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Some Special Gifts

£22,000 from an Anonymous Donor.

A BANKNOTE for £1,000 sent in a regis- tered envelope with the message " One thousand pounds enclosed for the National Life-boat Institution," and then, underneath, " Bath," was received in March. This is the sixteenth year, in succession, that this anonymous gift has come in this way. In six of the sixteen years it has come twice over, so that the Institution has now received altogether £22,000, but it has no clue whatever to the generous donor.

From a Steamer of the Prince Line.

A MEMBER of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Bridlington sent to her son, who is Chief Officer on board the s.s.

Persian Prince, of the Prince Line of steamers, one of the Prince of Wales's Collecting Cards which are used by members of the Guild. This card was returned to her with £9 2s. Qd., which her son had collected on board.

Gratitude for a Rescue.

ON 15th September last year the Cullercoats Coxswain and six other men went out in a motor coble to the rescue of a small rowing boat with three men on board. They had gone out fishing, being overtaken by a strong wind and a rising sea, could not get back, and, when the coble reached them, were already exhausted by their efforts.

The Coxswain and the other six men were rewarded by the Institution for a shore-boat rescue, and the Institution has now received a donation from one of the three men who were saved..