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Gratitude for the Service to the "Rohilla"

IT is just eleven years since the service to the Hospital Ship Rohilla, wrecked ofi Whitby on 30th October, 1914. It will be remembered how the Whitby No. 2 Boat, although badly damaged, made two journeys to the wreck, rescuing five women and thirty-five men; how four other Life-boats were launched and made fruitless efforts to reach the wreck, and how in the end the fifty survivors were rescued by the Tynemouth Motor Life-boat.

Each year, from 1917 to 1920 the Institution received, on the anniver- sary of the service, a gift from the chief of the medical staff and his friends. In that year he died, and since then this gift has been sent every year by his widow, who wrote this year, on 31st October, " As the anniversary comes round, I am ever mindful of the splendid work then, and now, ever being done by the Life- boat crews." In May of this year the Institution re- ceived a letter from one of the five women rescued by the Whitby No. 2 Life-boat.

She had already made two or three contri- butions to the Service. Now she writes : " I am one of the many people saved from shipwreck owing to your splendid Life-boat Service, and now that I am in a better position, I have great pleasure in sending you a cheque for £5, and hope to be able to send you the same amount annually. I was a naval nursing sister on board the Hospital Ship Rohma, and was rescued by the Whitby Life-boat in 1914. It is not necessary for me to tell you how thankful I shall always be to your Institution, and I shall always give what help I can to enable other people in distress to be helped as I was.".