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A Challenge to Branches

The Record of Campbeltown, Southend and Machrihanish (Argyllshire).IT will be remembered that in the last issue of The Lifeboat we published a table showing the length of service of j the Committees of a number of the j Institution's Branches, challenging other Branches to show records as good or better. Mr. J. A. Gardiner, the Hono- rary Secretary of the Campbeltown, Southend and Machrihanish Branch in Argyllshire, who has just resigned after nearly thirty years of distinguished service, has taken up the challenge and writes as follows:— " " Mr. Duncan MacCallum was ap- pointed a member of our local Com- mitteeonthe llth January, 1878 (forty- eight years' service), and is a member still. Ex-Provost Mitchell was ap-! pointed to the Committee in 1896 (thirty years), and was elected Chairman on 16th February, 1897. He still holds that position. Ex-Provost Lothian, O.B.E.,was also appointed in 1896 (thirty years), and Ex-Provost Alex Campbell, February, 1897 (twenty-nine years). I was appointed to the Committee and the Assistant Secretaryship on 30th January, 1899 (twenty-seven years)."Total Service lor 5 Name of Oldest Station. Members.

Campbeltown, Southend and Machrihanish . 1 64 North Sunderland , — Stromness . 143 Poole and Bournemouth 136 Appledore . 133 Average.

33 — 28| 27 26i Total Service for 3 Oldest Members.

108 105J 99 91 84 Average 36 35 33 30 28 It will thus be seen that one member at Campbeltown has a record second only to the record of the Chairman at North Sunderland with fifty-two years ; that five members have between them 164 years' service, with an average of thirty-three years, and the three oldest a totaJ of 108 years, with an average of thirty-six years. This record places Campbeltown first in the list which now reads as follows, the figures being up to 1926 : 1 pooje . . , APPledore Have any other Branches a record to be added to that list ?.