Life-Boat Rescue from the Land
THE Motor Life-boat at Wexford in Ireland has had the curious experience of rescuing a man from the land.
For many years the Wexford Life- boat Station was situated at the end of Rosslare Point, a spit several miles long which protected Wexford Harbour.
Here also was a Pilot Station. The very heavy gales at the end of December, 1924, swept away so much of the spit, including a number of the buildings, that the Life-boat Station Lad to be moved to Rosslare Harbour, but the Pilot Station remained.* On the morning of November 5th last, signals of distress were seen on the Pilot Station, and the Life-boat was launched, taking with it its boarding boat. A hurricane was blowing, with a very heavy sea, and the Life-boat arrived to find the signalman of the Station surrounded by the tide, and the house in danger of falling. The Life-boat went as close to the shore as she could and anchored. The board- ing boat, with four men, then dropped down to the shore, held by a line from the Life-boat. She succeeded in rescu- ing the Signalman—although by the time she reached him, she was already half full of water—and was safely hauled out to the Life-boat again..