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Buy a Life-Boat Calendar!

FOR the last three years the Institution has distributed a Life-boat Calendar, with a view to keeping the work of the j Life-boat Service continually before the public. By doing this the Committee of Management have felt that they might also increase the steadily growing number of those who not only make gifts to the Institution, but remember it in their wills.

This Christmas it is proposed to have an extra number printed for the use of Life-boat workers and of all who are interested in the Service. Calendars are becoming each year a more popular form of gift, and those who use the Life- boat Calendar may feel that they are making it do a double service. They will be sending their friends a beautiful calendar and they will be helping the Institution.

With this idea in view, a competition was held during the summer, prizes of £25, £10 and £5 being offered for the most suitable pictures for reproduction as a Life-boat Calendar. The number sent in was small, and the Committee decided not to award the second and third prizes. The competition, however, brought one very graphic and spirited picture of a Life-boat rescue, entitled " Found at Last: The Morning after the Gale." To this picture, painted by Mr. Robert H. Smith, of Looe, Cornwall, the first prize has been awarded. It will be found in black and white on page 108, and will be reproduced in colours on the Calendar.

The Calendars will be 12 inches long by 10 inches wide, and they can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity. They will be sent, post free, for Is. each, this price including a large cardboard-backed envelope with each Calendar. Those who wish to order Calendars should apply as soon as possible to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 22, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2, and should enclose with their order a postal order or stamps..