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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 30th April, 1925.

Sir GODFREY BARING, St., in the Chair.

Reported the resignation from the Committee of Management of Engineer Vice- Admiral Sir GEORGE G. GOODWIN, K.C.B.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ *. d.


BANNEEMAN (Don.) . . . 1,013 2 6 ExORS. OF THE LATE ME. EDWARD R. HALSTED (Don.) . 25 - - M. BRISTOW, Esq 25 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £23,127 10*. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £231 &».

the following Life- Life-boat.

Berwick-on- Tweed.


Cromer No. 1 .

(Motor) Dungeness .

No. 2.

New Brighton .

No. 2 (Motor) 3d. to pay the expenses of boat Services:— Lives Vessel. rescued.

Coble May, of Burnmouth . . . . 3 Fishing boat Eliza Ann, of C a r d i g a n . . . 2 Drifter Couronne, of Lowestoft . . . 8 Schooner Liesbet, of Groningen. Stood by vessel.

Hopper No. 9, of Liverpool 930 Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Ramsey . . . Schooner Elizabeth Hyam, of Chester . 4 St. Mary's . . Steam trawler CM de (Motor) Verdun, of Boulogne Scarborough . Cobles Jock and Morn- (Motor) ing Star, of Scarborough.

Escorted cobles into harbour.

Southend-on- Cutter Vision, of Brix- Sea. ham . . . 3 Southend-on- Barge Hand in Hand, Sea. of Rochester . . 2 Weymouth . . Yacht Boseen, of (Motor) Southampton. Rendered assistance.

Whitby . . . Fishing boats Mitpah (Motor) and Fortuna, oj Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Whitby No. 2 . Fishing coble Jean and Alice, of Wbitby.

Escorted coble into harbour . . . .

Whitby No. 2 . Sailing vessel Meme Selmer, of Wedel.

Stood by vessel.

Also voted £273 13s. 4td. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Caister, Coverack, Cromer No. 1, Dunbar, Fraserburgh, Gorleston, Ilfracombe, Johnshaven, Lowestoft, Moelfre, New Brighton, Newhaven, Palling No. 2,Peterhead No. 2, Poole, Runswick, Southendon- Sea and Whitby, Granted £81 §s. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Baltimore, Blackpool, Blakeney, Cardigan, Moelfre, New Brighton, Sheringham, Skegness and Whitehaven.

Granted an additional monetary reward the crew of the Ramsey Life-boat for an arduous service on the 4th April to the schooner Elizabeth, If yam.

Voted a grant of £20 to the widow of ex- Coxswain John Ho-wells, of Fishguard, in recognition of her husband's distinguished services.

Granted a special gratuity of £10 to THOS.

WICKHAM, Signalman at Wexford, on his retirement after twenty-seven years' service on the transfer of the station to Rosslare.

Awarded an Aneroid Barometer, suitably inscribed, to Mr. T. SHEADER, Senr., and addressed Letters of Thanks to two of his sons, Messrs. HARRY and JOHN SHEADER, in recognition of their services in rescuing the four occupants of the coble Tipperary, of Scarborough, on the 1st April and again OB the 2ad April. Two of the rescued men were sons of Mr. Sheader. While out in his coble Jock in a heavy sea, on the 1st April, Mr.

Sheader saw the coble Tipperary washing ashore in broken water at Robin Hood's Bay, with her crew waving for help. At some risk, and with considerable difficulty, the disabled coble was taken into Scarborough. Next day, when near Ravenscar, the Tipperary was again seen in distress, during a strong S.W.

wind with a heavy sea. Her engine had broken down but sail was hoisted. She was then lost sight of. When seen again her mast was broken, she had dropped her anchor, and the S.S. I dona, of Aberdeen, was standing by to rescue the crew. The Jock arrived on the scene just in time to effect the rescue, and the steamer was able to proceed.

Voted £3 15s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat and four other men for putting off to the help of the S.S. Abadesa, which stranded daring a thick fog on the 15th March. The services of the men were not required, and the vessel got off on the next tide.

Voted £5 to the Coxswain of the Walton-onthe- Naze Life-boat and four other men for rescuing the four occupants of the yacht Valatta, which stranded on a lee shore on Dudmore Bank during a S. by W. gale on the night of the 14th April. Also granted 30s. for the use of the rescuing boats, etc., and 7s. for the men who gave first information of the' wreck. The salvors put off in the yacht Madeline, with a ferry boat in tow. On Lifereaching the scene, three men manned the small boat aad transferred the occupants of the yachV—a man and his wife and their son! and daughter—to the Madeline, which then I returned to Walton, arriving at 2 A.M. No I great risk was incurred, but it was a dark, wet I and stormy night. The rescued people wrote expressing their thanks to the men for their help.

Voted £2 5s. to the Second Coxswain of the Port Erin Life-boat and two other members of the crew for rescuing the occupant of the small fishing-boat Qreen Maiden, on the 18th April. Also granted 5s. for petrol consumed.

The fishing-boat was returning home, and was I overtaken by a strong N.E. wind when still I three miles out. Seeing that she was in diffi- ) culties, the salvors put off in a motor-boat and found the one man on board very much ex- Voted £3 to four men for rescuing two men, off Campbeltown, on the night of the 15th April. Also granted 5*. for petrol consumed.

At about 9 P.M., during a N.N.W, gale, a flare was seen in the Loch. The four salvors put out a motor fishing-boat and found a motorboat disabled, and drifting out to sea with no oars or sails on board. She was taken in tow and brought into safety. The signal for help was made by one of the men soaking his shirt in petrol and lighting it with the only match on board.

Voted £3 15*. to the Coxswain of the Kley Life-boat and five other men for rescuing the three hands of the motor-boat Venture, on 16th April. Also granted 4». for petrol consumed.

During a whole W.N.W. gale the Venture's engine failed. Seeing her in difficulties, the men put off in two motor boats and brought her and her occupants into safety.

Some risk was incurred by the men in the heavy sett, and their prompt action saved the launching of the Life-boat.

Thursday, 21st May, 1925.

Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Elected Sir WILLIAM MILLIQAN, M.D., J.P., Chairman of the Manchester and Salford Branch, a Vice-President of the Institution, Co-opted Commander GUY D. FAUSHAWE, R-N., J.P-, a Member of the Committee of Management.

Reported the receipt of the following special & s. d.

1,000 - - contributions :- " BATH " (additional donation) .

E. G. WHITLEY, Esq. £100 H.H.

The Nizam of Hyderabad Guarantee State Railways Co.

3J per cent. Mortgage Debenture Bond.

—To be thanked.

Paid £17,830 18a. 4 J, for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Lifereaching boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.Voted £16 12*, 6d. to pay the expenses oi the following Life-boat Services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Lowestoft . . Motor hopper Mud- (Motor). sucker, and Fishing smack Pathway, of Lowestoft. Stood by Fraserburgh. . S.S. Glenluce, of Glas- (Motor). gow. Stood by vessel.

Also voted £21 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in dis- tress :—Caister, Holyhead, and Palling No. 2.

Granted £45 7*. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Fleetwood, New Brighton, and Winterton, Thursday, 18th June, 1925.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Decided to close the Courtown (Co. Wexford) Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND, per Mr. W. Fortescue Barratt, in respect of expenditure in- curred for the Civil Service Life-boats in 1924. . . . 1,612 - 7 " J. L. G." (donation) ... 100 - - Miss MARION HARRISON (dona- tion) 100 - - MBS. WADDINGTON (additional donation) 100 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £16,086 11*. let,, for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life- boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Voted £117 13s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services ;— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Clacton-on-Sea . Yacht Chione, of (Motor). Southampton. Stood by vessel.

Donaghadee. . A fishing coble of (Motor) Donaghadee. . . 1 Lowestoft . . Longshore fishing boats (Motor) of Lowestoft. Stood by boats and ren- dered assistance.

Margate No. 2 . Yacht White Heather 11.

(Motor). of Glasgow. Stood by vessel.

Montrose No. 1 Small fishing boat of Montrose. Saved boat and rescued . 2 Peterhead No. 2 Steam Trawler Abronia (Motor). of Grimsby. Stood by vessel.

Southend (Can- S.S. McKie, of Quebec, tyre) . . . Stood by vessel.

The Cromer No. 1 (Motor) Life-boat and the Palling No. 2 Life-boat rendered assistance .and stood by the s.s. Equity, of Goole.

Also voted £169 Hs. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Arklow (Motor), Caister, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Filey, Gorle- ston (Motor), Has borough, Hope Cove, Johns- haven, The Lizard (Motor), Rhoscolyn, and Torbay (Motor).

The Cromer No. 2 Life-boat was also launched.

Voted the sum of £5 to the widow of ex- Coxswain WM. SCHOFIELD, of the Clacton-on- Sea Life-boat, towards the expenses of his funeral.

Voted a gratuity of £7 10*. to OWEN LEWIS, in recognition of his services in the Moelfre Life-boat for a period of thirty years, during the latter part of which he held the position first of Bowman and then of Second Coxswain.

Voted £1 10s. to three men for rescuing two men from the coble Ellen, which had had her sails blown to pieces while crabbing off Staithes, on the 28th May, and was in danger of being blown out to sea by a strong S.W. wind.

The salvors took the disabled boat in tow and brought her into safety.

Voted £7 12«. to the Coxswain and seven other Life-boatmen at St. Mary's, for putting off in two motor-boats to search for a vessel in the fog on 12th June. Also granted 6s. for oil fuel consumed. The search was unsuccessful as the vessel—the steam trawler Europe, of Boulogne—after having stranded at Bosvear, refloated and proceeded.

Thursday, 23rd July, 1925.

Sir GODFREY BASING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. d.

MB. JAMBS B. ALLAN (donation) . 80 - - ANONYMOUS (donation) . . 50 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £23,170 8*. M. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- | ments.

! Voted £30 16«. to pay the expenses of the i following Life-boat Services :— I Lives j Life-boat Vessel. rescued.

j Lowestoft . . Fishing smack Irene, (Motor) of Lowestoft. . . 4 i Sunderland . . Fishing boat Economy, ' (Motor) of Sunderland . . 4 The Wexford (Motor) Life-boat saved the 1 fishing boat Mana, of Wexford, and rescued I from shipwreck her crew of four.

! Also voted £197 11s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies j of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Appledore (Motor), ** I! • Brighton, Caister, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Eastbourne (Motor), Folkestone, Gorleston Motor), Hope Cove, The Humber (Motor), ohnshaven, The Mumbles (Motor), NewBrighton, North Deal, Southend (Cantyre), Weymouth (Motor), and Whitby.

Granted £8 Is. 8d. to men for injury in the j Life-boat Service at Courtown and Folkestone.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to THOMAS j CROWLEY, who, after having served in the Ballycotton Life-boat crew since 1880, and having acted as Bowman for a year, is now in very bad health and very poor circumstances.

Presented an Aneroid Barometer, bearing a suitable inscription, to Mr. CHRISTOPHER Guy, Pilot, and addressed a Letter of Thanks to the Skipper and crew of the Tees pilot cutter Coytobee, for rescuing the two occupants of a small sailing boat near Redcar, on the 21st June. The men had set out from Staithes (Yorkshire) the previous evening with the in- tention of sailing to the Tees. When off Saltburn, the wind fell completely, and, as the tide was against them, they anchored for the night. They started again at 5 A.M., but were overtaken by a moderate N.N.E. gale, which brought up a very rough sea, and their little boat was in great danger of being wrecked on the rocky coast. When drifting helplessly in Coatham Bight, the boat was seen by the cutter. Realizing the need of prompt action, Mr. Christopher Guy, one of the Pilots, volun- teered to take charge when the Skipper and senior pilot on board hesitated to take the cutter into the broken water. No time was lost, and although swept by heavy seas, the cutter succeeded in reaching the small boat, threw her a line, and hauled the men on board.

When rescued, the men were in a state of collapse. Their boat was abandoned.

Voted £10 to five men for saving one of two Larne fishermen whose small boat was wrecked in Church Bay, Rathlin Island, on the 23rd March. A moderate N.W. gale was blowing with a heavy ground swell, and the boat was capsized when crossing the bar. The two men were thrown into the water. The accident was witnessed by five men from the shore, and they immediately rushed to get a boat, and launched her. In the meanwhile, another man tried to reach the drowning fishermen by means of a line, but in this he was unsuccessful, as they could not catch it. (This man was awarded 10s.) The five salvors in the boat, at great risk to themselves, went into the heavy surf and picked up the two men. Unfortunately one was injured and unconscious, and all efforts to restore him failed. The other, after being landed, was carefully tended, and two days later, was able to return to his home.

Voted £2 to two men for rescuing the two occupants of a small boat which capsized, near Porthdinllaen, during a squall on the 14th June, 1925. Also granted 15s., the value of two oars broken by the rescuers in saving the men.

The accident was seen by two young men who were walking along the cliffs. They at once got a boat and succeeded in picking up the two men, who would most probably have been lost but for the very prompt action of the salvors.

Voted £1 10s. to two men for rescuing two other men, at Deal, on the 12th July. The weather at the time was fine, but the two men, who were out in a small boat, capsized her by changing seats, and they were thrown into the water. The accident was witnessed by the salvors, who were cruising in a motor boat with passengers. Hastening to the spot, they threw life-buoys to the men, who were soon after- wards picked up and landed.

Thursday, 17th September, 1925.

Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Decided to close the Salcombe and North Berwick Life-boat Stations.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

1,600 - - 1,000 - - 100 - - 50 - - LLOYD'S, MEMBERS AND SUB- SCRIBERS AT (collection) ANONYMOUS ....


WHITE, GIFT FROM ESTATE or Miss R. M. HAMMEBTON (addi- tional donation) ....

—To be thanked.

Paid £21,420 17*. 4ci. for sundry charges, in connexion with the construction of Life- boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £183 13s. Id. to pay the expenses oi the following Life-boat Services :— Lives rescued.

. 3 Vessel.

Cutter Trwnt L'feboat.

Bembridge .

(Motor) Boulmer S.S. Sojourner, of New- castle-on-Tyne. Ren- dered assistance.

Gorleston (Motor) Holy Island No. 2.

New Brighton No. 1.

Runswick Teesmouth .

(Motor) Walton-on-the- Naze (Motor) Whitby (Motor).

Steam drifter Viking, of Yarmouth. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Yewdale, of Glas- gow Yacht Lady Dorothy, of New Brighton. Ren- dered assistance.

S.S. Eolo, of Bilbao.

Stood by vessel.

A motor launch. Saved launch and rescued S.S. St. Abbs Head, of Leith. Stood by vessel.

Motor fishing boat Pilot Me, of Whitby.

Stood by boat.

The Clacton-on-Sea (Motor) Life-boat saved the schooner Walkyrie, of Lannion, and rescued from shipwreck the only man found on board; Runswick Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Eolo, of Bilbao ; and the Wexford (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Matilda, of Arbroath.

Also voted £259 14s. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress: Brighton, Buekie (Motor), Caister, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Holyhead, Johnshaven, Kingstown (Motor), Longhope, Margate No. 2 (Motor), Newhaven (Motor), Palling No. 1, Poolbeg, Poole, Rhoscolyn, Scarborough (Motor), Selsey (Motor), Stromness (Motor), Teignmouth, and Whitby (Motor).

Granted £25 7s. 6d. to persons for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blakeney, Cardigan, Cresswell, and Port Erin.

Voted a small compassionate allowance to THOMAS KEW, a survivor of the Wells Life-boat disaster of 1880, who distinguished himself on that occasion, and who is now old and in very poor circumstances.

Voted £2 10s. to Mr. EDWARD KENNY, to- wards the cost of repairing his boat, which was damaged when an attempt was made to launch it in order to help a vessel in distress off Courtown, on the 19th July.

„. , , . , . • , . . ,m, T i i, i Directed that Letters of Thanks be addressed to Messrs T HOOPER, JOHN EVANS, HUGH JONES, and ROBERT OWEN, for rescuing the two occupants of a small boat, on Forthdinllaen, on the 4th August. The two rescued men were visitors, who had gone out fishing during a fresh N.W. wind, but got into difficulties and signalled for help. Mr. Hooper, Foreman of Works to the Institution's Engineers, who was engaged on some constructional works at the Life-boat House, saw the signals and, with the other men, took out the Lifeboat's boarding boat. The two men, when Llanrescued were exhausted, and their boat was in a sinking conditwn and being earned out to sea by the tide.

Voted £1 2s. 6d. to three men for rescuing the only occupant of a small boat, off Filey, on the 24th July. Also granted Is. 6 J. tor fuel consumed. While the motor "coble Topsy was out hauling crab pots the crew saw a small boat in danger, as the sea was rough and a strong northerly wind was blowing, and went to her help. They found her rudderless and half full of water. The man on board was aUniversity student. He had only bought the boat the previous day, and was without ex- perience of the sea. He and his boat were taken into safety.

Voted £2 10s. to four men for rescuing two boys who were in danger, off Ballycotton, ! during squally weather, on the 26th July.

Also granted 5s. for the use of the rescuers' boat, and 1*. 6rf. for fuel consumed. The boys, who were visitors, put off for a row in a small ! boat but lost control of her and were drifting on *° Ballycotton Island ™- «—' r1— The Second Coxswain of the Life-boat, Thomas Sliney, seeing the danger, at once took out his motor boat, the Life-boat being under survey, and brought the boys and the boat to the Pier in safety.

j Voted 15s. to two men for landing a man whose boat was in distress, at Piel (Barrow), °« the 29th July. Also granted 2s. Gd. for the use of tne rescuers' boat. During a strong W.

I breeze with a rough sea the boat carried away her mainsail and%oom, and was in danger of dri{ti on the rocks The salyors t 0| and brouglft the boat and her occupant ashore, Voted £2 to four men for rescuing the three 1 occupants of a small pleasure boat which, had been capsized, off Weymouth, on the 1st September, in a strong W.S.W. wind with a choppy sea. A pilot cutter which was near launched her boarding boat and picked up the three people, who were in the water.

Voted £2 12s. 6d. to three men who landed four persons from two small yachts at Llanrescued ; dud on the ni ht of the f;th Jul A,go igranted £1 to fou? men who heiped iauncn the rescuers boat. The yachts were bound for j Beaumaris, but failed, against a moderate gale from the W.N.W., to round Orme's Head, and put into Uandudno Bay in a battered state, [ with their crews exhausted. In answer to their i signals for help, the Second Coxswain of the Life-boat, Robert T. Williams, had a boat launched, and with two other men went out to the yachts and brought ashore the four persons who were on board..