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The Help of Shipowners. A Record of Services to Over Sixty Vessels

A Record of Services to over Sixty Vessels.A Record of Services WE continue the list of effective services sercarried out by Life-boats during 1926 — services where lives have been rescued or help given — with the names of vessels and the subscriptions or special dona- tions received from their owners. The list does not include any services where salvage has been paid to the Crew. As before, j letter has been sent to theowners calling their attention to the sercarried vices of the Institution, but those cases where lives have only in actually been rescued ; and even where lives have been rescued, if the owners sumably poor men— as in the are precase of small fishing boats — the letter is not sent. The list is for the four months May, June, July and August, 1926.Dntc.


May 1 ,. 1 5 .. 8 ,. 12 „ 13 ,, 27 „ 28 June 7 „ 10 „ 13 „ 14 Life-boat. : Vessel.

i 1 Filer . . i Motor coble Dorothy, i ' of Filey.

Wexford (Motor) Ketch Daisy, of Jersey.

Kingsdown . i S.R. Toulouse, of Nantes. i New Brighton Yacht Meiidosa II., of No. 2, Birken- New Brighton.

head (Motor) Clovellv . Cutter Ciirlei". of Bideford.

Cloughey . Schooner Via, of Brixham.

Looe . . Ketch Zarila, of Plymouth.

Moelfre . . A rowing boat of Moelfre.

Newburgh . Ketch Johann Georg, of Emden.

Montrose No. 1 Fishing boat Mizpah, of Montrose.

Stromness . S.S. Hastings County, (Motor) j of Bergen.

1 Gourdon . Fishing boats of Gourdon.

•• Subscriptions or j Contributions re- ; Owner Donations j ceived in ; ' received gratitude before service.

No information.

W. 8. Pearce, 8, Arwinack St., Falmouth.

i Societe Maritime Auxiliare de Transports.

1, Quai Jean Bart, Nantes.

Compagnie Francaise ; des Chemins de Fer : de Paris-Orleans.

A. H. Mitchell.

Owen Richards, C.M.G., D.8.O., M. D., M. Ch., F.R.C.S., Chircombe, Bideford, N.


J. Shaw, Carrick- .' fergus.

No information.

J. Lewis, Swynt.

Kurfrists Fischerei Det. Geo.

Robert Pert. i — Lorentz W. Hansen, : Kong Osearsgafe, Bergen, Norway.

No information.

1 i for the : service.

[ £16 Donation.

£3 Annual Subscription.

£20 gratuity to Lifeboat Crew.Date.

.Tiilv Life-boat. Vessel.

Subscrip- ' Co tributio s or tions reo n , Donatio s celved ii ' received gratitude before for ttvs ; service. service.

.Tune 14 Arbroath Fishing boats of Ar- No information. — broath and Montrose, also fishing boat No. 14, of Montrose. Robert Pert.

14 Montrose No. 1 Montrose fishing fleet. No information.

U Johnshaven . Fishing boats of Mont- No information.

rose and Gourdon.

Newbiggin . Seven motor fishing No information.

cobles of Newbiggin.

Wexford (Motor) Yacht Nereda-, of Cork. C. Yelverton Pearson.

M.D., F.R.C.S., Gawsworth, Carrigrbhane, Co. Cork.

2O Rhoseolyn . Schooner JJnrh Xed. G. Kearon, Kings of Faversham. Hill, Arklow, Co.


2.1 Pie) (Barrow) . Small sailing boat of A. Bailey.

of Pie!.

Hartlepool . Coble Elend, of Sunder- Janice & Robert (Motor) land. Graham, Easington.

Whitby (Motor) Motor fishing boats No information.

Pilot Me and Irene, of Whitby.

12 Ilfracombe . S.S.Cambria, of Bristol. P. & A. Campbell, £4/18/4* Ltd., 1, Britannia Buildings, Cumberland Basin, Bristol.

20 Newhaven . Yacht Black Billy, of E. G. Perman, 64, (Motor) London. Gloucester Road, Kew.

Barry Dock . A party of bathers. — (Motor) Wexford (Motor) Motor schooner Village Thos. Kavanagh, 6, lielle. of Dublin. Upper Main Street, Arklow.

Wexford (Motor)' Ketch Paddy and two No information, rowing boats of Wexford.

Bembridge . Motor boat Hotly, of P. O. Taylor, He !yer (Motor) Portsmouth. Road, Southsea.

Sunderland . Fishing cobles (Hire No information.

(Motor) Leaf and Mar;/, of Sunderland.

Whitby No. 2 . Coble Elsie, of Whitby. No information.

Six fishing cobles of No information.

Whitby' Caister No. 2 . Motor trawler Utralin, No information.

of Lowest oft.

Gt. Yarmouth A bather, and Gorleston (Motor).

Ramsgate . S.S. Sempre A i-anti. of F. Todero Musmeci & (Motor) Catania. Co., Catania, Sicily.

Margate No. 2. S.S. Charlus, of Cardiff Messrs. Park & Hen- (Motor). derson, Ltd..Regent Shipping Co., Ltd., Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

* This sum was received last year from collecting boxes on the pleasure-steamers of this company.Bate.

Aug. U Me-bo&t.

The Humber (Motor) : Teesmouth (Motor) Sunderland (Motor) ; Seaham (Motor) : Tenby (Motor) Blackpool Weymouth (Motor) BIyth (Motor) Vessel Yacht Piccolo, of Owston Ferry.

Fishing boat Lord Roberts, of Redcar.

Motor launch Jed, of Sunderland.

A small boat of Sunderland.

Fishing boats Xina, Old Friends, Two Brothers, of Seaham.

Schooner Etincelle, of Quimper.

S.S. Margaret, of Preston.

Motor yacht Bonita, of Teignmouth.

Open boat Joyce Fox, of Blytb.


: Snbscrip- : Conlribu- ' tioi.sor ; tions re- ; Donations; ceived ia • received J gratitude before ' for the ; service, i service.

Richard Leggott, — South Field, South Ferriby, Nr. Bartonon- Humber.

No information.

River Wear Com- £71125* missioners Sunderland.

Peel, Sunderland.

No information.


J. Gale & Co., Albert Edward Dock, Preston.

W. L. Bate.

Wm. Fox, 55, Beaumont St., BIyth.

£5 t I Mr. Leggott's daughter is an Honorary Worker for the Institution.

t This sum was collected by the Commissioners from ships entering the port.Thus it will be seen that during the four months there were forty-one services, in which over sixty boats and vessels were involved. In no case was the owner, so far as can be traced, a contributor to the Institution, although in two cases they collected money for it; and in only two cases were donations given afterwards in gratitude for the service.

A donation of £5 has been received from Lieutenant B. Wood in gratitudefor a service to his yacht Doris on the 18th July. She was at anchor off Moelfre during a strong gale with a heavy sea, and as there seemed a risk of her being swamped the Coxswain of the Life-boat at Moelfre and four other men went out in an ordinary boat, and landed the Doris's crew. They were rewarded by the Institution, but as it was a shore-boat, and not a Life-boat service, it is not included in the above list..