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This service to the Hamburg was quickly followed by a service to another German sailing ship, also of Hamburg, the four-masted pole-rigged ship Paul, This service took place the following day Jon the Welsh coast. The ship, which was on her way from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Milford Haven, had been set to the eastward, and as a result of this and the thick weather, she stranded near Ferryside, in Carmarthen Bay. The Ferryside Life-boat was launched shortly before 8.30, and reached the vessel an hour later. A strong breeze was blowing ! with a rough sea and heavy rain. She found that one of the ship's boats had got away with 11 people on board.

i They were transferred to the Life-boat,which then took the Captain and the remaining four men off the Paul herself, bringing them safely to Ferryside two hours later. The vessel became a total wreck..