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Life-Boat House, Wembley

LIFE-BOAT HOUSE at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley, will again be open this year. Life-boat workers will be doing the Institution a real service if they will bring this to the notice of any friends who are visiting London during the summer, and tell them how many things of interest are to be seen there. As last year, the chief exhibit will be a Motor Life-boat of the Watson Cabin type, and visitors will be able to go over her. Last year's Boat is now at her Station at Margate. The Wembley Boat this year will, after the Exhibition, be sent to Porthdinllaen in Carnarvonshire. Among the other exhibits will be a Motor Life-boat engine, which, for the purposes of the Exhibition, will be worked by elec- tricity, and working models of Life-boat rescues.

The Life-boat Service will also be represented by pictures, models and relics in a special exhibition, the Court of Honour, which, will be a new feature this year in the British Government Pavilion.

At the Thanksgiving Service on Empire Day, 24th May, which will be attended by the King, and conducted by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, nine Life-boatmen from different Stations, dressed n their oil-skins and belts, will march in the procession which will form part of the ceremony..