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Italian Government's Thanks. Services By the Torbay and Hope Cove Life-Boats

ON the night of February 15th of last year an Italian steamer, the Liberta, of Genoa, on her way to Rotterdam, went ashore among the rocks at Bolt Head near Salcombe in Devon. Shortly after midnight the news of the wreck was received at the Life-boat Stations at Torbay and Hope Cove, and both Life-boats were launched. A strong gale was blowing with a very heavy sea, and the weather was very thick.

"When the Life-boats reached the wreck at four in the morning, they found her stranded right among the rocks over which heavy seas were breaking.

They stood by until daybreak. It was then found to be impossible to get alongside the steamer on account of the rocks, but the Torbay Life-boat suc- ceeded in sending a line across her by means of the Line-throwing gun, and three of her crew were hauled through the swirling waters into the Life-boat.

Meanwhile the Life-saving Apparatus had also succeeded in getting a line to the wreck from the shore, and the remainder of the Liberia's crew were rescued in this way.

The Institution has now received from the Italian Ambassador a letter express- ing the Italian Government's " Warm thanks and high appreciation for the gallant efforts" made by the Life- boat Crews, Letters of Thanks have also been sent by the Ambassador to the Crews themselves..