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Awards to Honorary Workers

To the Rev. K. H. MACDERMOTT, upon his ( retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Selsey Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To the Rev. R. J. HODGES, upon his retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Youghal Branch, the Thanks of the Institu- tion inscribed on Vellum.

To Capt. F. J. EVANS, upon his retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Ramsey Branch, the Thanks of the Institu- tion inscribed on Vellum.

To Mr. W. B. WILLIAMS, upon his retirement after 22 years as Honorary Secretary of the Barry Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To Mrs. W. B. WILLIAMS, Vice-President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Cardiff and Penarth Branch, in recognition of her valuable co- operation for many years, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. HEBBEBT E. LOYNES, ia recognition of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary, for the past 30 years, to the Wells Life-boat Station, a Mounted Aneroid Barometer.

To Mr. W. E. MOUNSEV, in recognition of his exceptional services as Honorary Treasurer to the Port of Liverpool Branch for many years, a Mounted Aneroid Barometer.

To Mr. G. C. L. POOLS, upon his retirement after 14 years as Honorary Treasurer of the Penzance Branch (Penlee and Sennen Cove Stations), a Framed Photograph, of a Life- boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mr. A. J. G. ANSON on his retirement after 9 years as Honorary Secretary of the Hastings and St. Leonards Branch, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mr. 3?. HOLLINQSW ORTH, upon his retire- ment after 6 years as Honorary Secretary of the Holy Island Branch, a Framed Photo- graph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Major-Gen. Sir WILLIAM FRY, K.C.V.O., C.B., Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man, in recognition of his valuable co-opera- tion, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To Lady FRY, in recognition of her valuable co-operation in the Isle of Man, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. L. T. WILKINS, of Southampton, in recognition of his valuable help in organizing collections during the past 9 years on the steamers of the Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. F. 0. BROWN, of London, in recognition of the fact that for many years he has raised each year the record sum obtained by means of a collecting box, the Gold Pendant.

To Mr. A. E. BABTLETT, in recognition of his valuable work in organizing a Theatrical Performance in aid of the Institution, at Bath, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. M. WYSE, in recognition of his valuable co-operation in connexion with the Port of Liverpool Branch, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Miss F. SHEPHEKD, in recognition of her valuable help in collecting at Life-boat launches at Rhyl, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mr. T. MARKWELL, of Ipswich, inreeognition of his valuable co-operation in organizing collections on board s.s. Norfolk, an inscribed copy of "Britain's Life-boats." To Mr. N. C. BRYANT, of Ipswich, in recognition of his valuable co-operation in organizing collections on board s.s. Suffolk, an inscribed copy of " Britain's Life-boats.".