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Mrs. Ferris Tozer, Hon. Secretary of the Exeter Ladies' Life-Boat Guild

By the death of Mrs. Ferris Tozer on 7th October the Institution lost one of its oldest and most energetic honorary workers. The Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Exeter, she had been a Life-boat worker for thirty-seven years, and by the appeals which she organized had brought to the Life-boat funds nearly £2,000. She died after a long illness, but up to the end she kept her interest in, and continued her work for, the Life-boat Service.

She was a daughter of Mr. William Widgery, the artist, and her husband, Dr. Ferris Tozer, the organist and musician, is the Honorary Treasurer of the Exeter Branch. She was a woman of many interests and activities—a Poor Law Guardian, a Governor of the Royal Albert Museum, and an active worker for numerous social causes; she had also been one of the first supporters of the University Extension Movement, out of which grew the present University College of the South-West. It was true in her case, as in the case of many of our honorary workers, that it is those who have the most interests and claims who find most time and energy to give to the work of the Life-boat Service.