The Late Queen Alexandra
BY the death of Queen Alexandra on 20th November, 1925, the Institution, loses one of its three Royal Patrons, Queen Alexandra had been associated with the work of the Institution for forty-two years, It was in 1883, as Princess of Wales, that she became Vice- Patroness of the Institution, Queen Victoria being Patroness, and the Prince of Wales and his brother, the Duke of Edinburgh, Vice-Patrons. On his accession to the throne King Edward VII. became Patron, and Queen Alexandra continued to be Vice-Patron, together with the Prince and Princess of Wales.
In 1913 she became a Patron, with the King and Queen, who had become Patrons on their accession to the throne, Her sympathy with the work of the Service was shown early in the War when, with reference to the service to the Hospital ship Rohilla in October, 1914, she wrote personally to the Chairman the Committee of Management, sending a special donation to the Institution, and expressing her "utmost sympathy for its great work " and her " deep admiration " for its crews.