Belgian Motor Life-Boats
IN The Lifeboat for November, 1925, we published an article on the Life- boat Service of Belgium. At that time there were on the thirty-five miles of the Belgian coast ten Life-saving Posts, each provided with a Pulling Life-boat and Rocket Apparatus, but a Commission was then sitting to consider methods of improving the organization of the Ser- vice, and the question of adopting motor power.
In August, 1925, delegates from this Commission had visited Margate in order to study the Motor Life-boat of the Watson Cabin type which, the year before, had been sent to that Station.
The article recorded that they were " astonished at the rapidity with which the Life-boat was launched, the smooth and consistent running of the engine, and the perfection of the whole installation." Following on this visit the Institution last spring supplied the Belgian Marine Administration, which controls the Life- (boat Service, with complete plans of the Watson Cabin type of Life-boat, follow- ing in this its invariable practice of putting its experiences and inventions at the service of other countries. From these plans the Belgian Marine Adminis- tration has had two Motor Life-boats built by a German firm. Two pictures of them appear on page 332, from which t will be seen that, with slight modi- fications, they are tie same as the Watson Cabin Life-boats on our own coasts..