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The Help of Shipowners

IN The Lifeboat for June, 1923, a list was published of launches of Life-boats and assemblies of Crews during the first four months of that year, with the names of the vessels in question and of their owners, and the amount of the subscriptions, if any, which the owners made to the Institution. In June, 1924, at the suggestion of a prominent shipowner, it was decided that in future a letter should be sent to owners notifying them when the crews of their vessels had been rescued, and putting before them the work and services of the Institution.

" There is not, and never can be," so we wrote in The Lifeboat for February, 1925, " any question of the Institution asking for payment for its services to those whose lives it rescues from shipwreck, but it is thought that the owners of the ships may like to take the opportunity of showing their gratitude, parI ticularly in those cases where, at present, parthey do not subscribe." The names of those who responded to this letter were published in The Lifeboat for February, May, and November, 1925, with accounts of the services. To these have now to be added four more names of owners to whose vessels services were rendered in the autumn and winter of last year.


September 26. New Brighton (Birkenhead) Motor Life-boat rescued 5 from the motor vessel Innisinver, of London.

Owners: Messrs. Mitrovich Bros. & Co. £1 Is.

October 29. Kingstown Motor Life-boat rescued 46 from the sailing ship Hamburg, of Hamburg.

Owners: Messrs. Hans Heinrich Schmidt. £10 10s.

December 22. Whitby No. 2 Life-boat rescued 4 from the barge Mary Bridge, of Hull. Owners : Messrs. H. Leetham & Sons, Ltd., of York. £5 5*.December 25. Humber Motor Life-boat rescued 6 from the s.s. Whinstone, of Preston. Owners : Messrs. Thornley Binders Ltd., of London and Stromness.

£5. (Messrs. Thornley Binders had previously subscribed to the Stromness Branch.) This completes the list of those who have responded to the letter, since it was first issued in 1924, up to the end of 1925. It has now been decided to publish, as from the beginning of 1926, a complete list of effective serviceswhere lives have been rescued or help has been given, with the names of vessels and the subscriptions or special donations received from their owners. The list will not include any services where salvage has been paid to the Crew. The letter to owners, it should be added, is only sent when lives have actually been rescued, and even then it is not sent in those cases — as, for example, small fishing boats — where the owners are presumably poor men. The following list is for the first four months of 1926 :—Date.


Jan. 6 12 12 14 14 „ 15 „ 27 „ 27 „ 28 ! Feb. 3 5 5 i .. 5 Lile-boat.

Lowestoft .


Wexford | (Motor). [ Kilmore ) Gourdon Johnshaven Scarborough (Motor).

Filey .

Arbroath .

Aranmore .

Berwick-on- Tweed.

Filey .

Scarborough (Motor).

Whitby (Motor) Vessel.

Fishing smack Ivan, of Lowestoft.

S.S. Valdura, of Glasgow.

Six fishing boats of Gourdon.

Comrades .

Rapid Joy .


Ghrissie Criggie Reliance .

Three fishing boats of Gourdon.

Coble Golden Gate, of Filey.

Four motor fishing cobles of Filey Four fishing boats of Arbroath.

Pioneer .

Guiding Star .

Queen of the Fleet Secret S.S. Eleftherios M.

Tricoglom, ofAndros.

Four fishing boats of Berwick-on-Tweed.

Nine motor fishing cobles of Filey.

Two motor cobles of Scarborough — Ebenezer .

Golden Gate Five motor fishing boats of Whitby.


W. H. Podd, Lowestoft.

Gow, Harrison & Co., 8 Gordon Street, Glasgow.

C. Moir and others .

J. Middleton and others .

P. and J. Johnstone A . Gove . . . .

J. Criggie and others James Gibb No information James Douglas No information — .

Alex. Tevendale David Smith David Seattle David Shepherd E. Tricoglou, Andros, Greece.

No information No information Reuben Scotter .

James Douglas No information Subscriptions or Donations received before Service.

£ s. d.

* 10 10 0 0 5 0 — — —— — — — — t — — — —— — — — — — Contributions received in gratitude for the Service.

£ s. d.

— ~ — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — —— (Subscriptions or Donations are for 1924.) * Four Lowestoft insurance companies subscribe to the Institution.

f The Fishermen's Committee and the Men's Own Brotherhood of Arbroatheach contribute £10.Date.


Feb. 5 6 9 „ 14 15 „ 15 „ 15 „ 16 17 17 22 Mar. 4 4 „ 5 9 „ 10 13 „ 20 ,. 22 „ 23 Life-boat.

Eyemouth Southwold .


The Humber (Motor).

The Humber (Motor).

Yarmouth, I. of W.


Hope Cove .

Torbay (Motor).



Torbay (Motor).

Poole and Bournemouth Peel .

Moelfre Ayr .

Scarborough (Motor).

Wexford .


Whitby (Motor).

Peterhead No. 2 (Motor).

Sennen Cove (Motor).

Whitby (Motor).

The Humber (Motor).


Fishing boats of Eyemouth.

Fishing smack Meum et Tuum, of Lowestoft.

Steam trawler Dinorah, of Grimsby- S.S. Tabora,oi Cardiff.

S.S. Urkiola Mendi, of Bilbao.

) S.S. Liberia,, of f Genoa.

Motor boat Lily, of Blyth.

S.S. Izvor, of Dubrovnik.

Fishing boats of Poole.

Fishing boat Genesta, of Peel.

I Ketch Alpha, of 1 Newry.

1 Ketch Excel, of 1 Poole.

S.S. Nugget, of Glasgow.

Motor fishing cobles Morning Star and Pelican, of Scarborough.

Fishing smack Tipperary Lass, of Wexford.

Motor fishing boat Pilot Me, of Whitby.

S.S. Bragi, of Stettin.

Schooner Ada, of Barrow.

Seven motor fishing boats of Whitby.

Steam trawler Salmonby, of Boston.


No information Runacres Bros.

Beeley & Sleight, Ltd., Fish Dock Road, Grimsby.

Lewis Steamship Co., Ltd., Rothesay Chambers, Cardiff.

Compania Nav. Sota y Aznar (Apartado No.

13), Ibanez de Bilbao, Bilbao.

Societa Anonima di Navigazione Unione, Via San Luca, 15/10, Genoa, Italy.

Wm. Coulthard, 87, Union Street, Blyth.

Atlantska Plovidba Ivo Bacic Akcjonarno drustvo, Zagreb, Jugo-Slavia.

No information John Wilson .

W. Chambers, Kilkeel, Co. Down.

A. Robinson, AnnaJong, Co. Down.

Wm. Robertson, Gresham Chambers, 45, West Nile Street, Glasgow, C. 1.

T. Scales H. Cammish .

No information J. Storr Otto A. Muller, Hamburg.

Geo. Kearon, King's Hill, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

No information The Boston Deep Sea Fishing and Ice Co., Ltd., Derby Chambers, Wyre Dock, Fleetwood.

Subscriptions or )onations received before Service.

£ s. d.

— * 1 1 0 — 21 0 0 — — — — — — 2 2 0 — — — — — — — t Contributions eceived in ;ratitude for the Service. £ 3. d.

— — — — — ! — — — — — — ; — — — — — — — — — (Subscriptions or Donations are for 1924).

* Four Lowestoft insurance companies subscribe to the Institution.

t Contribute through the Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Owners' Association which subscribes £10 10s.Date.

April 6 7 „ 15 „ 20 „ 25 „ 28 „ 28 29 30 Life-boat.

Folkestone .

The Humber (Motor).

Yarmouth, I. of W.


Sennen Cove (Motor).

Yarmouth, I. of W.


Newbiggin Whitby (Motor).

Berwick-onon- Tweed.

Boulmer Vessel.

S.S. Duce, of Genoa A small boat .

Boat of s.s. Hashmere, of Southampton.

S.S. Deansway, of Cardiff.

Yacht Alektor, of Shoreham.

Steam trawler George, B. Purdy, of North Shields.

Motor fishing coble Gratitude, of Whit- Steam trawler Eyedale, of Eyemouth.

Motor drifter True Vine, of St.



La Platense Societa Anonima Marittima, Genoa, Italy.

W. Croft The Southern Railway, Waterloo Station, London, S.E. 1.

Williams Bros. (Cardiff), Pacific House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff.

Captain W. H. A. Whitworth, M.C., Lancing College, Shoreham, Sussex.

George R. Purdy, 11, Horsley Terrace, Tynemouth.

D. Harland .

Robert Cowe, 21, Albert Road, Eyemouth.

David Marr .

Subscriptions or Donations before Service.

£ s. d.

— — 31 10 0* — — — — — — Contributions received in for the Service.

£ s. d.

— — — — — — — t (Subscriptions or Donations are for 1924.)* The Southern Railway made a donation of 100 guineas when the Newhaven Life-boat rescued the crew of its tug Richmere on 27th November, 1924.

f A Letter of Appreciation was received.It will thus be seen that during the first four months of this year there were forty-two effective launches, in which over eighty boats or vessels were involved . Of their owners only thirteen ,so far as can be traced, were already contributors, directly or indirectly, to the Institution, and none has since made any contribution to the Institution in gratitude for its services..