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Awards to Honorary Workers

To Brigadier-General NOEL M. LAKE, C.B., in recognition of his distinguished services as a member of the Committee of Manage- ment from 1916 to 1926, a Vellum recording his election as an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution.

To Mrs. H. BEANDEETH GIBBS in recognition of her valuable co-operation for many years, especially in connexion with the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Leigh-on-Sea, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks. In 1869 Mrs. Brandreth Gibbs was specially thanked for her services in connexion with a Life-boat Bazaar at Exeter which raised over £2000.

To Mrs. K. McATEEB, in recognition of her valuable help at Leigh-On-Sea, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mrs. T. W. GOMM, in recognition of her valuable co-operation at Margate for many years, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. R. J. BAILEY, Chairman and Honorary Treasurer of the Stockport Branch, in re- cognition of his valuable co-operation for 30 years, the Gold Pendant and Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. FAIERIE, President of the Hoylake, West Kirby, Moels and Caldy District of the Liverpool Branch Ladies' Guild, in recog- nition of her valuable co-operation for many years, the Gold Brooch and Record of Thanks.

To Miss COWE, in recognition of her valuable co-operation at the St. Abbs Life-boat Station for many years, the Gold Brooch and Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. ALLON TUCKEE, in recognition of her valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Bath Branch, and as Organizer of Life-boat Days, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Councillor JOHN DICKINSON, J.P., in recog- nition of his valuable services as Chairman of the Rotherham Branch for many years, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. FIELDSEND, in recognition of her valuable services as President oi the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Rotherham Branch, for many years, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. FOSTEB, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Rotherham Branch for the past ten years, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To the Rev. T. HERBERT DAVIES, in recogni- tion of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary to the St. David's Life-boat Station for the past nine years, a Mounted Aneroid Barometer.

To Miss KILBOEN, in recognition of her valuable help in collecting on Life-boat Days at Chorlton-cum-Hardy, a Framed Photo- graph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mrs. SANDEESON, in recognition of her valuable help and for collecting at Hornsea for many years, the Record of Thanks..