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Awards to Honorary Workers

To MRS. RALPH, in recognition of her valuable co-operation in connexion with Life-boat Day at Plymouth, the Record of Thanks.

To Miss ADA L. GRANGE, in recognition of her ralnable co-operation at Bognor, a Framed Picture of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Commander HUBERT B. BOOTHBY, D.S.O., R.N.R., in recognition of his valuable co- operation and services as Honorary Secre- tary of the Grimsby Branch, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To the Rev. R. RHYS MORGAN, in recognition of his services as Assistant Honorary Secre- tary of the Oxford Branch and his valuable co-operation at Cowley for many years, the Record of Thanks.

To JAMES C. CLARK, in recognition of his valuable co-operation and services as Honorary Secretary of the Montrose Branch, a Binocular Glass suitably inscribed.

To Mr. H. G. V. WALSH, in recognition of his valuable co-operation and services as Honorary Secretary of the Fleetwood Branch, a Framed Picture of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress..