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Heroes All

THE following verses were written by Beryl James, of Liskeard, Cornwall, after seeing a Life-boat film. She was fifteen years old at the time, and was one of the prize-winners in the Life-boat Essay Competition last year.

Wild rugged cliffs, where screaming sea-gulls fly.

Black, hungry rocks, above an angry sky, Mad raging waves reaching for victims new, Tossing the schooner and her wearied crew.

Oh, angry sea, little you care That some one is crying to-night in despair, Some mother is moaning this night for her son ; A father is mourned bv his little one, Oh, angry sea, little you care That someone is crying to-night in despair.

Hush ! from the shore there comes a heartening cry, " Hang on, my lads, you'll soon be high and dry," On comes the Life-boat with her valiant crew, Bravo British hearts beat 'neath those jerseys blue.

Safe on the shore, while robbed of her prey The sea is hiding the rocks with white spray, The Life-boat crew all smiling and brawn Are wending their way to the fishing town.

The men who answered their brothers' call, Rough men and yet—they are heroes all..