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Lowestoft Motor Life-Boat and the Airship R33

ON the morning of 16th April the airship JR33 broke away from her moorings at the aerodrome, at Pulham, in Norfolk, and was carried out to sea by a strong W.S.W. gale. She was seen to cross the coast at 10.15 A.M., obviously in diffi- culties. A telephone call was received at the station from the Coast Guard, passing on a message from Pulham, and it was decided to launch the Motor Life-boat. She got away at 10.40.

H.M.S. Godetia, stationed at Lowestoft, had also put out, and the two followed the airship out to sea. The Life-boat was under sail and motor power, but the wind increased, and the sails had to be taken off. The last the Coxswain saw of the airship she was about 1,000 feet up, and eight miles away. The Life-boat continued to follow until she was about fourteen miles from land. She then returned, while H.M.S. Godetia went on.

The airship was carried across to the Dutch coast, but succeeded in getting back to Pulham on the afternoon of the next day.

The Air Force authority in the Eastern Counties telegraphed its thanks to the Institution for the "valuable support" of the Lowestoft Life-boat, and the Air Ministry wrote, thank- ing the Institution, and asking it to convey to the Lowestoft Coxswain and Crew an " expression of the Air Council's high appreciation of their ser- vices.".