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Transport Workers and the Life-Boat Service

THE Institution has received a cheque from the Walthamstow Branch of the Transport and General "Workers' Union, and with it a letter, in which, the Branch Secretary writes:— " I hope to send a similar cheque every quarter. It will interest you to know that the employees on the traffic staff of the Walthamstow U.D.C. Tram- ways have agreed to pay Id. per week 'each towards certain Institutions, of which yours is one." This is yet another example, of which j the Institution receives so many, through its house-to-house appeals, its street collections, and its works appeals of the generous interest which the workers take, and have always taken, in the Life-boat Service. It shows, too, how true is the insight of the British people with regard to the Institution, for its sole aim is the protection of those seafarers who are among the finest of the world's workers, and its Boats are manned by the fishermen, who represent labour in its best, simplest and most heroic form.