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The Storeyard's Children's Party

FOR the second year the Staff at the Institution's Storeyard at Poplar, with the help of the Staff at Headquarters, | gave a Christmas Tea and Entertain- ment to about 160 children living in the neighbourhood of the Storeyard. It was given on 19th December, at the Emery Hall. Tea was provided, and later on in the evening, refreshments ; and the entertainment consisted of violin soJos by Mrs. George F. Shee (accompanied by Mr. George F. Shee, Secretary of the Institution); a band ; a minstrel troupe ; magic lantern pictures, some comic, some of Life-boat scenes; fairy stories, also with lantern slides ; a performing dog; and finally Father Christmas, whose attendants, carrying hampers of toys, fruit and sweets, were dressed as Life-boatmen.

Except for Mrs. Shee's violin solos, the band, which was kindly lent by Mr. A. C.

Brown, and the performing dog, the entertainment was provided by the Staff.

On 22nd December, Captain G. H.

Bevao, O.B.E., E.N., Deputy Chief Inspector for Stores, and members of the Storeyard Staff visited the Piggott Street School for defective children, where about 150 were entertained to tea, fruit and sweets were distributed to them, and Captain Bevan talked to them about Life-boats..