News from the Branches
Annual Meetings: Station Branches.
BLACKPOOL (LANCASHIRE).—On 1st July, Councillor T. P. Fletcher, J.P., Deputy-Mayor, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £371 had been col- lected, as compared with £621 in 1924, the Centenary Year. The Annual Report also pointed out that the Life- boat Day had raised only £307, as com- pared with £500 in 1924. At one time the Life-boat Day had been the only appeal of this sort, but now not only the hospital, but every other organiza- tion made a similar appeal, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to get collectors.
Annual Meetings: Financial Branches.
SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE.—On 17th May, the Lord Mayor, Alderman J.
Johnson, presiding. The Lord Mayor contradicted a rumour which had been circulated to the efiect that the cost of the administration of the Institution was abnormally large, and said that he would like it to be known that it was under 5 per cent, of the income. The Annual Report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £613 had been collected, as compared with £556 in 1924. The Chairman of the Branch, Mr. T. Skelton Cch, reminded the meeting that the project for pre- senting the Institution with a Life-boat to be named after Sheffield had not been abandoned, and that it was hoped to bring it forward again when trade revived. The Bishop of Sheffield sug- gested that the clergy might refer to the work of the Institution, even when it was impossible for them to allow collections to be taken in their churches.
Mr. J. Blossom pointed out that the Life-boat Service cost the country l d.
per head of the population, but that Sheffield contributed only about d. a head. If it would make its contribution not more than d. a, head, then its total contribution would be over £2,000, instead of about £600.
PERTH, PERTHSHIRE.—On 27th May, the Rev. P. R. Landreth, Chairman of' the Committee, presiding, supported by the Right Hon. Lord Salvesen and the Lord Provost. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £379 had been collected, as com- pared with £424 in the previous year.
After the meeting the Chairman pre- sented Mr. William Strachan, the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, with the barometer awarded to him by the Institution in recognition of his services during the past ten years.
GLASGOW, LANARKSHIRE.—On 1st June, Sir William Raeburn, Chairman of the Clyde Trust, and an ex-President of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £2,659 had been collected, as compared with £2,747 in the previous year. A further sum of £1,635 had been sent to the Institution from legacies. Life-boat Day continued to make a substantial contribution, but the amount received from Clyde-owned steamers showed a falling off, as com- pared with the previous year. It was the aim of the Committee to see every Clyde-owned vessel, in whatever part of the world she might be, making an annual contribution from officers and crew. In moving the adoption of the report the Chairman said he had always thought that Glasgow did not do enough for the Institution, and he hoped that its contribution would be increased.
In particular, the amounts collected on board ships were very inadequate, and, so far as his own ships were concerned, he promised that better things would be done next year.
GLOUCESTER, GLOUCESTERSHIRE.— On 1st June, Mrs. Richard Davies presiding. The report for the year end- ing 30th September, 1925, showed that £130 had been collected, as compared with £209 in the previous year. Mrs.
Davies made an appeal for helpers on the Life-boat Day in September.
DARLINGTON, DURHAM. — On 4th June, the Mayor (Mr. A, J, Best) pre- siding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £175 ] had been collected, as compared with £218 in the previous year, and that the Ladies' Life-boat Guild had again had a successful year. The Officers were re-elected.
ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE.—On 10th June, Ex-Provost Duncanson, Chairman of the Branch, presiding.
Tae report for the year ending 30th Ssptember, 1925, showed that £238 had been collected, as compared with £262 in the previous year. The Officers •were re-elected.
ROTHEEHAM, YORKSHIRE.—On 17th June, the Mayor, Alderman R. Dewar, presiding, supported by the Mayoress.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £211 had bsen collected, as compared with £147 in the previous year. The Mayor said that although Rotherham was an inland town the Institution had a claim on its support. He hoped that its contribu- tions would be maintained, and when the industrial troubles were over would be increased.
MORECAMBE, LANCASHIRE.—On 21st July, Captain C. Blakey, the Honorary Treasurer, presiding, supported by the Mayor and Mayoress, Presidents of the Branch. The Mayor, in seconding a vote of thanks to the workers, said that he had had the impression that the administrative expenses of the Institu- tion were far greater than they should be, but he was now convinced that this was not the case, and he wished to confess that he had been wrong. He hoped that the people of Morecambe and its visitors would give the Branch every possible help, and authorized the issue of an appeal in his own name.
Special Meetings.
ST. ALBANS, HERTS.—A meeting was held in the gardens of St. Peter's House, St. Albans, through the kindness of the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Hitchcock) oa 27th May. The Mayor presided, supported by the Countess of Verulam, President of the St. Albans Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., R.N., M.P., a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. An address on the work of the Service was given by Admiral Beamish, and Mr. Shee paid a tribute to the work done by the St.
Albans Branch and its Honorary Secre- taries, Miss Silvester and Miss Toulmin.
He appealed to the ladies of St. Albans to join the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
FABEHAM, HANTS.—The meeting of the Fareham Brotherhood on 27th June was addressed by Captain Basil Hall, R.N., late District Inspector of Life- boats, in place of Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, who was prevented at the last moment from attending. Mr. R. H.
Glover, the organizer of the Life-boat Day in Fareham, handed Captain Hall a cheque for the proceeds of the Day, and said that the amount collected by Fareham was equal to Id. per head of the population.
TRURO, CORNWALL.—A special meet- ing was held on 13th July for the pur- pose of reorganizing this Branch. The Mayor (Mr. W. R. T. Stratford) pre- sided, and said that he thought none should understand better the need of maintaining the Life-boat Service than the people of the West Country, and that the many wrecks round their coasts gave the Institution a great claim on their support. He pointed out that the work of the Institution was done at a very small expense for management, and appealed to the meeting to make Truro Life-boat Day a record. An address was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and the question of appointing a committee was discussed.
BANGOR, Co. DOWN.—A special meet- ing was held on 3rd September, with Mr. S. Fagan, J.P. (Chairman, of the Urban District Council) in the chair, to hear an address from* Captain the Hon. E. B. S. Bingham, V.C., O.B.E., R.N., who won the Victoria Cross at the Battle of Jutland. Captain Bing- ham made a special appeal for Ireland's support of the Service to be increased, so as to equal the cost of the mainten- ance of the Irish Life-boats. He said he was sure that no Irishman would like to feel that other parts of the British Isles had to contribute money for the support of the Irish Life-boat Stations.
Bangor had contributed regularly for many years past, but its average of £60 a year was not sufficient, in view of the larger expenditure incurred by replacing Pulling and Sailing Life-boats with powerful Motor Life-boats. Captain Bingham went on to say: "I know what it is to be thrown into an angry sea, and can sympathize with the passengers and crews of vessels fighting storms or wrecked in fog or disabled by mountainous seas. The officers and men of His Majesty's Navy (knowing some- thing of rough seas) show their practical sympathy with this great work of the Institution by regularly making a col- lection every year, to which, I am pleased to think, every man is deligbted to contribute." Lady Clanmorris also spoke, and made a special appeal to the ladies of Bangor to give their help in carrying out Life-boat Day.
NEWBIGGIN, NORTHUMBERLAND.—On 22nd September a special meeting was held, at wbicb Captain E. S. Carver.
R.D., R.N.R., Inspector of Life-boats, presented the Bronze Medal and framed Vellum of Thanks awarded to Coxswain William Robinson for the service to the steam trawler George B. Purdy on 28th April, described elsewhere in this issue.
Canon Rhodes, of Newbiggin, presided.
Mr. Hindmarcb, the Honorary Secre- tary of the Station, described the service, and said that since the Newbiggin Station was established in 1851 its Life- boats had rescued 450 lives. They had been out on service 186 times, and of these launches 130 have been to their own fishing boats. After Captain Carver had made the presentation, Coxswain Robinson was called upon for a speech. He said he had never made a speech before in his 'ife, and that he and his crew only did tnat day what they had always done and always would do.
TRALEE, Co. KERRY.—A special meet- ing, summoned by Miss Eleanor Mc- Cowen, was held on 22nd September for the purpose of extending the work of the Guild. The McGillycuddy of The Reeks presided, and pointed out that there were a number of dangerous points round their coast. The Institu- tion had done splendid work in protect- ing life, and it was now for the people to help by their subscriptions. An address on the work of the Life-boat Service was given by the District Organizing Secretary.
New Branches and Guilds.
LURGAN, Co. CAVAN.—Mr. Herbert C. Malcolm, U.D.C., presided at a meeting which was held on 4th May for the purpose of forming a Branch. Mr.
Malcolm pointed out that the cost of maintaining the Life-boats on the Irish coast, irrespective of the capital outlay, was far greater than the amount at present contributed by Ireland. The Institution was endeavouring to make up the deficit by forming new Branches, and he was sure that the people of Lurgan, although it was an inland town, would realise their duty to help the Service. A Committee was formed, and Commander Fforde, R.N. (ret.), was elected Honorary Secretary.
LISBURN, Co. ANTRIM.—A meeting was held on 5th May for the purpose of forming a Branch, at which Senator H. M. Barbour presided. He said that any little sacrifice which they could make was as nothing compared to the great sacrifice made by the men who man the Life-boats, and he was proud to think that their Irish sailors had as fine a record as those of Great Britain. The contributions to the Service in Ireland were little more than half the cost of maintaining the Boats on the Irish coast, and he hoped that this would soon be remedied. The Very Rev. R. W.
Hamilton proposed, and the very Rev.
Canon O'Boyle, A.P., V.F., seconded, a resolution heartily approving the objects of THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and pledging the meeting to support the Lisburn Branch. Senator Barbour was elected President, Captain Cooke, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs.
Adrian Robinson, Honorary Secretary.
KENDAL, WESTMORLAND.—A meet- ing was held on 15th June for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild to work with the Kendal Branch.
Mrs. Whitaker was elected President, Mrs. S. Turner, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. Lewthwaite, Honorary Secre- tary. The President and Honorary Secretary were elected to serve on the General Council of the Guild. It was decided to arrange a Life-boat Day, if possible, on the 21st July.
WATEEFOBD, Co. WATERFORD.—A meeting was held on 15th June for the purpose of forming a Waterford Branch, the Mayor (Alderman R. Keane) pre- siding. An address on the work of the Life-boat Service was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and the Mayor then said that it was for the people of Waterford to do everything in their power to make the work of the Waterford Branch a real success. A Committee was appointed, with the Mayor as President, Mr. W. H. Carroll as Honorary Treasurer, and Mr. B. J.
Farrell as Honorary Secretary. It was also decided that the Harbour Commis- sioners, the Chamber of Commerce, the I.T.G.W.U., the Amalgamated Irish Trade Unions and the Sailors' and Firemen's Union be asked to nominate a representative each to serve on the Committee. It was also decided to ask the Right Rev. Dr. Miller, of the Church of Ireland, Bishop of Cashel, and the Most Rev. Dr. Hackett, Roman Catholic Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, to give the Branch their support.
CARNFOBTH, LANCASHIRE.—A meet- ing was held on 16th June, at which the Chairman of the Urban District Council presided, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild to take over the work of the former Branch. Mrs.
Linnell was elected President, Mr. H. W.
Baker, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs.
R. R. Stephens, Honorary Secretary, the President and Honorary Secretary being elected to serve on the General Council of the Guild. It was also decided to hold a Life-boat Day on 3rd July.
GREAT YARMOUTH, NORFOLK. — A meeting was held on 22nd June for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild. The Mayor presided, supported by Mr. A. H. Cartwright, Chairman of the Gorleston Branch, and Mr. C. A.
Cooper and Mr. A. D. Snell, the Honorary Secretaries at Great Yar- mouth and Gorleston. An address on the work of the Guild was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and the Mayor proposed that a Guild should be formed. The proposal was unanimously adopted, all the ladies present enrolling themselves as members. The Mayoress was elected President, Mrs. E. Leach, Chairman, and Mrs. T. W. Swinnell and Mrs. C. A. Cooper, Joint Honorary Secretaries. The newly-formed Guild carried out a Life-boat Day on llth August, the day of the Naming Cere- mony of the new Motor Life-boat, and, as reported elsewhere, raised £225, in spite of bad weather, as compared with £96 last year.
SOWERBY BRIDGE, YOBKS.—A meet- ing was held on 2nd July, at which Councillor J. W. Whiteley, J.P., pre- sided. A proposal was unanimously carried in favour of forming a Guild, and all the ladies present were enrolled as members, Councillor Whiteley being elected President, Mr. P. Cowling, Treasurer, and Miss S. Whiteley, Secre- tary.
HUDDERSFIELD, YORKSHIRE. — A | meeting was held on 9th July, at the i invitation of the Mayor and Mayoress, , Alderman and Mrs. Law Taylor, for the purpose of forming a Guild to work with the Huddersfield Branch. After the 1 District Organizing Secretary had given i an address on the work of the Guild the : Mayor proposed the formation of a | Guild, and the Mayoress was elected President, the Honorary Secretary being Mrs. Marsden, and the Honorary Trea- surer, Mrs. Laycock. It was decided to carry out a house-to-house collection.
WITHERNSEA, YORKSHIRE.—A meet- ing was held on 28th July, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Urban District Council (Councillor R. W. Loit- house, J.P.) and Mrs. Lofthouse, for the purpose of forming a Guild to work with the Branch. An address on the work of the Guild was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and it was unani- ! mously decided to form a Guild, thirty ladies present becoming members at once. Mrs. Lofthouse was elected President, Mrs. Sproulle Vice-President, Mra. Hilda Brown and Miss Cowl, Honorary Secretaries, and Mrs. Ramsay, Honorary Treasurer. The District Organizing Secretary took the oppor- tunity of thanking Dr. Sproulle for his services to the Institution during the many years in which he had acted as Honorary Secretary of the Withernsea Life-boat Station, which was closed in 1913.
DBIFFJELD, YOKKS.—A meeting was held on 28th July, by invitation of Mrs.
T. A. Good, to hear an address on the work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild by the District Organizing Secretary. It was unanimously decided to form a local Guild. Mrs. Good was elected President, Mrs. Linsley, Vice-President, Mrs. W. Jordan, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. W. Blakeston and Mrs. E.
Clements, Joint Honorary Secretaries.
Guild Badges were distributed, and it was decided to arrange social gatherings with a view to raising funds.
COLNE, LANCASHIRE. — On 31st August a meeting was held, at the invitation of the Mayor and Mayoress (Councillor and Mrs. Hird), for the purpose of forming a Guild to work with the Branch. The Mayor presided, sup- ported by Mr. E. W. Folley, Hono- rary Secretary, and Mr. G. L. Ayre, Honorary Treasurer, of the Branch. He said that in these difficult times it was important to concentrate on those things that really mattered, among which were the great humanitarian ser- vices, such as the Life-boat Institution.
After an address had been given on the work of the Guild by the District Organizing Secretary, it was unani- mously decided to form a Guild, and the ladies present were elected to the Com- mittee, with the Mayoress as President, and Miss Robinson and Miss Earnshaw as Honorary Secretaries.
BOLTON, LANCASHIRE.—A meeting was held on 16th September, at which the Mayor, Councillor P. Knott, J.P., presided, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Life-boat Guild to fork with the Branch. An address on the Guild was given by the District Organizing Secretary, and the Mayoress moved a resolution forming the Guild. She said that she understood that £500 was the sum which Bolton might be expected to contribute, but that last year it collected only £180. She believed that Bolton women would materially increase this amount. The Mayoress was elected President, and Mrs, John Haslam, Honorary Secretary. Mr. H. Ormsort- Dixon, Honorary Secretary of the Branch, pointed out that in many places Guilds were raising large sums— over £1,600 in Liverpool last year, nearly £800 in Manchester, and over £400 at Southport.
Life-boat Services.
HASTINGS, SUSSEX.—The Rogation ceremony of Blessing the Sea was held on 12th May. After a short preliminary service in the Fishermen's Church, a procession of the clergy, choir and congregation walked to the beach, there joining a procession from All Saints' Church, and the service was conducted from the Life-boat, an address being given by the Rev. Everard Digby, of St. Agatha's, Finsbury. A collection was taken on behalf of the Life-boat Service.
WOBTHING, SUSSEX.—The Triennial Life-boat Sunday was held at Worthing on 13th June, Life-boat sermons being preached and a Life-boat collection being made at the different churches. . The Crew of the Worthing Life-boat, accom- panied by the Chairman, Colonel A. F.
Randolph, C.M.G., the Honorary Secre- tary, Mr. J. R. Aldridge, and members of the Committee, attended the morning service at Christ Church, where the Vicar, the Rev. H. G. Edmonds, preached on the work of the Service from the text " So He biingeth them unto their desired haven." The lessons were read by Colonel Randolph, and were specially chosen for the Service, being the account of Jonah's flight to Tarshish, and St. Paul's shipwreck at Melita.
POET EEIN, ISLE OF MAN.—An open- air Life-boat service was held on 27th Jane, at which an address was delivered by the Rt, Rev. the Lord Bishop of j Sodor and Man, supported by clergy- men of different denominations. Those who took part in the service and in the procession which preceded it included the Life-boat Crew and helpers, the Town Commissioners, Girl Guides, and the Sunday Schools.
PEEL, ISLE OF MAN.—Life-boat Sun-', day was held on 18th July, the service taking place in the Parish Church i instead of the Castle Grounds, as the weather was bad. The procession, headed by the Church Band, included the Peel Life-boat Crew, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, representatives of the Nonconformist Churches, and members of the Salvation Army. The lesson was read by a woman officer of the Salvation Army, and the Vicar of St. Clare's, Ramsey, preached. After the service Mr. Edgar Johnson, District Organizing Secretary, delivered an address in the churchyard in memory of the Institu- tion's founder, Sir William Hillary, of Douglas, Isle of Man, and presented to Mr. George Sayle, Honorary Secretary of the Peel Station, the Binoculars awarded him by the Institution in recognition of his services for over ten years.
WALTON - ON - THE - NAZE, ESSEX.— The Annual Life-boat Procession and Service took place on Sunday, 1st August. The procession, headed by the Thorpe Brass Band, included the Life- boat Crew, the Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, Boy Scouts, the Boys' Brigade, members of the British Legion, the Brotherhood, the Royal and Ancient Order of Buffaloes, and the Ancient Order of Foresters. Among those present were several members of the Council, including the Chairman, Mr.
C. F. J. Barker. The service was con- ducted from the Life-boat by the Rev.
Arthur Lamb (Congregationalist), sup- ported by the Rev. J. Hayes (Church of England), Mr. W. H. Weller (President of the Brotherhood), and the Rev. G.
Southgate (Baptist). A collection was made for the Life-boat Service.
CLACTON - ON - SEA, ESSEX.—Life- boat Sunday was held on 15th August.
The procession through the town was headed by the Boarding Boat with members of the Crew on board, and included the Band of the Clacton Boys' Brigade, members of the Fire Brigade, and the Friendly Societies. The service itself was conducted by the Rev. W.
Timms, President of the Clacton and District Evangelical Free Church Council, and the address was given by the Rev. A. H. Morris, Vicar of Great Clacton. The singing was led by the choir of St. James's Church, accompanied by the band of the 1st Clacton Boy Scouts. Among those present were the Officers and Committee of the Branch.
ILFRACOMBE, N. DEVON.—A special open-air service was conducted from the Life-boat on 15th August by the Vicar, the Rev. I. Sinter. The Life-boat was dressed with flags, and the Crew were present. The Rev. E. W. Perry read the prayers, and the Vicar preached to a very large congregation standing round the Boat and in the windows of the neighbouring houses. The collection for the Life-boat Service amounted to about £35.
HOYLAKE, LANCASHIRE.—Life-boat Sunday was held on 12th September, the Life-boat Crew heading the proces- sion to St. Hildeburgh, which included the Coast Guard and members of the Life-boat Committee. The Rev. Eric Southwell conducted the service, and the sermon was preached by a former Vicar of Hoylake, the Ven. Archdeacon Paige Cox.
Balls, Fates and Bazaars.
5 SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE.—A Life-boat Fete was held in the grounds of the Bishop's Palace on Whit-Monday, 24th May. The Fete was opened by the Duchess of Hamilton, who was accom- panied by the Duke. Brig. -General J. E.
Vanrenen, one of the Joint Honorary Secretaries, presided, supported by Major-General Sir Henry Everett, Colonel Sir Sydney Crookshank, Lady Godley and Major Rawlence, D.S.O.
(Joint Honorary Secretary). General Vanrenen, in introducing the Duchess, said that the Salisbury and District Branch contributed mo're than any other Financial Branch of the same size in the whole kingdom. The Duchess of Hamilton, in opening the Fete, said that the spirit of self-sacrifice of the Life-boat Service was the spirit which alone could save the nation. There were many stalls and competitions.
Displays were given by a contingent of cadets from H.M.S. Excellent, at Ports- mouth, including a demonstration of rescue from shipwreck by means of a breeches buoy ; and music was provided by the band of the 1st Battalion Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire) and by the Salisbury British Legion Band, conducted by Mr. E. W. Coleman.
The F£te concluded with a dance.
Among those who helped were Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, and members of Toe H, the Post-War Brotherhood and the British Legion. Over 7,000 people were present, and the proceeds of the F£te amounted to £530.
BRIGHTON, SUSSEX.—On 28th May the Sussex Motor Yacht Club and the Windlesham Club entertained the Brighton Life-boat Crew. There was a musical programme, and each member of the Crew received a gift.
NEWBURGH, ABEBDEENSHIRE.—The sum of £30 was raised by a Fancy Dress Carnival organized by Miss Ritchie and Mr, James Innes, Bowman of the Life- boat, which was held in June.
LICHFIELD, STAFFORDSHIRE. — A Garden Party was held in the grounds of the Bishop's Palace on 23rd June.
Mrs. Kemptnorne, President of the Branch, presided, and the Garden Party was opened by Captain Basil Hall, R,.N., late District Inspector of Life-boats, accompanied by the District Organizing Secretary. Tie arrangements were made by Mrs. Ashpole, Honorary Secre- tary of the Branch, and the Women's Institute, and the programme included folk dancing, a whist drive and a dance.
LYMM AND HEATLEY, LANCASHIRE.— A Life-boat Fete organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held on 24th July, in the grounds of Oughtring- ton Hall, and proved a success, in spite of heavy and continuous rain. The Fete was opened by Sir William Milligan, Chairman of the Manchester Branch and a Vice-President of the Institution.
Mr. Alfred Watkin presided. In intro- ducing Sir William Milligan, Mi. Watkui said that the ocean-going vessels which they saw passing along the Ship Canal, battered by storms, should bring home to them in a very real sense the necessity for a Life-boat Service. Sir William Milligan spoke of the great develop- ments now being made in the Service, and of the latest types of Motor Life-boat.
JOHNSHAVEN, KlNCARDINESHIRE.—• On 25th July a Fancy Dress Parade was held. After the procession had marched through the streets collecting, the prizes were distributed, and the Life- boat was launched for its quarterly exercise. The day concluded with a dance.
EPPING, ESSEX.—A Garden Party was held on 28th July in the grounds of Colonel and Mrs. Wall, which were specially decorated. The Silvertone Band played, and an address was given by the District Organizing Secretary for Greater London.
WALTON - ON - THE - NAZE, ESSEX. — The Life-boat Saturday F&te was held on 14th August, organized, as usual, by Mr. J. F. Graham, the Honorary Secre- tary of the Branch. In the morning there was a procession through the town of decorated cars, for which prizes were given. In the afternoon a large crowd gathered to see the water sports. The Fete raised over £220.
KEIGHLEY, YORKSHIRE.—A Garden Meeting and American Sale was arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. It was held in the grounds of the Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman and Mrs. Arthur Smith), and the Mayor presided. Mrs.
Percy Clough was elected Chairman of the Guild, and Miss M. A. Clough a Vice-President.
ST. DAVIDS, PEMBROKESHIRE.—The Annual Fete and Carnival was held on 27th August, arranged by Mr. Joseph Soar and Miss Perkins. It was opened by Mrs. Owen, wife of the Bishop of St.
Davids, who said how difficult it was for the crowds of visitors who came year after year to the Pembrokeshire coast in the summer to realize how changed that coast was in the winter gales. A number of prizes were given i for tableaux and costumes, and the Fete was followed in the evening by a j whist drive and dance. • HA.CKNEY, LONDON.—A Fete in aid j of the Branch was held in the ground of .' Aberglaslyn, Amhurst Park, on llth September, by permission of Mr. and Mrs. Dey. The visitors were received 1 by Mrs. Evelyn Emmett, of the London i County Council. There were a number j of stalls and competitions, and an open- ; air whist drive, and in the evening i dancing in the ballroom. ! BERWICK - ON - TWEED.—During the week beginning the 17th September, Life-boat films were shown at the', " Playhouse," and a short address was i given each evening by a prominent i speaker. The speaker at both houses on j Saturday was Mrs. Hilton Phifipson, : M.P. for Berwick. During the week over £50 was collected.
Life-boat Addresses at Rotary Club Lunches.
A number of Rotary Clubs have been ! addressed at their weekly or fortnightly lunches by Life-boat speakers during • the past few months.
Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of ; the Committee of Management, spoke i at the Brighton and Hove Club on 8th j September, and among those present were the Mayor of Hove (Councillor H. E. Close, J.P.), Mr. B. J. Saunders, C.B.E., Chairman of the Brighton Branch, and Mr. H. King, Honorary Secretary, the President of the Eotary Club, Mr. W. R. Sparkes being in the chair.
Major Arthur Whewell, Chairman of the Special Effort of the Dublin Branch, spoke at the Dublin Rotary Club on 21st June.
Mr. George F. Shee, M.A. (Secretary of the Institution), spoke at the Cam- bridge Rotary Club on 22nd June, and appealed to Cambridge to give the Institution the same generous support which it received from Oxford. Mr.
J. F. Lamb, of Cambridge, a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, also spoke.
Captain Basil Hall, R.N. (late In- spector of Life-boats), spoke at the following clubs on the dates given: Yeovil, Somerset (2nd May), Newton Abbot, Devon (9th May), Tavistock, Devon (15th May), Ryde, Isle of Wight (24th "May), Dorchester, Dorset (13th July), Coventry, Warwickshire (14th July), Dudley, Staffs. (19th July), Wolverhampton, Staffs. (20th July), Gloucester, Gloucestershire (24th Sep- tember), Leicester, Leicestershire (27tlr September).
The next number of THE LIFEBOAT will be published in FEBRUARY, 1927.
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