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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To EDWAKD WIOKHAM, on his retirement, after serving 27 years as Coxswain and previously 13 years as Second Coxswain of the Wexford Life-boat, a Certificate of Service, a Pension, and a Special Gratuity.

To STEPHEN CLAYSON, on his retirement, after | serving 20J years as Coxswain and previously 7 years as Second Coxswain of the Margate Nos. 1 and 2 Life-boats, a Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To THOMAS STOBM, on his retirement, after serving 5 years as Coxswain, 12 years as Second Coxswain and 6 years as Bowman of the Robin Hood's Bay Life-boat, a Life-boat- j . man's Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To ALEXANDER THOMSON, on his retirement, after serving 5J years as Coxswain of the Buckie Life-boat, a Gratuity.

To JAMES REDMOND, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 19 years as Coxswain and 8J years as Second Cox- swain of the Courtown Life-boat, a Certificate ! of Service and a Pension. j To WILLIAM TURNER, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 19 years as Second Coxswain of the Courtown Life- boat, a Pension.

To JOHN STAFFORD, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 17 years as Bowman of the Courtown Life-boat, a Pension.

To ANDREW BYRNE, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 14 years as Signalman of the Courtowu Life-boat, a Pension.

To WILLIAM LEADBETTER, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 14 years as Coxswain of the Whitehaven Life-boat, a Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To CHARLES GOODWIN, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 14 years as Second Coxswain of the Whitehaven Life- boat, a Pension.

To WILLIAM HENRY SIMPSON, on his retire- ment, on the closing of the Station, after serving 14 years as Bowman of the White- haven Life-boat, a Pension.

To LOWTHER WILSON, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 26 years as Signalman to the Whitehaven Life-boat, a Pension.

To EDWIN WM. DISTIN, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 9 years as Coxswain of the Salcombe Life-boat, a Pension.

To R.C. FOALE, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 8 years as Second Coxswain of the Salcombe Life-boat, a Gratuity.

To GEORGE T. LAMBLE, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 23 years as Signalman of the Salcombe Life- boat, a Pension.

To DAVID MAKE, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after 13 years' service, during which he served as Coxswain, Second Coxswain, and Bowman of the North Ber- wick Life-boat, a Pension.

To PATRICK GORRY, on his retirement, after serving 8 years as Second Coxswain, 7 years as Bowman, and previously 25 years as a member of the crew of the Peel Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To MARTIN THORBURN, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 13 years as Signalman to the North Berwick Life-boat, a Pension.

To CHAS. EDWARD WORDINBHAM, on his retire- ment, after serving 11J years as Second Cox- swain, and 0 years as Bowman of the Wells Life-boat, a tension.

To GEORGE 1 IOMAS, on his retirement, after serving 36 cars as Second Coxswain, and previously 6 ears as a member of the crew of the Burnham Life-boat, a Life-boatman's i Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To GEORGE W. AYERS, on his retirement, after serving 15 years as Second Coxswain, and previously 17 years as a member of the crew of the Lowestof t Life-boats, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To CHARLES PEROHARD, on his retirement, after serving 18 years as a member of the crew, latterly as Bowman of the Penmon and Beaumaris Life-boats, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service.

To JOHN SIMMONS, on his retirement, after serving 9 years as Bowman, and previously 23 years as a member of the crew of the Cambois Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certifi- cate of Service.

To JOHN KING, on his retirement, after serving over 30 years as Signalman to the Drogheda Life-boat, a Pension.

To ROBERT J. BOXHALL, on his retirement, after serving 35 years as Signalman to the Sheringham Life-boat, a Pension.

LIFE-BOATMEN'S Certificates of Service have been awarded to the following members of crews who have retired, the figure after their names being their years of service:— JOHN PESTELL (53), Palling.



JOSEPH THOMAS (46), Burnham.

WILLIAM RTJTTEK (41), North Sunderland.

JOHN STANHOPE (35), Blackpool.

JOSEPH PRICE (30), Fleetwood.

JOSEPH STREET, Senr. (26), Worthing.

TOM LEADBETTER (25), Fleetwood.

C. PKAGNELL (20), Totland Bay.

ERXEST E. COXWAY (20), Totland Bar.

F. E. CROUCH (20), Totland Bay..