be, particularly when a village in Lancashire, with a population of under 600, raised £80. Those who were not called upon to save others must see to it that the Barrow Life-boat had not only their sympathy but their financial support. The Institution was proposing to spend between £20,000 and £30,000 on the new Motor Life-boat and its Boathouse and Slipway, and it was disgraceful that the whole of the money raised in Barrow last year came from forty-five people, and that the total worked out at only one-sixth of a penny per head of the population. The District Organizing Secretary gave an address in which he paid tribute to the work of Mr. Mawson, who had been the Honorary Secretary of the Branch for a quarter of a century, and Mr. Mawson pointed out what women did in helping to launch the Life-boat, and appealed to other women to make the Guild a success. A resolution forming the Guild was proposed by the Mayor and carried unanimously, the Mayoress being elected President, Mrs. J. M. Mawson and Mrs. Francis Hutchinson, Vice- Presidents, Mrs. H. Chantler, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. W. H. Vale, Honorary Secretary.

CALNE (WILTSHIRE).—On 7th Decem- ber a special meeting was held, summoned by the Mayor, for the purpose of forming a Branch. An address was given by the District Organizing Secre- tary, and the Mayor, who presided, proposed that a Branch should be formed. This was carried unanimously.

Mr. Bodinnar was elected President, and the Mayoress Vice-President, and an Organizing Committee was set up consisting of the wives of the Aldermen, Councillors and officials of the town, with Mrs. Clem Cole as Chairman, Mrs. M. P. Clarke as Treasurer, and Mrs. C, 0. Gough as Honorary Secretary. It was decided to hold a public meeting as soon as possible.

DALTON (LANCASHIEE).—A meeting was held on 12th November, summoned by the Chairman of the Urban District Council (Councillor J. T. S. Varcoe) for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Councillor Vaicoe presided, and pointed out that there bad at one time been a Branch of the Institution at Dalton, and their wish was to revive it. It was all the more necessary that they should do so in view of the developments which were being made at Barrow, where the Institution intended to place a Motor Life-boat. The District Organizing Secretary gave an address on the work of the Service, and Mr. J. M. Mawson, the Honorary Secretary at Barrow, gave an account of the work of the Station, of the developments which were being made, and of the cost, and appealed to the women of Dalton for their help. It was unanimously decided to form a Guild, and the wife of the Chairman of the Urban District Council was elected President, Mrs. Wharton, J.P., Vice-President, Mr. J. T. Parker, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. Banks, Honorary Secretary. Badges and Cards of membership were distributed.


—A meeting was held on 17th December, at which Mr. H. Eden-Smith presided, for the purpose of formally constituting the Grange Branch of the Institution.

The meeting was summoned by the Reverend G. Vickars-Gaskell. An address was given by the District Organizing Secretary, who said that he wished to take this opportunity of, thanking their Vicar, who was one of the Institution's old friends, for the considerable sums of money which he had raised for the Life-boat Cause with the help of Miss Musgrave. It was owing to their efforts that Grange had been contributing in the past to the Institution. The Chairman moved a resolution formally constituting the Branch. Mr. H. Eden-Smith was elected President, and the Reverend G. Vickars-Gaskell, Honorary Secretary.

It was also decided to form a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Miss Musgrave undertook to summon a meeting.

PADIHAM (LANCASHIRE).-—A meeting was held in the Council Chamber on 6th October, summoned by the Chair- man of the Urban District Council, Councillor J. W. Coe, J.P., who presided, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. An address on the work of the Service was given by the Assistant District Organizing Secretary, and it was unanimously decided to form a Guild, a Committee being set up with Mrs. Whitham as Honorary Secretary and. Mr. B. T. Whitehead as Treasurer.

SHEFFIELD (YORKSHIRE).—A special meeting was held on 1st October on the invitation, of the Mistress Cutler, Mrs. T. R. Ellin, at her house, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Mrs. Ellin, who presided, said that when there were already so many Guilds in the country it was hardly fitting that Sheffield, which depended so greatly on the sea, should be without one. An address was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and it was unani- mously decided to form a Guild, theLady Mayoress being elected President, and the Mistress Cutler, Lady Mappin and Mis. Burrows, Vice-Presidents. Badges and cards of membership were distributed.

Religious Services.

BRIXHAM (DEVONSHIRE). — The Harvest of the Sea Festival was held at the Brixham Wesleyan Church on 12th December. At the Service was shown a scale model of the old Brixham Life-boat Betsy Newbon, which had been, at the Station from 1896 to 1922 when she was superseded by the Torbay Motor Life-boat. The model was not only an exact replica of the Boat, with all her gear, but contained a crew dressed ia oilskins and red caps, while the oars were worked by electricity. The model has been named " Abide with Me," and was lent to the Church for the occasion by Miss Grant, whose father, the late Mr. George T. Grant, a retired Warrant Officer and Shipwright in the Royal Navy, had made it.

CROMER (NORFOLK).—On 11th January the Life-boat Crew attended the service held at the Parish Church in the evening to mark the tenth Anniversary of the rescue of the crew of the Swedish steamer Fernebo, for which Coxswain H. Blogg was awarded the Institution's Gold Medal.

HASTINGS (KENT).—The Annual Sea Festival was held at the Wesleyan Mission on Sunday and Monday 12th and 13th December. Following on the two special Services on the Sunday, the Reverend Philip Hall lectured on the Monday evening on " The Life-boat and Its Heroic Work." Mr. Henry Samson, J.P.j the Honorary Secretary of the Hastings Branch, presided, and the Coxswain and Second Coxswain were present. A collection was made in aid of the Institution.

Presentations for Gallantry.

CASTLEPOBD (YOBKSHEBE).—At a Sunday evening concert, on 7th November last, given by the Welsh Miners' Choir in aid of the local fund for those suffering distress on account of the Coal Strike, Mr. Arther Gomer- sall was presented with the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum for his gallantry in saving life from shipwreck at Bridlington on 29th July last. Mr. Gomersall was one of a number of passengers in a motor-boat which collided with a rowing-boat and capsized it—the three who were in the boat being thrown into the water. Mr. Gomersall, and the skipper of the moior- boat both dived overboard, and all three were rescued, one of them being seized by Mr. Gomersall, as he was sinking for the fourth time. The chairman of the Urban District Council presided, sup- ported by many of Ms colleagues on the Council, and by Mr, Fred Hall, M.P. for Normanton while Mr. Greaves and Miss Gray, two of the three occupants of the rowing-boat, came specially from Bridlington to thank their rescuer. After the pre- jeatation Mr. Fred Hall, M.P., who is one of the Whips of the Labour Party, and a tribute to the work of the Insti- ttttion, and In particular to the fact that it was entirely voluntary, receiving no State subsidy.

SOUTH SHIELDS {DURHAM).—On 15th November the Bronze Medals awarded to Mr. Geoffrey Jagger and Mr. Arnold Millar for rescuing two men whose boat had capsized on 25th July, 1926, and the Bronze Medal awarded to Mr. Michael Campbell of the Tyne Division of the E.N.V.R., for rescuing a man who had been flung into the water by the cap- sizing of his boat, both of which services were described in the last issue of The Lifeboat, were presented by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor J. B. Curbison, at the Queen's Theatre. The Deputy Mayor said that they had now added three more names to South Shields' Boll of Fame, and that these men had lived up to the town's motto of " Always Ready." WEXFOBD (Co. WEXFORD).—A special meeting was held on 19th October, with Lady Maurice Fitzgerald, President of the Branch, in the chair, for the purpose of presenting the Institution's awards in connection with the wreck of the fish- ing-boat Avonmore of Cape Clear. Major- General Doran, the Honorary Secretary of the Branch, gave an account of the service. On 2nd September last the fishing-boat struck the Splough Bock off Rosslare. A strong north-easterly wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The fishing-boat was seen by Commander H. Linklater, owner of the yacht Theodora, of Poole, which was lying in Rosslare Harbour, and he at once manned a boat with two of the crew of his yacht, five men from the steamer St. Patrick, of the Great Western Railway Company, and four of the officials and men of Bosslare Pier, the Pier Superintendent, Mr. W. B. Moncas, acting as Coxswain. The seven men of the Awnmore were rescued, and the boat endeavoured to make Rosslare Harbour again. Owing to the strong wind and rough sea she found this almost impossible, but the Wexford Motor Life-boat, which had been in- formed of the wreck, arrived on the scene, took the ninteeen men on board, and towing the boat herself, brought them all safely into harbour. Later, as there seemed a chance of the Avonmore coming off tie rock, the Life-boat took out her crew again, put them on board their vessel, which was rolling heavily, and succeeded in getting her off. The Institution awarded to Commander Linklater an Aneroid Barometer and to Mr. Moncas a pair of Binoculars, both inscribed., and gave monetary rewards to the men of the Theodora,, the St. Patrick, and Rosslare Pier who took part in the rescue.

The Binocular Glass and the money rewards were then presented. In moving a vote of thanks on behalf of the recipients, Captain Rees Michael, of the s.s. Patrick, said that of the five seamen from his vessel who took part in the service one was one of the five survivors of the crew of the Fethard Life-boat which was wrecked on South Keeragh Island in Barmow Bay in February, 1914:, when on her way to the help of the Norwegian schooner Mexico, nine Life-boatmen being drowned. The remaining five succeeded in getting on to the island and in rescuing eight of the Mexico's crew, but rescuers and rescued were on the island for three nights and two days, without food or water, before they could be rescued.

Captain Michael also referred to the fact that the Institution was sup- ported solely by voluntary contribu- tions, and said that his vessel was a very good collector ; he was ably helped by the members of his crew, and in four years they had raised about £70.

Dances and Whist Drives.

EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX).—A second Life-boat Ball was held on 26th October last, at the Winter Gardens. Like the Ball on 9th April, it was organized by Mrs. Astley Roberts, President of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Among those present were the Hon.

George Colville, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Insti- tution, Admiral Sir Robert and Lady Prendergast, Sir Drummond and Lady Fraser, Mr. Ernest Armstrong, Chair- man of the Branch, Mr. Alexander Robertson, Honorary Secretary, and the Eastbourne Life-boat crew and their wives.

The decorations had been carried out by Mr. Arthur Davis, who had arranged the front of the stage as the old East- bourne Life-boat James Stevens, No. 6, lying at a quay. On board of her were the Coxswain and Crew. The feature of the ball, arranged by Mrs.

Astley Roberts with the help of Miss Eleanor Ratcliffe, was a tableau, followed by national dances, in which seventy people took part, representing all the nations which have Life-boats, grouped round the figure of Britannia and the Life-boat Crew. Mr. Colville, on behalf of the Committee of Manage- ment, thanked the Eastbourne Branch, Mrs. Astley Roberts and her. many helpers for all that they were doing for the Service.

MARYPORT (CUMBERLAND).—A Whist Drive was held on 1st December at which the 'prizes were presented by Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, who delivered an address; on the Life-boat Service. He spoke of the splendid ardour which Maryport had always shown towards the work of the Service, and congratulated it on having in Mr, Walker T. Moore an Honorary Secretary who worked for the Branch and the Institution with such unselfish devotion. He felt also that they might congratulate themselves on having with them in Captain Dempsey one who twenty-six years before had •won the Silver Medal of the Institution for a very gallant act in helping to rescue the crew of a Norwegian vessel, but who was too modest to wear it.

Mr. Shee denied the rumour that it was proposed to close the Station.

The following Branches have held Whist Drives and Dances in aid of the Institution: Burslem (Staffordshire); Denton. (Cheshire) ; Holy Island (Northumberland); Rock Ferry (Bir- kenhead) ; Whitehills (Banfshire) ; and Darlington (Durham). A Whist Drive and Social has been held at Rampside by the Barrow Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

The following Branches have held dances in aid of the Institution: Belfast Lough (Co, Antrim) ; Dor- chester (Dorset); Lisburn (Co. Antrim); Spalding (Lincolnshire); Workington (Cumberland), arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild; and Bristol (Gloucester- shire), arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

The Winchester Branch has held a The Dansant and Bridge Tournament.

Other Local New*.

BEXLEY HEATH (KENT).—On 19th October last a Debate was held at the local Debating Society at which the Organizing Secretary for Greater London moved " That in the opinion of this House it would be undesirable for the work now being done by charitable Societies to be taken over by the State." The speaker pointed out that all political parties were agreed that the Life-boat Service, although it was carrying on an indispensable national work, was better maintained as at present by a private society than by the State.

Mr. F. Leonard, who was the Labour Candidate at the Urban District Council election held a short time before, opposed the motion, which was carried almost unanimously. As a result of the debate the Bexley Branch is to be revived.

BRANCASTER (Norfolk).—On 8th December the Brancaster Girls' School gave their Annual Concert in aid of the funds of the Branch.

CROWLE (YORKSHIRE).—On 2nd November a concert was given in. the Picture House by a number of ladies and gentlemen from Goole in aid of the Life-boat Service. During the interval the District Organizing Secre- tary gave an address, in the middle of which all the electric lights gradually went out. He continued his address, however, pointing out that it was most appropriate that his appeal should be made in such circumstances, since the majority of rescues from shipwreck were carried out in the middle of the night. The audience greatly appre- ciated this point, and continued to listen to the address in the dark. The second part of the concert was carried out with the help of candles.

MARYPORT (CUMBERLAND).—On 16th October the Ladies' Life-boat Guild gave its Annual Supper and Whist Drive to the Crew and Helpers and their wives. Over sixty people were present.

NEWBIGGIN (NORTHUMBERLAND).— On 19th January the Ladies' Life-boat Guild held a special evening at which Mrs. Steele, a member of the Guild, gave an address on the work of the Life- boat Service, and a number of lantern slides were shown. The lecture was followed by a Concert, and the evening raised altogether £5.

TORQUAY (DEVONSHIRE).—The Tor- bay Motor Life-boat gave a display of life saving at the Torquay Hospital Aquatic Fete held last August. In thanking the Branch for the services of the Life-boat the Organiser of the Fete wrote " the display was one of the most interesting and thrilling items in the day's programme, and was watched with intense interest by the crowd, the majority of whom were visitors from inland towns and many of whom had never before seen a Life- boat." TYNEMOUTH (NORTHUMBERLAND).— On 15th January the Ladies' Life-boat Guild entertained the crew and their friends to supper and a concert. The Mayoress of Tynemouth, Mrs. A. E. Hill, President of the Guild, welcomed the guests.

Life-boat Addresses to Rotary Clubs.

Life-boat addresses have been given during the past few months to the Rotary Clubs at the following places.

The District Organizing Secretary for Greater London spoke at the Purley (Surrey) Club on Armistice Day. The District Organizing Secretary for Wales spoke at the Rhyl (Flintshire) Club on 3rd December, 1926. Captain Basil Hall, R.N. (late Inspector of Life-boats) spoke at the Southampton (Hamp- shire) Club on 8th October, 1926, and at the Stroud (Gloucestershire) Club on 6th October, 1926.

A Life-boat Address was given to the Soroptomist Club of Greater Man- chester (Women's Rotary Club) on 5th November.

(Owing to lack of space the reports of many meetings held since 1st January have been held over for the next number.).