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Loss of Memory

THE following story comes from the North of England. Two gentlemen were so convinced that each was accurate in a certain statement that they had a small wager on the result.

Naturally one lost, and our Organising Secretary in that District (who has an uncanny but invaluable gift for being present when money is changing hands, and putting in the Life-boat claim at the right moment) immediately suggested that the stake should be handed over for the Life-boat Fund. The sug- gestion was adopted, and here is the acknowledgment which was sent:" It is my privilege and honour to forward herewith an official receipt for the sum of 10*. ' Loss of Memory,' and in thanking you very heartily and most sincerely for the prompt manner in which you fell in with my suggestion, perhaps you would allow me to express the hope that many more of your clients will suffer with corresponding advantage to this great Cause.".